WolframAlpha guide on electrical engineering

In summary: F+at+100KHz+output+253nH&a=RF&f=Inductor.L1&f2=10+nF&f3=100+KHzIn summary, WolframAlpha is a computational engine that can supplement already existing software such as mathematica, maple, mathlab, or excel. It can simplify dimensions and scale units, recognize common units, perform basic calculus, solve equations, integrate, and take Laplace and Fourier transforms. It also can plot transfer functions and calculate parallel resistances.
  • #1

WolframAlpha is a freely available computational engine that can supplement already existing software such as mathematica, maple, mathlab, or excel. The purpose of this mini-guide is to go over some of its functionality with emphasis on electrical engineering.


Dimensional analysis:

WolframAlpha recognizes many common units. It will simplify dimensions and scale units. For example,

farad * henry
will generate [time]^2

0.01 uF to pF
will generate 10,000 pF or 10 nF

WolframAlpha also can tap its database to pull up a conversion formula from the context

convert 25 MHz to meters
will convert the frequency to wavelength 12 meters

find energy in 100 uF at 10 KV
will give energy in a capacitor,

or to find inductance to resonate with 10 nF capacitor at 100 Khz; just say that

find inductance for 10 nF at 100 KHz
output 253 nH

Also if you haven't memorized resistor color bands already, you can still look them up

resistor yellow purple red

output: 4.7KComplex numbers and phasors:

Working in polar form is supported in W|A. By typing an impedance in rectangular form

30 + 45i
we are quickly given its magnitude and phase of 54, and 56 degrees

and likewise, we can indicate a phasor in polar form with an exponential e

e^(i pi)
generates -1

we can also manipulate phasors algebraically

100 e^(i 45 deg) + 25 e^(i 30 deg)
output: magnitude = 124, phase = 42 deg

indicate degrees with “deg” otherwise W|A will interpret it in radians.Solving equations:

To solve [itex] x^2 - 2x + 1= 0[/itex], enter the equation as it is
x^2 - 2x + 1 = 0
output x = 1

and W|A solves it. Don't even have to specify the variable to be solved.

Solving systems of equations is just as easy,

[tex] v_1 + v_2 + v_3 = 4 [/tex]

[tex] v_1 - v_2 = 10 [/tex]

[tex] v_1 - 3v_2 + 5v_3 = 8 [/tex]

simply type

v1 + v2 + v3 = 4, v1-v2 = 10, v1 - 3v2 + 5v3 = 8
output v1 = 23/3, v2 = -7/3, v3 = -4/3

just make sure that the equations are separated by a comma.

Differential equations are supported as well. An nth number of apostrophes indicates an nth derivative, and proceed as before. For example to solve

[tex] \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} - \frac{dy}{dx} - 2y = 0 \indent y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 2 [/tex]

enter the code as follows,

y'' – y' - 2 y = 0, y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 2
and we get a solution y = e^2x as well as a plot that can be saved in pdf format, and printed out.We can also maximize and minimize

max 1 - x^2
finds maximum of 1Logic gates and boolean algebra:

Converts number bases,

binary 1111101 to hex
= 7d

We can also work with boolean expression in WolramAlpha, for example

(x or y) and (x or !y)
generates a truth table:http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9384/truthtable.gif

a schematic with logic gates, and even simplifies the expression to a minimal form


Here is the supported syntax:
NOT = !
OR = ||
AND = &&

More on calculus:

W|A can perform basic calculus

take derivatives:

[tex] \frac{d}{dt} cos(t) [/tex]
derivative cos(t)

do integration:

[tex] \int \frac{1}{x+1} dx [/tex]
integrate 1/(x+1) dx

and take Laplace and Fourier transforms:

[tex] \mathcal{L}(x^2), \mathcal{F}(e^x) [/tex]
laplace x^2
fourier  e^x

If you want to graph a transfer function for instance,

[tex] H(s) = \frac{s+10}{s^2 + 4s + 8} [/tex]


 graph (s + 10)/(s^2 + 4s + 8)

and here we have

http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/9715/graph.gif Conclusion:

WolframAlpha uniquely combines different tools into a one freely available package and that expands our tool box. This mini-guide doesn't cover all of W|A, it merely touches upon features that can be used in electrical engineering, for more information visit their examples page


also, W|A is said to expand in the future, enabling more functionality, and tools.
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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks for putting that together, waht. I've stickied this thread to help us learn how to utilize W|A.

Any further posts in this thread should be about tips on how to use W|A and its features. Discussions about W|A and its implications for eductaion, etc., belong in a different thread, like this one: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=307686

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  • #3
Resistor color codes

waht said:
Also if you haven't memorized resistor color bands already, you can still look them up

resistor yellow purple red

output: 4.7K

The inverse operation works also. Type this for input:
resistor color 4.7k ohms
... and the output is an image of the resistor with the correct color bands:

View the full W|A output here:


  • WA_resistor_color_4k7.gif
    1.4 KB · Views: 5,092
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  • #6
Check out the WolframAlpha app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Its pretty awesome!
  • #7
Remember when the WA app cost $50? They thought because it's better than any scientific calculator could be, they could charge that much, but you know, no one would pay that much so they made it $2.
  • #8
is there any advantage over the ipod app vs the standard web version?
  • #9
Would you guys recommend wolfram alpha to a student who is interested in learning more about physics and modeling physics within computing systems? I have a small bit of experience with mathlab, and am hoping to be on the go as I do this (iPad, Android, etc.)
  • #10
I have "Algeo.apk" in my galaxy tab, it is a wonderful application in small scale.

FAQ: WolframAlpha guide on electrical engineering

1. What is WolframAlpha?

WolframAlpha is a computational knowledge engine that provides answers and solutions to a wide range of topics, including electrical engineering. It uses algorithms and curated data to generate results in a structured and organized manner.

2. How can WolframAlpha guide help with electrical engineering?

The WolframAlpha guide on electrical engineering provides step-by-step instructions, examples, and interactive tools to help users learn and understand concepts such as circuit analysis, electromagnetism, and power systems. It also provides access to a vast database of formulas, constants, and properties related to electrical engineering.

3. Is the WolframAlpha guide on electrical engineering suitable for beginners?

Yes, the guide is designed to cater to all levels of understanding, including beginners. It starts with basic concepts and gradually progresses to advanced topics, making it suitable for students, professionals, and hobbyists.

4. Can WolframAlpha guide be used for solving complex electrical engineering problems?

Yes, the guide provides access to a wide range of computational tools and algorithms that can handle complex problems in electrical engineering. It also allows users to input their equations and data to obtain customized solutions.

5. Is the information provided by WolframAlpha guide reliable?

Yes, WolframAlpha uses curated data and algorithms from trusted sources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. It also allows users to check and verify the sources of the data used in their solutions.
