What is the Time Evolution of a Particle in a Harmonic Potential Energy Well?

In summary, a particle in a harmonic potential energy well is described by the initial wave function Ψ(x, 0) = (1/
  • #1
1. A particle in a harmonic potential energy well is in a state described by the initial wave function

Ψ(x, 0) = (1/√2) (ψ1(x)+ iψ3(x))

where ψ1(x)and ψ3(x) are real normalized energy eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator with quantum numbers n =1 and n = 3 respectively.

Write down an expression for Ψ(x, t) that is valid for all t> 0. Express your answer in terms of ψ1(x), ψ3(x)and ω0, the classical angular frequency of the oscillator.

Find an expression for the probability density function at any time t> 0. Express your answer in terms of ψ1(x), ψ3(x), ω0 and t.Use the symmetry of this function to show that the expectation value,<x> = 0 at all times.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have reached Ψ(x, t) = (1/√2) (ψ1(x)exp(-3iw[tex]_{}0[/tex]t/2+ iψ3(x)exp(-7iw[tex]_{}0[/tex]t/2)

for part (b) I'm not sure how to calculate the probability density function at any time t>0 ?

I know that the probability density needs to be even function of x and so therefore being symmetrical about the centre of the well at all times.

Then using the sandwich integral to calculate <x>, it will yield zero as the integrand is an odd function.
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  • #2
What is the definition of the probability density function?
  • #3
it's just the |Ψ|^2 is it not? I don't know how to do the math
  • #4
That's correct, do you now that [itex]\psi^* \psi=|\psi|^2[/itex], with [itex]\psi^*[/itex] the conjugated wave function?
  • #5
so the conjugate of Ψ(x, t) is (1/√2)(ψ1(x)exp(+3iwt/2) + iψ3(x)exp(7iwt/2)) ?
  • #6
The exponentials disappear and then |Ψ|^2 = (1/2)(ψ1(x) - ψ3(x)).

Am I on the right tracks here?
  • #7
That doesn't look correct to me. Write out the whole expression and show your steps, start with showing what you got for[itex]\psi^*[/itex].
  • #8
i get [tex]\Psi[/tex][tex]\ast[/tex]=(1/√2)(ψ1(x)exp(+3iwt/2) + iψ3(x)exp(7iwt/2)) for
  • #9
That is not correct. Note that there is an i in front of [itex]\psi_3[/itex].
  • #10
[tex]\Psi[/tex][tex]\ast[/tex]=(1/√2)(ψ1(x)exp(+3iwt/2) - iψ3(x)exp(7iwt/2))
  • #11
Looking good. Now multiply and be careful when working out the brackets.
  • #12
Right so I should have

|[tex]\Psi[/tex]|^2 = 1/2 |[tex]\psi[/tex]1|^2 + |[tex]\psi[/tex]3|^2

+ 2[tex]\psi[/tex]1[tex]\psi[/tex]3sin(2wot)
  • #13
Almost correct, don't forget that the entire expression is multiplied by 1/2 not just the first term.

Now write down the expression for <x>.
  • #14
that should have been

|[tex]\Psi[/tex]|^2 = [1/2][|[tex]\psi[/tex]1|^2 + |[tex]\psi[/tex]3|^2

+ 2[tex]\psi[/tex]1[tex]\psi[/tex]3sin(2wot)]

FAQ: What is the Time Evolution of a Particle in a Harmonic Potential Energy Well?

1. What is a harmonic potential energy well?

A harmonic potential energy well is a type of potential energy function that is commonly used to describe the behavior of particles in a physical system. It is a parabolic function that represents the potential energy of a particle as a function of its position.

2. How is a harmonic potential energy well created?

A harmonic potential energy well is created by a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position. This force is typically described by Hooke's law, which states that the force is equal to the negative of the spring constant multiplied by the displacement.

3. What are the properties of a harmonic potential energy well?

A harmonic potential energy well has several important properties, including a stable equilibrium at the minimum of the potential energy, symmetric behavior around the equilibrium point, and a parabolic shape. It also has a characteristic energy known as the zero-point energy, which is the minimum energy a particle can have in the well.

4. What is the significance of harmonic potential energy wells in physics?

Harmonic potential energy wells are significant in physics because they are used to model a wide range of physical systems, including atoms, molecules, and solid materials. They also play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of quantum mechanical systems and the concept of energy quantization.

5. How does the depth of a harmonic potential energy well affect the behavior of particles?

The depth of a harmonic potential energy well determines the amount of energy required for a particle to escape from the well. A deeper well will require more energy for a particle to escape, while a shallower well will have a lower energy barrier for particles. This can impact the stability and dynamics of the system, as well as the energy levels of the particles within the well.
