More correlation functions (Chapter 4, Peskin and Schroeder)

In summary, the equation 4.29 of Peskin and Schroeder is obtained by taking the Hermitian adjoint of equation 4.28 and making the transformation t_0 \rightarrow -t_0. This process involves using the Hermitian conjugate of the operator U(t, t') and taking the limit as T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon). However, directly taking the Hermitian adjoint of equation 4.28 may lead to incorrect results, as it involves dealing with complex limits and integrals. A more rigorous derivation involves starting from equation 4.27 and taking its conjugate, followed by taking the appropriate limit to get rid of higher modes.
  • #1
Hi everyone

I am trying to get equation 4.29 of Peskin and Schroeder from equation 4.28. This is what I did

[tex]|\Omega\rangle = \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)}\left(e^{-iE_{0}(t_{0}-(-T))}\langle\Omega|0\rangle\right)U(t_0, -T)|0\rangle[/tex]

Take the Hermitian Adjoint of both sides.

[tex]\langle \Omega| = \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)}\langle 0|U^{\dagger}(t_0, -T)\left(e^{iE_0(t_0-(-T))}\langle 0|\Omega\rangle\right)^{-1}[/tex]

Make the transformation [itex]t_0 \rightarrow -t_0[/itex].

[tex]\langle \Omega| = \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)}\langle 0|U^{\dagger}(-t_0, -T)\left(e^{iE_0(-t_0+T))}\langle 0|\Omega\rangle\right)^{-1}[/tex]

Equation 4.25 is

[tex]U(t, t') = e^{iH_0(t-t_0)}e^{-iH(t-t')}e^{-iH_0(t'-t_0)}[/tex]


[tex][U(t, t')]^{\dagger} = e^{iH_0(t'-t_0)}e^{-iH(t'-t)}e^{-iH_0(t-t_0)} = U(t', t)[/tex]

using which, the third equation from top becomes

[tex]\langle \Omega| = \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)}\langle 0|U(-T,-t_0)\left(e^{iE_0(-t_0+T))}\langle 0|\Omega\rangle\right)^{-1}[/tex]

How to proceed further?

I have to show that

[tex]\langle \Omega| = \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)}\langle 0| U(T, t_0)\left(e^{-iE_0(T-t_0)}\langle 0|\Omega\rangle\right)^{-1}[/tex]

Also, isn't [itex]U(a, b)[/itex] defined only when [itex]a \geq b[/itex]? Strictly, [itex][U(t, t')]^{\dagger} = U(t', t)[/itex] shouldn't even be a valid statement.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
I've attached another (wrong) attempt to get the final result, along with a description of why I think its wrong. Curiously it gives the right answer. I'd appreciate some help with this.


  • correlation_fxn2.pdf
    47.1 KB · Views: 384
  • #3
You have to be careful with the [itex]i\epsilon[/itex]'s when taking the hermitian conjugate. I don't like the way P&S do this (or the way they do much of anything else, for that matter). See problem 9.5 in Srednicki for a clearer (IMO) explanation.
  • #4
Avodyne said:
You have to be careful with the [itex]i\epsilon[/itex]'s when taking the hermitian conjugate. I don't like the way P&S do this (or the way they do much of anything else, for that matter). See problem 9.5 in Srednicki for a clearer (IMO) explanation.

Ok, I had a look at it. Seems like you don't have to expand the ket (or bra) in terms of [itex]|n\rangle[/itex] the way P&S have done. Nice clean way.

But can you please point out the mistake in the P&S-based approach? I have detailed all my steps in the pdf file attached in my last post.

EDIT -- Okay, even in the step in Srednick's book where he asks to prove that

[tex]\langle 0|U^{\dagger}(T,0) = \langle 0|\phi\rangle\langle\phi|[/tex]

there is a similar problem I face when trying to simplify to get the right hand side. First, how do contributions from the excited states vanish, and second, how does the first term [itex]\langle 0|\phi\rangle\langle\phi[/itex] appear without the exponential terms involving H and H_0?
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  • #5
In Srednicki's approach,

[tex]U^\dagger(T,0)=e^{iHT}e^{-iH_0 T}.[/tex]

Then, [itex]\langle 0|H=0,[/itex] so [itex]\langle 0|e^{iHT}=\langle 0|[/itex], and so [itex]\langle 0|U^\dagger(T,0)=\langle 0|e^{-iH_0 T}.[/itex] Now replace [itex]H_0[/itex] with [itex](1-i\epsilon)H_0[/itex], so [itex]e^{-iH_0 T}[/itex] becomes [itex]e^{- H_0 \epsilon T}e^{-iH_0 T}[/itex]. Now insert a complete set of eigenstates of [itex]H_0[/itex] to the left of this operator; then we can replace [itex]H_0[/itex] with its eigenvalue, which is positive or zero. If it's positive, the factor of [itex]e^{-E_n \epsilon T}[/itex] goes to zero as [itex]T\to +\infty[/itex].
  • #6
Avodyne said:
In Srednicki's approach,

[tex]U^\dagger(T,0)=e^{iHT}e^{-iH_0 T}.[/tex]

Yeah, got it..[itex]t_0 = 0[/itex].
  • #7
In general, if an operator definition consists of limits or integral limits that are themselves complex, then does the Hermitian adjoint affect the limits?

The way I thought about this is that [itex]T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)[/itex] is equivalent to the substitution [itex]T = \Lambda(1-i\epsilon)[/itex] and [itex]\Lambda\rightarrow\infty[/itex], so that now, the limit is over a purely real number. But if one has an integral with complex limits, it may not always be convenient or correct to reparametrize the measure (e.g. volume) in the complex plane, right?
  • #8
maverick280857 said:
I've attached another (wrong) attempt to get the final result, along with a description of why I think its wrong. Curiously it gives the right answer. I'd appreciate some help with this.
I'm reading this too recently.
I think you proposed a good point.
It's dangerous to directly take hermitian conjugate of (4.28) to obtain (4.29).
Because, we will face the expression
[tex] \langle 0| e^{iH2T} [/tex]
which we can't deal with.
However, I can't explain the coincidence that if we take the above expression to be
[tex] \langle 0| e^{iE_0 2T} [/tex]
we get the (4.29).

The strict derivation of (4.29) should start from the equation above (4.27), take its conjugate, and take the appropriate limit to get rid of higher modes:
[tex] \langle \Omega | = \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)} \langle 0|e^{-iHT}\left( e^{-iE_0T}\langle0|\Omega\rangle \right)^{-1} \\
= \lim_{T\rightarrow\infty(1-i\epsilon)}\langle 0 | U(T,t_0) \left( e^{-iE_0(T-t_0)}\langle0|\Omega\rangle \right)^{-1} = (4.29)[/tex]

Related to More correlation functions (Chapter 4, Peskin and Schroeder)

1. What are correlation functions?

Correlation functions are mathematical quantities used to study the relationships between different variables in a physical system. They can be used to quantify how strongly two variables are related, and can provide insight into the underlying mechanisms of a system.

2. Why are correlation functions important in physics?

Correlation functions are important in physics because they allow us to test theoretical predictions and make comparisons with experimental data. They also help us understand the fundamental principles and interactions governing physical systems.

3. What is the difference between a two-point and a three-point correlation function?

A two-point correlation function measures the relationship between two variables at a single point in space and time. A three-point correlation function, on the other hand, measures the relationship between three variables at different points in space and time. It provides more information about the interactions and correlations between these variables.

4. How are correlation functions calculated?

Correlation functions are typically calculated using mathematical techniques such as Fourier transforms or path integrals. These methods involve summing over all possible paths or configurations of a system to determine the probability of a particular outcome.

5. Can correlation functions be used to make predictions?

Yes, correlation functions can be used to make predictions about the behavior of a physical system. By studying the correlations between different variables, we can make predictions about how they will change in response to external factors or interactions with other variables.

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