9/12 Grassroots movement or Fox News movement?

In summary: Yesterday's rally was to protest the Obama administration, not to support him. Glenn Beck's involvement is pretty irrelevant.
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  • #2
Well, today is 9/12, but in any case, what does it matter who the leader of the project/movement is?

Also, you aren't confusing this with the marches going on in Washington today, are you?
WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of fiscal conservatives packed streets in the nation's capital Saturday to protest what they consider the federal government's out-of-control spending.

That's apparently led by Dick Armey:
FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, organized several groups from across the country for what they're calling the "09.12.09 March on Washington."
That's from the USA Today aricle. Here's the website of the organization: http://www.freedomworks.org/
  • #3
It'a a mixture of a lot of things really.
  • #4
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
The tea-baggers claimed a huge crowd turned out, but the truth is that the crowd numbered only in the tens of thousands despite organization, support, and promotion from the right. The monster crowd pictures disseminated in right-wing circles are actually from a Promise-Keepers rally over 10 years ago.


NBC doesn't seem to agree.
  • #6
WhoWee said:
NBC doesn't seem to agree.
Even Fox news reported that the crowd numbered in the "tens of thousands" which agrees with the estimates made by the DC Fire-Department who would have been responsible for public safety and first-responder planning had the crowds been larger. When Fox refuses to up the ante over "tens of thousands" despite their tendency to inflate right-wing events, it's a good time to take a breath. Officials in DC said that the mall was well-occupied from the Capitol to 3rd street, which is a far cry from the crowd that attended Promise-Keepers and filled the mall back to 17th street and spilled over into the area around the Washington Monument.

If you want to trust news-outlets and spokespersons instead of public-safety officials who actually do this stuff for a living, ... fine.
  • #7
turbo-1 said:
Even Fox news reported that the crowd numbered in the "tens of thousands" which agrees with the estimates made by the DC Fire-Department who would have been responsible for public safety and first-responder planning had the crowds been larger. When Fox refuses to up the ante over "tens of thousands" despite their tendency to inflate right-wing events, it's a good time to take a breath. Officials in DC said that the mall was well-occupied from the Capitol to 3rd street, which is a far cry from the crowd that attended Promise-Keepers and filled the mall back to 17th street and spilled over into the area around the Washington Monument.

If you want to trust news-outlets and spokespersons instead of public-safety officials who actually do this stuff for a living, ... fine.

I don't know how many people were there. I just thought it interesting that NBC reported hundreds of thousands.

This is a possible explanation for the Park Police estimate.


Chronicling the high cost of our legal system
D.C. park police crowd estimates

by Walter Olson on September 13, 2009

The hot blog topic of the moment is over the size of the crowds at yesterday’s “9/12″ Washington rallies critical of the Obama administration’s direction. As we noted back in 2004, U.S. National Park police, who are in charge of the Mall and related public spaces, used to estimate crowd sizes, but when their assessment of attendance at the Million Man March differed from that of march organizers, the organizers threatened to sue. So park police stopped putting out crowd estimates, which now seem to be left to the probably less expert D.C. fire department. Don’t we all feel better informed now?"

I lived in D.C. and have been in large crowds around the monument. I remember a 4th of July concert featuring the Beach Boys (with Ringo on drums), the Grass Roots, and a young Janet Jackson that had a million people and there was plenty of room to spare.

This looked like a fairly large crowd to me - nothing else.

FAQ: 9/12 Grassroots movement or Fox News movement?


What is the 9/12 Grassroots movement?

The 9/12 Grassroots movement was a political movement that emerged in 2009 in response to the policies of the Obama administration. It was organized by conservative radio and television host Glenn Beck, and focused on promoting nine principles and twelve values that were intended to restore America to the values and principles of the post-9/11 period.


What were the goals of the 9/12 Grassroots movement?

The goals of the 9/12 Grassroots movement were to promote limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberties. It also aimed to hold elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions, and to promote a strong national defense.


What is the Fox News movement?

The Fox News movement, also known as the "Tea Party movement," was a conservative political movement that emerged in 2009 and gained prominence through coverage on the Fox News channel. It shared many of the same principles and values as the 9/12 Grassroots movement and focused on promoting conservative policies and criticizing the Obama administration.


What impact did the 9/12 Grassroots movement and Fox News movement have?

The 9/12 Grassroots movement and Fox News movement had a significant impact on American politics during the 2008 and 2012 elections. They helped mobilize and energize conservative voters, leading to the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in 2010 and the election of Donald Trump as president in 2016.


What are some criticisms of the 9/12 Grassroots movement and Fox News movement?

One of the main criticisms of these movements is that they spread misinformation and promote a divisive and polarizing political climate. Critics also argue that they are heavily influenced by corporate interests and do not accurately represent the views of all Americans.

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