Identifying the Forces of the Weak Angle Coupling Constant: Spin or Charge?

In summary, the two forces involved in the weak angle coupling constant are spin and charge. However, it is not clear if these are the only two forces involved, as the existence of two new forces cannot be ruled out. The coupling constant of the "weak" force is G_F, which is related to the W and Z particles. There is also a coupling constant for the "neutral weak force", which was predicted and later discovered. It is produced from the other coupling constants using the Weinberg angle. The accuracy of the question is questionable as it assumes that spin and charge are the only two forces involved, which is not necessarily true.
  • #1
You still have not answered the question; What are the two forces of the weak angle coupling constant?

We have spin and charge as known forces. If you can not specifically identify spin or charge as one of the two forces involved in the weak coupling constant than for all you know there could be two new forces that couple together?

Where is Vanadium 50. May be he can answer how the the measured V-A theory [tex]g_v[/tex] and [tex]g_A[/tex] weak angle values are identified to be either charge [tex]g_v[/tex] and the other force of the weak coupling [tex]g_A[/tex] or as the other force of the weak coupling [tex]g_v[/tex] and spin [tex]g_A[/tex]?
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  • #2
The electric charge e (and thus the fine structure constant) is defined as:

[tex] e = \dfrac{g\,g' }{\sqrt{g^2 + {g'}^2}} [/tex]

where g' , g are the U(1)_Y and SU(2)_L coupling constants respectively. Recall that the symmetry is BROKEN from SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y to U(1)_em so one can not call g and g' as "coupling constants of a force".
  • #3
I can not see the problem. The result of the failure of symmetry is a short-range force instead of a long range one, but still a force.
  • #4
arivero said:
I can not see the problem. The result of the failure of symmetry is a short-range force instead of a long range one, but still a force.

So the coupling constant of the "weak" force is?
  • #5
ansgar said:
So the coupling constant of the "weak" force is?


OK I think I see some point. We start we two coupling constants g g' AND a mass scale (the vacuum expected value of of the higgs field). So three quantities. But the historic experimental theory used only two coupling constants, [itex]e[/itex] and [itex]G_F[/itex].

Of course the answer is that [itex]G_F[/itex] is the coupling constant of the "charged weak force", related to the W particle, ant then we have another coupling constant for the "neutral weak force", related to the Z. Neutral currents were first predicted and only discovered later, so there is not a trace of this constant in the textbooks, it is produced from the other, using the Weinberg angle.
  • #6
exactly arivero :)
  • #7
Another issue is symmetry restoration. For simplicity, and even again the OP, let's put [itex]M_W=M_Z[/itex]. It is OK to have [itex]e=0[/itex]. Now let's move [tex]M_W,M_Z\to 0[/tex]. The couplings g and g' should emerge as couplings of two long-range forces, but it is not obvious from the empirical lagrangian.
  • #8
enotstrebor said:
You still have not answered the question; What are the two forces of the weak angle coupling constant?

We have spin and charge as known forces. If you can not specifically identify spin or charge as one of the two forces involved in the weak coupling constant than for all you know there could be two new forces that couple together?

Where is Vanadium 50. May be he can answer how the the measured V-A theory [tex]g_v[/tex] and [tex]g_A[/tex] weak angle values are identified to be either charge [tex]g_v[/tex] and the other force of the weak coupling [tex]g_A[/tex] or as the other force of the weak coupling [tex]g_v[/tex] and spin [tex]g_A[/tex]?

Can no one answer this question?

How about you Vanadium 50?
  • #9
Your question is so riddled with inaccuracies, I doubt anyone can answer it. "We have spin and charge as known forces" indeed.

"Miss Vito, what would the correct ignition timing be on a 1955 Bel Air Chevrolet, with a 327 cubic-inch engine and a four-barrel carburetor?"
  • #10
Vanadium 50,

Since you choose not to enlighten but to vilify, I will make it simple for you, just answer the first line, i.e.

What are the two forces involved in the weak angle coupling constant?
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  • #11
And since you choose to ignore the answers you've been given, I'll close the thread.

Related to Identifying the Forces of the Weak Angle Coupling Constant: Spin or Charge?

What is the weak angle coupling constant?

The weak angle coupling constant, also known as the Weinberg angle or the weak mixing angle, is a dimensionless quantity in particle physics that describes the strength of the interaction between particles in the electroweak force. It is denoted by the symbol θW and has a value of approximately 28.7 degrees.

How is the weak angle coupling constant related to the electroweak force?

The weak angle coupling constant is a fundamental parameter in the unified theory of the electroweak force, which combines the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force. It determines the strength of the interactions between particles mediated by the W and Z bosons, which are responsible for the weak force.

What is the significance of the weak angle coupling constant in particle physics research?

The value of the weak angle coupling constant is important in understanding the behavior of elementary particles and their interactions. It is also a crucial parameter in the theoretical predictions of particle physics models, such as the Standard Model, and is used in experimental studies to test the validity of these models.

How is the value of the weak angle coupling constant determined?

The value of the weak angle coupling constant is not directly measured, but is calculated from other fundamental parameters, such as the mass of the W and Z bosons, the electric charge of the electron, and the fine-structure constant. These values are obtained through experiments and theoretical calculations, and the weak angle coupling constant is derived from them using mathematical equations.

Has the value of the weak angle coupling constant been experimentally verified?

Yes, the value of the weak angle coupling constant has been experimentally confirmed through various high-energy physics experiments, such as those conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. These experiments have provided strong evidence for the validity of the Standard Model and the role of the weak angle coupling constant in particle interactions.

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