Proof of a definite multiple integral relation

In summary, Mathman showed me how to solve integrals of the form \begin{equation}\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\sin\theta f\left(\alpha\sin\theta\cos\phi+\beta\sin\theta\sin\phi+\gamma\cos\theta\right)g\left(a\sin\theta\cos\phi+b\sin\theta\sin\phi+c\cos\theta\right) d\theta d\phi\nonumber\end{equation}by looking at the dot product of a unit vector
  • #1

The following is identity no. 4.624 in Gradshteyn & Ryzhik's Table of Integrals, Series and Products:
\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}f\left(\alpha\cos\theta+\beta\sin\theta\cos\phi+\gamma\sin\theta\sin\phi\right)\sin\theta d\theta d\phi=2\pi\int_0^{\pi}f\left(R\cos p\right)\sin p\, dp = 2\pi\int_{-1}^{1}f\left(Rt\right)dt\nonumber
R = \sqrt{\alpha^2+\beta^2+\gamma^2}.\nonumber
I would like to know how this can be proved, in particular, how to get from the first to the second integral. I know that a substitution of [tex]t=\cos p[/tex] will get you from the second to third integral.

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  • #2
I haven't worked out the details (I'll leave that to you),
but the general idea is repeated application of acosx + bsinx=r(cosxcosy+sinxsiny)=rcos(x-y)
where r² = a² + b² and y=arctan(b/a). You can also use an analogous trick to end up with sin(x+y).
  • #3

Thanks for your help. I have followed your advice on first [tex]\phi[/tex] and then [tex]\theta[/tex] and got the following.

Starting from
which becomes
and then

However, I cannot get beyond this point to reduce the term in the square root to [tex]R[/tex]. Am I missing something?
  • #4
The only thing I can suggest is that you try combining α with βcosφ + γsinφ first. Good luck!
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  • #5
Ignore previous answers - I finally got it! It can't be done one angle at a time, as far as I can tell. However looking at from a spherical coordinate point of view it is relatively simple (after much thought).

Start be defining a unit vector V = (α/R,β/R,γ/R), where R is as defined in the original problem.
Let Q=(x,y,z) be a point (in rectangular coordinates) on the surface of the sphere of radius R.
Then the argument of the function (f) is simply the dot product of V and Q.
This is independent of the angular coordinate system you are using, i.e. what you have is the integral of f(V.Q) over the entire surface of the sphere.
Choose a set of spherical coordinates with the axis in the same direction as V and you will get the second integral (or the equivalent with sin and cos switched and end points adjusted accordingly).

This will work!
  • #6
Thanks for your help Mathman, it makes sense to me now! I had begun to work on it from the point of view of the surface area of a sphere but hadn't managed to get it.

Thank you!
  • #7
Hi Mathman,

I am trying to extend the method you suggested to solving integrals of the form

\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\sin\theta f\left(\alpha\sin\theta\cos\phi+\beta\sin\theta\sin\phi+\gamma\cos\theta\right)g\left(a\sin\theta\cos\phi+b\sin\theta\sin\phi+c\cos\theta\right) d\theta d\phi\nonumber
\end{equation} [/tex]

As before, I have treated it as the dot product of a unit vector and a vector on a sphere. In this case there are two such dot products
\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\sin\theta f\left(\mathbf{v_1}.\mathbf{Q_1}\right)g\left(\mathbf{v_2}.\mathbf{Q_2}\right) d\theta d\phi\nonumber
\mathbf{v_1}= \left(\frac{\alpha}{R_1},\frac{\beta}{R_1},\frac{\gamma}{R_1}\right),
\mathbf{v_2}= \left(\frac{a}{R_2},\frac{b}{R_2},\frac{c}{R_2}\right)\nonumber
R_1 = \sqrt{\alpha^2+\beta^2+\gamma^2},R_2 = \sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2}\nonumber
I then rotated the coordinate system such that the z-axis (from which [tex]\theta[/tex] is measured) lies along the vector [tex]\mathbf{v_1}[/tex] which allows me to reduce the integral to
\int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}\sin \psi f\left(R_1\cos \psi\right)g\left(R_2\cos\left(\lambda-\psi\right)\cos\phi\right)d\phi d\psi\nonumber
\lambda = \arccos\left(\mathbf{v_1}.\mathbf{v_2}\right).\nonumber

I am wondering if there is anyway that I can reduce this to a single integral as was done in the previous case.So far, I have only managed to do this if [tex]\mathbf{v_1}[/tex] and [tex]\mathbf{v_2}[/tex] are parallel. Thanks in advance!
  • #8
After I posted the note for the previous solution I realized that it is slightly simpler if V = (α,β,γ) so V would have length R and the sphere would now have unit radius.

Generalizing to your second problem is better using this approach, since you would have v1 = (α,β,γ) abd v2=(a,b,c) allowing the same Q to be used in the arguments for f and g.
I don't know if this helps.

FAQ: Proof of a definite multiple integral relation

1. What is a "Proof of a definite multiple integral relation"?

A proof of a definite multiple integral relation is a mathematical method used to show the relationship between multiple integrals and their variables, and to calculate the exact values of these integrals.

2. How is a definite multiple integral relation different from a regular integral?

A definite multiple integral relation involves multiple variables and is used to calculate the values of integrals over a specific region, while a regular integral is a single variable function used to find the area under a curve.

3. What is the purpose of using a proof of a definite multiple integral relation?

The purpose of using a proof of a definite multiple integral relation is to accurately calculate the value of an integral over a specific region, which is often necessary in real-world applications such as calculating volume, mass, or work.

4. What are some common techniques used in proving definite multiple integral relations?

Some common techniques used in proving definite multiple integral relations include changing the order of integration, using symmetry properties, and applying substitution or transformation methods.

5. Can definite multiple integral relations be used in higher dimensions?

Yes, definite multiple integral relations can be used in higher dimensions, such as three-dimensional space, by extending the concept of integration to multiple variables.

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