Estimate Time for Air Molecule Movement at STP

In summary, we estimate that it would take approximately 1.54x10^-6 seconds for a nitrogen molecule to move into the region occupied by another at STP, assuming that air consists mainly of nitrogen molecules. This is calculated by dividing the average distance between nitrogen molecules at STP by the average speed of a nitrogen molecule.
  • #1

Homework Statement

From the average separation between air molecules at STP, and their mean speed, estimate how long it would take one molecule to move into the region occupied by another. Assume that air consists mainly of nitrogen molecules.

Homework Equations

v(rms)=sq root(3kT/m)
molecular mass of nitrogen is 28u

The Attempt at a Solution

Do i just ignore oxygen and just work on nitrogen molecules?
I don't know how to find the average separation of air molecules at STP.
the average speed of a nitrogen molecule works out to be:
v=sq root([(3)(1.38x10^-23)(273)]/4.6x10^-26
what should i do next?
Physics news on
  • #2
aal0315 said:
I don't know how to find the average separation of air molecules at STP.

Imagine for a moment all molecules don't move and each sits in the center of its own cube. What is volume of this cube? What is a distance to each of the neighbors?

  • #3
ok, so i read in my course notes that the average distance between nitrogen molecules at STP is 3.34x10^-9m because one mole of gas at STP contains 6.02x10^23 molecules and the total volume is 22.4L. So you divide the volume by the number of molecules to get the distance right? and then to get the time it takes to move, you just multiple the velocity by the distance?
so 462m/s x 3.34x10^-9 = 1.54x10^-6 seconds
does this make sense?
  • #4
Logic looks OK to me.

  • #5
thank you for the help

FAQ: Estimate Time for Air Molecule Movement at STP

1. How is the time for air molecule movement at STP estimated?

The time for air molecule movement at STP is estimated using the kinetic theory of gases, which states that the average speed of gas molecules is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the molecular weight of the gas. This theory allows us to calculate the average speed of air molecules at STP and thus estimate the time it takes for them to move a certain distance.

2. What is STP and why is it important for estimating air molecule movement?

STP stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure, which is defined as a temperature of 273.15 K (0 degrees Celsius) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa). This standard is important for estimating air molecule movement because it provides a consistent and easily replicable set of conditions for experiments and calculations.

3. Does the size of the air molecules affect the estimated time for movement at STP?

Yes, the size of the air molecules does affect the estimated time for movement at STP. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the average speed of gas molecules is inversely proportional to their molecular weight. This means that larger molecules will move slower than smaller molecules, and thus take longer to cover the same distance at STP.

4. Can the estimated time for air molecule movement at STP be different for different gases?

Yes, the estimated time for air molecule movement at STP can be different for different gases. This is because the average speed of gas molecules is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the molecular weight of the gas. Therefore, gases with different molecular weights will have different average speeds and thus different estimated times for movement at STP.

5. How accurate is the estimated time for air molecule movement at STP?

The estimated time for air molecule movement at STP is relatively accurate, but it may vary slightly due to experimental limitations and assumptions made in the calculations. Additionally, the actual movement of air molecules is affected by factors such as air pressure, air density, and collisions with other molecules, which can also contribute to some degree of uncertainty in the estimation.
