I have some trouble with the fourth spatial dimension

  • Thread starter TubbaBlubba
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a 3-sphere and its properties, including its relation to lower dimensional spheres and its compactness and lack of boundary. The conversation also mentions the Poincare conjecture, which states that the 3-sphere is the only 3-dimensional space with these properties. The concept is intriguing and the speaker expresses a desire to learn more.
  • #1
I suppose it might be appropriate here. I'm not really looking for an answer in pure maths (Topology is waaaaaaaaaaay beyond me), but rather in concept.

Now, I can appreciate the properties of a tesseract, how it relates to and derives from the cube (I think of it as either putting 8 cubes together, or "pushing" the vertices of a cube into a fourth dimension), at least from a projective view.

I also have a "feeling" for the properties of a Klein bottle and I can accept the way it's constructed.

However, I've been wrestling about the thoughts of a spatially "enclosed" universe for a while. I've been thinking about a 2-d world on a sphere (which would have no way out, but never encounter a border).

Logically, one would move on to the 3-sphere (I think that's what it called?) but I can't quite grasp the concept or implications of it. All projections of it that I've seen simply seem to be an infinite amount of rings superimposed into a torus of some sort? Can anyone attempt to explain what the 3-sphere is trying to imply and what "properties" it would have?

This is purely out of recreation and curiosity on my part, I'm unlikely to ever come in touch with mathemathics of this sort. Regardless, I have a bit of a keen interest in it. While I might not have a good knowledge of the relevant mathemathics, I can PROBABLY wrap my head around the concepts required to it.

I hope someone will make an attempt to enlighten this uneducated lad.
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  • #2
One way to get a grip on the 3-sphere is to consider analogies with lower dimensional spheres (a regular 2-dimensional sphere and circle). If you consider a sphere and intersect it with a plane (a 2-dimensional infinite and flat surface in 3-space), you will get circles. If you take the 3-sphere and intersect it with a hyperplane in 4-space (a 3-dimensional infinite flat "surface" in 4-space) you will get spheres. Algebraically, the 3 sphere is the set of all numbers (x,y,z,w) that satisfy x^2+y^2+z^2+w^2 = 1.

Of all the possible 3-dimensional spaces, the 3-sphere has some very nice properties. First of all, it is compact which basically means it is finite in size. Like you mentioned, it has no boundary. It also has the property that if you have a loop in it you can shrink it to a point (this is also happens on the regular sphere but doesn't happen on a torus since you can take a loop that goes around the hole). It was actually shown a few years ago that this is the only 3 dimensional space that has these properties (this is the Poincare conjecture).
  • #3
Thanks a lot! I looked a bit more into it, and I think I can get a bit of a grip on it with the analogy of orthagonally superimposing two 2-spheres in a 4-dimensional room.

Definitely an interesting object.

FAQ: I have some trouble with the fourth spatial dimension

What is the fourth spatial dimension?

The fourth spatial dimension is a theoretical concept in physics that describes an additional dimension beyond the three dimensions of length, width, and height that we experience in our daily lives. It is often referred to as the "fourth dimension" or "time" dimension.

Why is it difficult to understand the fourth spatial dimension?

It is difficult to understand the fourth spatial dimension because our brains are limited to comprehending three-dimensional objects and spaces. The concept of a fourth dimension is not something we can easily visualize or experience in our everyday lives.

How does the fourth spatial dimension affect our world?

The fourth spatial dimension is a fundamental aspect of the universe and plays a role in theories such as general relativity and quantum mechanics. It is believed to influence the behavior of matter and energy, and may also have implications for the concept of time.

Can we travel or access the fourth spatial dimension?

As of now, there is no known way to physically travel or access the fourth spatial dimension. The concept is purely theoretical and has not been proven to exist. However, some scientists believe that it may be possible to indirectly observe the effects of the fourth dimension through advanced experiments and observations.

What are some real-world applications of understanding the fourth spatial dimension?

Understanding the fourth spatial dimension can help us gain a deeper understanding of the universe and its workings. It may also have practical applications in fields such as astrophysics, engineering, and computer science. Additionally, understanding the fourth dimension could potentially lead to advancements in technology and space exploration.

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