What Is the Term for the Phenomenon of Experiencing the Same Situation Twice?

  • Thread starter jackson6612
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In summary, the movie is about a person who experiences déjà vu or deja vi, and consults Wikipedia to learn more about the psychological phenomenon.
  • #1
Some days ago they were playing a movie the plot of which was mainly centered on the phenomena where it appears to one that they have encountered the same situation, state of events previously in their past life. Then, I just watched it for a few minutes, and consulted Wikipedia for the story line.

I don't remember any details about this movie at the present time, details such as the title of the movie, name of the lead actor. I have been unsuccessfully trying to recall the technical term for that psychological phenomena which Wikipedia mentioned. So, could you please help me with this?

phenomena where it appears to one that they have encountered same situation previously
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Deja vu?
  • #3
Déjà vu?
  • #4
What's the phenomena called when you have the feeling someone else just posted the same post?
  • #5
Deja vu?
  • #6
Office_Shredder said:
Deja vu?

lisab said:
Déjà vu?
Finally, a situation where it is actually appropriate to say that it's deja vu, all over again!
  • #7
The minute the term "Deja vi" appeared to my eyes the mind witnessed that it's the very term I was looking for somewhere in the oblivion of my mind. The movie was also titled after it. Thanks a lot.
  • #8
jackson6612 said:
The minute the term "Deja vi" appeared to my eyes the mind witnessed that it's the very term I was looking for somewhere in the oblivion of my mind.
I've been there...
  • #9
I swear I've seen this thread before!
  • #10
Yogi Berra quote about a bad play in baseball: "This is like Déjà vu all over again".
  • #11
I thought it was called a closed timelike loop.
  • #12
Gokul43201 said:
Finally, a situation where it is actually appropriate to say that it's deja vu, all over again!

edward said:
Yogi Berra quote about a bad play in baseball: "This is like Déjà vu all over again".

Is there an echo in here or am I just imagining I've heard this somewhere before?
  • #13
I think I remember a thread like this from a while ago.
  • #14
GeorginaS said:
Is there an echo in here or am I just imagining I've heard this somewhere before?

This thread is killing me.
  • #15
KalamMekhar said:
I think I remember a thread like this from a while ago.

Deja vu?
  • #16
I get the strangest feeling I've seen a movie like that before.
  • #17
This is a strange and unique experence, this Deja vu
  • #18
Some days ago they were playing a movie the plot of which was mainly centered on the phenomena where it appears to one that they have encountered the same situation, state of events previously in their past life. Then, I just watched it for a few minutes, and consulted Wikipedia for the story line.

I don't remember any details about this movie at the present time, details such as the title of the movie, name of the lead actor. I have been unsuccessfully trying to recall the technical term for that psychological phenomena which Wikipedia mentioned. So, could you please help me with this?

phenomena where it appears to one that they have encountered same situation previously
  • #19
Leave it to physics kids to make the same tired joke over, and over again.
  • #20
KalamMekhar said:
Some days ago they were playing a movie the plot of which was mainly centered on the phenomena where it appears to one that they have encountered the same situation, state of events previously in their past life. Then, I just watched it for a few minutes, and consulted Wikipedia for the story line.

I don't remember any details about this movie at the present time, details such as the title of the movie, name of the lead actor. I have been unsuccessfully trying to recall the technical term for that psychological phenomena which Wikipedia mentioned. So, could you please help me with this?

phenomena where it appears to one that they have encountered same situation previously

Did you make a correction? Or what?
  • #21
Vuja Day -- the feeling you're going to see more posts just like the last one.
  • #22
rolerbe said:
Vuja Day

Deja vu?
  • #23
Groundhog's Day?
  • #24
Jimmy Snyder said:
Groundhog's Day?

So we're doomed to keep repeating this thread until Jackson reposts his original post using correct sentence structure, punctuation marks, and capitalization and until Office Shredder, Gokul, and Pythagorean learn how to spell Déjà vu?

And when everyone finally posts their questions and replies perfectly, we can let this thread die?
  • #25
  • #26
It's just a glitch in the Matrix. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
  • #27
turbo-1 said:
It's just a glitch in the Matrix. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Damnit. I'm going to be up all night fixing this one
  • #28
ylsuoiverp noitautis emas deretnuocne evah yeht taht eno ot sraeppa ti erehw anemonehp

?siht htiw em pleh esaelp uoy dluoc ,oS .denoitnem aidepikiW hcihw anemonehp lacigolohcysp taht rof mret lacinhcet eht llacer ot gniyrt yllufsseccusnu neeb evah I .rotca dael eht fo eman ,eivom eht fo eltit eht sa hcus sliated ,emit tneserp eht ta eivom siht tuoba sliated yna rebmemer t'nod I

.enil yrots eht rof aidepikiW detlusnoc dna ,setunim wef a rof ti dehctaw tsuj I ,nehT .efil tsap rieht ni ylsuoiverp stneve fo etats ,noitautis emas eht deretnuocne evah yeht taht eno ot sraeppa ti erehw anemonehp eht no deretnec ylniam saw hcihw fo tolp eht eivom a gniyalp erew yeht oga syad emoS
  • #29
?uv ejaD
  • #30
  • #31
KalamMekhar said:
ylsuoiverp noitautis emas deretnuocne evah yeht taht eno ot sraeppa ti erehw anemonehp

?siht htiw em pleh esaelp uoy dluoc ,oS .denoitnem aidepikiW hcihw anemonehp lacigolohcysp taht rof mret lacinhcet eht llacer ot gniyrt yllufsseccusnu neeb evah I .rotca dael eht fo eman ,eivom eht fo eltit eht sa hcus sliated ,emit tneserp eht ta eivom siht tuoba sliated yna rebmemer t'nod I

.enil yrots eht rof aidepikiW detlusnoc dna ,setunim wef a rof ti dehctaw tsuj I ,nehT .efil tsap rieht ni ylsuoiverp stneve fo etats ,noitautis emas eht deretnuocne evah yeht taht eno ot sraeppa ti erehw anemonehp eht no deretnec ylniam saw hcihw fo tolp eht eivom a gniyalp erew yeht oga syad emoS

Office_Shredder said:
?uv ejaD

Those made me snort coke up my nose.

Wait! No! That's not what I meant!
  • #32
BobG said:
Those made me snort coke up my nose.

Dude, on a Monday? Save it for the weekends.
  • #33
Jack21222 said:
Dude, on a Monday? Save it for the weekends.
Weekends? What kind of artificial time-division does that entail? Do people restrict their abuse of opiates to Wednesday and Thursday?
  • #34
turbo-1 said:
Weekends? What kind of artificial time-division does that entail? Do people restrict their abuse of opiates to Wednesday and Thursday?
Usually not. However, brain surgeons, airline pilots, etc. ought to.
  • #35
Do people restrict their abuse of opiates to Wednesday and Thursday?

Jimmy Snyder said:
Usually not. However, brain surgeons, airline pilots, etc. ought to.

In that case, I guess my brain surgery can wait until Friday

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