Building a Simple 9V Boost Converter for a Spark Plug

In summary, Ben is looking for a simple boost converter circuit and is asking for help. He provides a simplified circuit and explains that he will need a transformer and inductor. He also provides a list of resources for further information.
  • #1
hi, i am pretty new with electronics, and i can't find any simple boost converter circuts on the enternet. i would like to make the circut THE MOST SIMPLE i can, with the fewest possible parts. for a power source, i have 9v-1w. for the output power, i would like to send a thin spark from 1 electrode to the other about 1/8"-1/4" apart as a substitute as a spark plug. schematics, diagrams, photos, links all would be helpful, but keep in mind that about all i can do is solder, and go to raioshack.

edit: here is a simple curcut i found(, and i understand everything but the switch. how would i get a switch that switches the flow of electricity off-on that fast?
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  • #2
That diagram of a switch shows the basic principle of 'on and off', however in practice people use a MOSFET.

A MOSFET comes in an IC package, and is controlled by a PWM (square wave generator) IC, which supplies a voltage that turns the MOSFET on and off periodically with a desired frequency and duty cycle. Depending on the application, the PWM IC voltage may not be large enough to active the MOSFET, so a Gate Driver IC acts as an interim amplifier/control IC. Looking more into these three items should give you an abundance of information on how to create a robust electronic switch.
  • #4
The biggest bear for you, is to have a decent transformer / inductor. Time to get an old car ignition coil.
The kind you want is old-style. It will be about the size of a soda can with an insulated section coming out the top and two terminals, one on either side of the insulated terminal.
A fair going price is $10-$15, but old mechanics and junk yards might let you have one for the asking (their just dirtier).

Now, the lovely thing is that no sooner than you get this evil device, you can start making sparks with common junk from around the house. A nine volt battery, some tape, aluminum foil, and something to use for a wire - like wire or even foil.

Make a ball of aluminum foil that is just a bit too large for the high voltage socket. Wrapped an exposed portion of your wire around the foil ball, and shove them into the socket. If it becomes a problem later, you can retrieve the foil with a screw.
Then, tape the wire to the side of the insulator, so that it doesn't tug out of the hole.
Adjust the wire to be about .2" from your negative terminal.

Now, put a couple of wires on your terminals and bring them out where you can tap them with the battery. Just tap and release, and you should get a spark.

To get a nasty, steady stream of sparks, you can go as crude as using a relay to break the connection, or be a little more cool and use a 200V MOSFET. In either case, the handy man's second secret weapon, the NE555 timer is you're best bet for turning things on and off. I'd try for about 2ms on and wait about 20ms off. This will give things a little time to cool and not eat your battery up so quick.


  • #5
Mike_In_Plano said:
The biggest bear for you, is to have a decent transformer / inductor. Time to get an old car ignition coil.
The kind you want is old-style. [...]
Eh, careful there. The inductor has to be sized to the intended switching regulator frequency and power.

From the Linear Technology,C1,C1003,C1042,C1031,C1061,P1266,D4176" :

Before reading this section, be aware that the intent of the author is not to insult, but rather to relate in an attention getting manner a list of goofs that, in many cases, he personally has had to own up to.
5. Fred’s Inductor (Or Transformer)
Inductors are not like lawn mowers. If you want to borrow the one out of Fred’s drawer, make sure it’s the
right value for your application. A 50μH inductor with 50V applied will have a current increasing with time at the rate of 1A per microsecond. It doesn’t take a calculator to see that things can get out of hand quickly during the 25μs period of a 40kHz switcher. Likewise, if “Fred’s inductor” is 50 millihenries, it will probably saturate at such low current levels that it is useless, not to mention the fact that the transient response can be measured on a Simpson VOM. Use the formulas in the application note to get a ball park inductance value before starting a breadboard.
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  • #6
If you put an 0.01 uF capacitor across the switch in this circuit

you will have the primary of the standard ignition circuit in automobiles prior to ~1970. The ignition coil has about a primary:secondary turns ratio of 1:100. The primary will generate ~300 volts across the switch, and the secondary ~30,000 volts. See thumbnail.

Bob S


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FAQ: Building a Simple 9V Boost Converter for a Spark Plug

What is a 9V boost converter and why is it needed for a spark plug?

A 9V boost converter is a type of electronic circuit that takes in a lower voltage input and increases it to a higher voltage output. It is needed for a spark plug because the spark plug requires a high voltage in order to produce a spark, which is necessary for igniting the fuel in an engine.

What materials are needed for building a simple 9V boost converter for a spark plug?

The materials needed for building a simple 9V boost converter for a spark plug include a 9V battery, a 555 timer IC, a boost converter IC, capacitors, resistors, diodes, and a spark plug.

What is the basic principle behind a 9V boost converter for a spark plug?

The basic principle behind a 9V boost converter for a spark plug is the use of an inductor and a switch to store and release energy in the form of pulses, which are then converted to a higher voltage using a boost converter IC. The 555 timer IC is used to control the switching of the inductor and regulate the output voltage.

Can a 9V boost converter be used for other applications besides a spark plug?

Yes, a 9V boost converter can be used for other applications that require a higher voltage output, such as powering LED lights, charging small electronic devices, and powering motors.

Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind when building a 9V boost converter for a spark plug?

Yes, it is important to follow proper electrical safety precautions, such as wearing protective gear and ensuring the circuit is properly grounded. It is also important to carefully follow the instructions and double-check all connections to avoid any potential hazards.

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