Why polished surfaces are colder?

  • Thread starter Anagnorisis
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In summary: Its probably because the polished one has more heat conductivity so your feet lose heat more quickly.
  • #1
Why of two floors made of the same material, the polished one is (at least feels) colder than the rough one.

Just compare two concrete floors, one polished and one unpolished.

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  • #2
I would think its just that it feels colder because maybe the polished one has higher heat conductivity, so your feet loses heat more quickly. Thats just my thought.
  • #3
My bet is Sakha is close, but not there yet. Think about contact surface between your feet and the surface. When is it larger - for the polished, or rough surface? How does the heat flow depend on the contact surface?
  • #4
Anagnorisis said:
Why of two floors made of the same material, the polished one is (at least feels) colder than the rough one.

Just compare two concrete floors, one polished and one unpolished.


It is due to an effect called thermal contact.

Imagine that you were looking at the interface, the surface between your skin and the floor, with a microscope.
The smooth surfaces would be in close contact and heat would conduct across easily. If the floor were warm it would feel warm, and cold if it were colder than your skin.
But a rough surface would make contact only in spots where the high points met your skin. Very little heat would pass in either direction because it would have to jump the air gap between the high points.
If you pressed harder, it would make no difference when smooth surfaces were in already in good thermal contact, but it would make the rough floor feel colder because some of the high points would be squashed down, increasing the amount of contact between the surfaces.
Or you could spill a little water under your feet to fill the air-gap. Water conducts heat better than the air, and gives a better thermal contact.
  • #5
Thanks. That makes sense.

FAQ: Why polished surfaces are colder?

Why do polished surfaces feel colder than rough surfaces?

Polished surfaces feel colder because they have a higher reflectivity, meaning they reflect more of the surrounding temperature. This results in less heat being absorbed by the surface, making it feel colder to the touch.

How does the smoothness of a surface affect its temperature?

The smoother the surface, the lower its emissivity, which is the ability to release heat. This means that polished surfaces are better at retaining heat, making them feel colder to the touch compared to rough surfaces.

Is the temperature of a polished surface actually lower than a rough surface?

No, the temperature of both surfaces is the same. The difference lies in how they interact with heat. Polished surfaces reflect heat, while rough surfaces absorb it, giving the illusion of a temperature difference.

Can the color of a polished surface affect its temperature?

Yes, the color of a polished surface can affect its temperature. Lighter colors tend to have higher reflectivity and lower emissivity, making them feel colder to the touch compared to darker colors.

How does the angle of incidence of heat affect the temperature of a polished surface?

The angle of incidence, or the angle at which heat strikes a surface, can play a role in the temperature of a polished surface. If the angle is shallow, more heat will be reflected, resulting in a colder feel. However, if the angle is steep, more heat will be absorbed, making the surface feel warmer.

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