The Hidden Symmetries of the BKL Limit: From Cosmology to Quantum Gravity

  • Thread starter atyy
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In summary, Carlip argues that the reduction of dimensions in quantum gravity is linked to the BKL limit, where dynamics become 1D and the spectral dimensions become 2D. Damour and Nicolai have also explored this concept through studying the BKL limit and have found connections between spacelike singularities in General Relativity and infinite dimensional Lie algebras, specifically the hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra E10. This has led to a new understanding of the quantum nature of space and a potential mechanism for achieving background independence in quantum gravity. Recent work by Nicolai has further delved into the hidden symmetries of this theory, which will be discussed in his upcoming talk at the MG13 meeting.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Carlip has argued that the dimensional reduction in many apprroaches to quantum gravity is related to the BKL limit where the dynamics becomes 1D, and the spectral dimension becomes 2D.

Interestingly, another viewpoint about the (de)-emergence of space comes from Damour and Nicolai also via studying the BKL limit. Related?
Symmetries,Singularities and the De-Emergence of Space
Thibault Damour, Hermann Nicolai
Recent work has revealed intriguing connections between a Belinsky-Khalatnikov-Lifgarbagez-type analysis of spacelike singularities in General Relativity and certain infinite dimensional Lie algebras, and in particular the `maximally extended' hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebra E10. In this essay we argue that these results may lead to an entirely new understanding of the (quantum) nature of space(-time) at the Planck scale, and hence -- via an effective `de-emergence' of space near a singularity -- to a novel mechanism for achieving background independence in quantum gravity.
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  • #2
Some reviews. The first is in Living Reviews, the others are masters and doctoral theses.
Spacelike Singularities and Hidden Symmetries of Gravity
Marc Henneaux, Daniel Persson, Philippe Spindel
Algebraic structures in M-theory
Ling Bao
Kac-Moody Algebras in M-theory
Sophie de Buyl
Connections between Kac-Moody algebras and M-theory
Paul P. Cook
Kac-Moody algebraic structures in supergravity theories
Nassiba Tabti
Exceptional Lie algebras and M-theory
Jakob Palmkvist
Arithmetic and Hyperbolic Structures in String Theory
Daniel Persson
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  • #3
atyy said:
Carlip has argued that the dimensional reduction in many apprroaches to quantum gravity is related to the BKL limit where the dynamics becomes 1D, and the spectral dimension becomes 2D.

Interestingly, another viewpoint about the (de)-emergence of space comes from Damour and Nicolai also via studying the BKL limit. Related?
Symmetries,Singularities and the De-Emergence of Space
Thibault Damour, Hermann Nicolai
Recent work has revealed intriguing connections between a Belinsky-Khalatnikov-Lifgarbagez-type analysis of spacelike singularities in General Relativity and certain infinite dimensional Lie algebras, and in particular the `maximally extended' hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebra E10. In this essay we argue that these results may lead to an entirely new understanding of the (quantum) nature of space(-time) at the Planck scale, and hence -- via an effective `de-emergence' of space near a singularity -- to a novel mechanism for achieving background independence in quantum gravity.

I was recently reminded of this 2007 paper which you called attention to. What jogged my memory is the abstract of the talk (just posted) that Nicolai will be giving in July of this year at the Stockholm Marcel Grossman (MG13) meeting.
Let me get the abstract of his MG13 talk.
The MG13 website has now posted 14 abstracts of the invited plenary talks including this one:

Hidden symmetries: from BKL to Kac-Moody
ABSTRACT: The seminal work of Belinski, Khalatnikov and Lifgarbagez on spacelike singularities in cosmological solutions of Einstein's equations has not only generated a new paradigm in General Relativity, but may also provide important hints as to the underlying symmetries of a future unified theory of the fundamental interactions and of quantum gravity. In this talk I will briefly retrace the steps from their early work to more recent developments.

I can't find any recent papers by Nicolai that seemed to correspond to this talk and I'm curious. Did I miss something obvious? Does anybody know of any current research that could give a clue as to the content of this talk?
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FAQ: The Hidden Symmetries of the BKL Limit: From Cosmology to Quantum Gravity

1. What is BKL dimensional reduction?

BKL dimensional reduction refers to a mathematical technique used in theoretical physics to simplify complex systems with multiple dimensions. It was developed by Belinski, Khalatnikov, and Lifshitz (BKL) in the 1970s.

2. How does BKL dimensional reduction work?

BKL dimensional reduction involves assuming that a system with multiple dimensions can be reduced to a simpler system with fewer dimensions under certain conditions. This allows for easier analysis and understanding of the behavior of the system.

3. What are the applications of BKL dimensional reduction?

BKL dimensional reduction has been used in various fields of theoretical physics, including cosmology, string theory, and quantum gravity. It has also been applied in the study of black holes and the early universe.

4. What are the limitations of BKL dimensional reduction?

BKL dimensional reduction is based on certain assumptions and conditions, which may not always hold true in real-world systems. Additionally, it may not be applicable to all types of systems and may not provide an accurate representation of the system's behavior.

5. How does BKL dimensional reduction compare to other dimension reduction techniques?

BKL dimensional reduction is one of the earliest and most commonly used dimension reduction techniques in theoretical physics. It is often compared to other techniques such as Kaluza-Klein theory and compactification, but it has its own unique advantages and limitations.

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