Help With Proving Peskin and Schroeder Eq. 2.33

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In summary, the conversation is about trying to prove Peskin and Schroeder equation 2.33 using momentum space quantities. The individual has completed the necessary integrals and is left with the expression: \int \frac{d^3}{(2 \pi)^3} \frac{p}{2} (a^{\dagger}_{-p} a_{-p} + a^{\dagger}_{-p} a^{\dagger}_p - a_p a_{-p} - a_p a^{\dagger}_p ) but is unsure how to simplify it to the desired form of 2a^{\dagger}_p a_p. They are seeking assistance and hoping for a hint or help
  • #1
I am unsure if this is the proper forum for this, since it is not actually homework... but here goes anyway.

I am trying to Prove Peskin and Schroeder equation 2.33

[tex] P=-\int d^3 x \pi (x) \nabla \phi (x) = \int \frac{d^3 x}{(2 \pi)^3} p a^{\dagger}_p a_p [/tex]

so far what I have done:
written the fields as the momentum space quantities, done the integral over the spatial coordinates to give me the delta function and integrated over the p' variables to give me this:

The last step forces p'=-p

[tex] \int \frac{d^3}{(2 \pi)^3} \frac{p}{2} (a^{\dagger}_{-p} a_{-p} + a^{\dagger}_{-p} a^{\dagger}_p - a_p a_{-p} - a_p a^{\dagger}_p ) [/tex]

I don't see how these operators cancel out to give :
[tex] () = 2a^{\dagger}_p a_p [/tex]

Any help would be greatly appreciated... even just a hint would be very helpfull.
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  • #2
Why isn't the latex coming up?
  • #3
LaTeX seems to be broken - hope they get it fixed soon!
  • #4
Now that LaTeX works...

Anyone able to lend a hand?

FAQ: Help With Proving Peskin and Schroeder Eq. 2.33

1. How do I prove Eq. 2.33 from Peskin and Schroeder?

To prove Eq. 2.33 from Peskin and Schroeder, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the book. This includes understanding the notation and terminology used, applying the appropriate mathematical techniques, and making logical deductions to reach the desired result.

2. Can you provide an example of how to use Eq. 2.33 in a real-life scenario?

While Eq. 2.33 may have practical applications in various areas of physics, it is primarily used in theoretical calculations and derivations. Therefore, it may not have a direct real-life example, but it is an essential tool for solving complex problems in particle physics.

3. What mathematical background is required to understand Eq. 2.33?

To understand and prove Eq. 2.33, you will need a strong foundation in mathematical concepts such as calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. Additionally, a solid understanding of quantum mechanics and particle physics is also necessary.

4. Can you recommend any additional resources for understanding Eq. 2.33?

If you are having trouble understanding Eq. 2.33 from Peskin and Schroeder, you can refer to other textbooks or online resources that cover the same topic. Some useful resources include "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" by Peskin and Schroeder themselves, as well as lecture notes and tutorials from renowned universities.

5. How can I check if my proof of Eq. 2.33 is correct?

The best way to check the correctness of your proof is by consulting with your peers or a professor who is knowledgeable about the subject. You can also cross-reference your proof with other trusted sources to ensure accuracy. Additionally, checking your calculations and reasoning step-by-step can help identify any errors.
