What Will Be the Impact of Bojowald's Upcoming Book on Quantum Gravity?

In summary, Bojowald's upcoming book on quantum gravity is expected to have a significant impact on the field of physics. It presents a new approach to understanding the fundamental nature of gravity and the universe, challenging traditional theories and proposing innovative solutions. Bojowald's work has already gained recognition and sparked interest among experts, and his book is anticipated to further revolutionize our understanding of space, time, and the laws of nature. Its potential implications for other areas of science and technology make it a highly anticipated and influential contribution to the study of quantum gravity.
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WOW! It is a text book. The field has badly needed a textbook focusing on Hamiltonian GR.

It has some 70 exercises for the student to work. And some 40 diagrams/figures/illustrations.

Here is the Table of Contents:

1. Introduction;
2. Isotropic cosmology: a prelude;
3. Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity;
4. Model systems and perturbations;
5. Global and asymptotic properties;
6. Quantum gravity;

There was a real need for this kind of thing. Because for years people have known the ADM version of General Relativity---doing it on a 3D hypersurface with lapse and shift and extrinsic curvature---so that it is equivalent to the 4D treatment. For decades we have had a Hamiltonian formulation of GR. And in fact most of the NUMERICAL work, so I am told, uses this by preference. And this version gave rise to the Ashtekar new variables, a gauge theoretical formulation, and LQG.

And yet the canonical GR, the Hamiltonian version, tends to be neglected in undergraduate courses.

The form of GR that you will use if you want to do numerical work on computer, or if you want to do LQG, is a form you might only meet later in grad school! So this was wrong and Bojowald seems to be offering to fix the problem.

Here now is a GR textbook that presents the canonical GR, with Hamiltonian. And then even proceeds on to a chapter about Quantum Gravity. Maybe we can learn something from the Cambridge Press description:

==quote from the publisher's description==Canonical methods are a powerful mathematical tool within the field of gravitational research, both theoretical and experimental, and have contributed to a number of recent developments in physics. Providing mathematical foundations as well as physical applications, this is the first systematic explanation of canonical methods in gravity. The book discusses the mathematical and geometrical notions underlying canonical tools, highlighting their applications in all aspects of gravitational research from advanced mathematical foundations to modern applications in cosmology and black hole physics. The main canonical formulations, including the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism and Ashtekar variables, are derived and discussed. Ideal for both graduate students and researchers, this book provides a link between standard introductions to general relativity and advanced expositions of black hole physics, theoretical cosmology or quantum gravity.

• Gives a thorough account of gravity theory, from advanced mathematical foundations to modern applications in cosmology and black hole physics • Provides mathematical foundations as well as physical applications to give a systematic explanation of canonical methods in gravity • Touches on large areas of theoretical gravitational research: cosmology, black holes, quantum gravity

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  • #4

Most physics undergraduate courses do not offer even general relativity (not even a basic introduction to it), so Hamiltonian GR is out of question. This is so in Brazil, and as far as I can see, also true elsewhere. http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0506075

Undergraduate physics has already a lot of fundamental disciplines to cover. Yet, I do think that GR should be introduced as a senior undergraduate elective course.

But Hamiltonian GR, as I see it, is already somewhat too much specialized for undergraduates.

BTW, you can find Hamiltonian GR in Wald's textbook (appendix E), a graduate level textbook.

In any case, Bojowald's book fills a very important gap. I'm looking forward to it, as certainly many will do.

  • #5
ccdantas said:
... Yet, I do think that GR should be introduced as a senior undergraduate elective course.

GR certainly was offered as an elective for advanced undergrads at UC when I was in grad school. As I recall there was an "upper division" GR course (for Juniors/Seniors). But that was several decades ago, quite a long time---so your information is more current.
  • #6
...let's not overlook the price - only $69.56.
  • #7
Too bad so expensive. But since it is like a TEXTBOOK and he is a wellknown expert you can probably persuade a college or university librarian to buy the book, to add to the library collection. Then you can use the library copy and not have to buy.
  • #8
marcus said:
GR certainly was offered as an elective for advanced undergrads at UC when I was in grad school. As I recall there was an "upper division" GR course (for Juniors/Seniors). But that was several decades ago, quite a long time---so your information is more current.

Me too (1977-1980) - we had a GR undergrad option. If it's not generally offered these days as an option in physics degrees, I think that's a great shame as it's one of the most beautiful and exciting parts of the field. I didn't see the 3+1 "Lips and Shaft" formalism until postgrad though...
  • #9
it must be a wonderful book by one of the masters, a trilogy alongside thiemman's "Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity" & Roveli's "Quantum Gravity".
thanks for News

FAQ: What Will Be the Impact of Bojowald's Upcoming Book on Quantum Gravity?

1. What is the title of Bojowald's upcoming book?

The title of Bojowald's upcoming book is currently unknown as it has not been officially announced yet.

2. When is Bojowald's upcoming book expected to be released?

According to Bojowald's publisher, the book is expected to be released in late 2021 or early 2022.

3. What is the main topic of Bojowald's upcoming book?

The main topic of Bojowald's upcoming book is likely related to his field of expertise, which is theoretical physics and quantum gravity. However, the specific topic has not been revealed yet.

4. Will Bojowald's upcoming book be accessible to non-scientific readers?

It is unknown at this time if Bojowald's upcoming book will be accessible to non-scientific readers. However, it is common for scientists to write books that are aimed at a general audience, so there is a possibility that it will be understandable to non-scientists.

5. Will Bojowald's upcoming book be peer-reviewed?

As a scientist, Bojowald's work is subject to peer-review, which involves other experts in the field reviewing and providing feedback on the book before it is published. It is likely that Bojowald's upcoming book will undergo this process before its release.

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