Meaning of SO(4) - SU(2)xSU(2)

  • Thread starter IRobot
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In summary, SO(4) is isomorphic to SU(2)*SU(2) and the origin of spin can be attributed to the Spin(N) groups related to SO(1,N-1). This factorization is special for N=4. The L+a and L-a sets of generators, which are linear combinations of rotations and boosts, generate the SU(2) algebras and commute with each other. However, they do not have a physical interpretation. There are other cases where SO(n) is isomorphic to a product of Lie algebras, such as SO(1,3) being isomorphic to the direct product of two SU(2)'s. In heterotic string T-duality, SO(
  • #1
meaning of SO(4) -- SU(2)xSU(2)


I was doing an exercise in my QFT book asking me to show that the Lorentz Group SO(4) is isomorphic to SU(2)*SU(2) but not explaining why. I was wondering, and asking myself that maybe it has some "deep" meaning, about the relation between the spin and the relativity. Am I totally wrong?
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  • #2

IRobot said:
I was wondering, and asking myself that maybe it has some "deep" meaning, about the relation between the spin and the relativity. Am I totally wrong?
You are right, the origin of spin is essentially due to the Spin(N) groups which are related to SO(1, N-1). This works for arbitrary N, whereas the factorization is special for N=4.

I don't want to post too man formulas here, so will try to give you a brief summary and find a good reference.

The idea is to take the six generators of the Lorentz group Ja for the rotations w.r.t. the a-axis (= angular momentum) and Ka for the boosts along the a-axis. The J's generate the usual su(2) = so(3) algebra, whereas the K's don't as their commutator is a J again.

Now one defines two new sets of generators, namely

L+a = Ja + iKa
L-a = Ja - iKa

One can check that both sets generate the usual su(2) = so(3) algebra and that one set commutes with the other. So one has two copies of the SU(2), one generated by the L+, one by the L-
  • #3

Does this "L" have any physical meaning, i.e. is it related to some property of a particle?
  • #4

thank for responding so fast, I did the calculation using the commutators of K
  • #5

thank for responding so fast, I did the calculation using the commutators of K and found my answer
  • #6

haael said:
Does this "L" have any physical meaning, i.e. is it related to some property of a particle?
No. It's a complexification i.e. a linear combination with an "i" of a rotation and a boost - I don't think it has some interpretation.
  • #7

Question, is there some other case where so(n) is isomorphic to other product g*g of Lie algebras?
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Using a metric mostly minus, the restricted Lorentz group is not SO(4), neither SO(1,3), but [itex] \mbox{SO(1,3)}_{\uparrow} [/itex]. One can show that this is homomorphic (NOT isomorphic!) to the direct product of 2 SU(2)'s (proof based on the polar decomposition theorem and the existence of a homomorphism between SO(3,R) and SU(2)). At the level of Lie algebras

[tex] \mbox{so(1,3)_{\mathbb{C}}} \simeq \mbox{su(2)}\oplus \mbox{su(2)} [/tex]

Note that the Lie algebras are directly summed, there's no product.
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  • #9

arivero said:
Question, is there some other case where so(n) is isomorphic to other product g*g of Lie algebras?
1) its not * but +
2) so(4) is the only non-semi-simple so(n), that means for all higher n there's no such decomposition
  • #10

tom.stoer said:
1) its not * but +
2) so(4) is the only non-semi-simple so(n), that means for all higher n there's no such decomposition

So, I was wondering, is there some group theoretic meaning in heterotic string T-duality? In this case, SO(32) reveals itself as having a hidden "E8xE8". Is there some parallel to the SO(4) - SU(2)xSU(2)? Is there some general concept containing both "dualities"?
  • #11

arivero said:
So, I was wondering, is there some group theoretic meaning in heterotic string T-duality? In this case, SO(32) reveals itself as having a hidden "E8xE8". Is there some parallel to the SO(4) - SU(2)xSU(2)? Is there some general concept containing both "dualities"?

The relationship is a little bit more obscure than an isomorphism between groups and is explained in a paper by Ginsparg (preprint available at ).

In 10D, the string states in the heterotic string are parameterized by the vectors in either the SO(32) root lattice [tex]\Gamma_{16}[/tex] or in two copies of the [tex]E_8[/tex] lattice, [tex]\Gamma_8[/tex]. If we further compactify either of these on a circle, we obtain additional states living in the even 2d Lorentzian lattice [tex]U[/tex]. In either case, the states live in an even self-dual Lorentzian lattice [tex]\Pi_{17,1}[/tex]. But all such lattices are unique up to [tex]SO(17,1)[/tex] transformations. Therefore states in [tex]\Gamma_{16}\oplus U[/tex] and those in [tex]\Gamma_8\oplus \Gamma_8 \oplus U[/tex] are related by an [tex]SO(17,1)[/tex] transformation. This is a T-duality.
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  • #12

arivero said:
In this case, SO(32) reveals itself as having a hidden "E8xE8".
As said by fzero the relationship is more complicated. E(8)*E(8) and SO(32) have the same dimension, but SO(32) does not factorize like SO(4).

Related to Meaning of SO(4) - SU(2)xSU(2)

1. What is the meaning of SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2)?

SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) are mathematical notations representing different types of symmetry groups. SO(4) is the special orthogonal group in 4 dimensions, while SU(2)xSU(2) is the direct product of two special unitary groups in 2 dimensions.

2. How are SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) related?

SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) are related through the principle of spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this principle, the SU(2)xSU(2) symmetry is broken, resulting in the SO(4) symmetry. This can be seen in certain physical systems, such as spin systems in condensed matter physics.

3. What is the significance of SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) in physics?

SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) have important applications in physics, particularly in the study of symmetry breaking and group theory. They are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems and are crucial in understanding the fundamental laws of nature.

4. How does the meaning of SO(4) - SU(2)xSU(2) tie into the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model of particle physics is based on the symmetry group SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1). SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) are subgroups of this larger group, and their relation helps to explain the dynamics of electroweak interactions in the Standard Model.

5. Are there any real-world applications of SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2)?

Yes, SO(4) and SU(2)xSU(2) have practical applications in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. They are used in the study of crystals, molecules, and other physical systems to understand their symmetries and properties. They are also used in the development of new materials and technologies.

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