Quantum Cryptography Project Help.

In summary, an electric engineering student is looking for help with writing a literature review on quantum cryptography. He is unsure of what to include and is looking for advice on what to do. He is also looking for help with analyzing a specific QKD protocol or something on a global level.
  • #1
Hello Every one!

I am an electric engineering student, Doing my graduation project on the topic of quantum cryptography, i have read the literature and i think that i understand the topic quite well. In the literature review i am talking about classical cryptography, QKD, BB84 protocol, EPR protocol, a summary of implementations and the future of the technology. But i need to include analysis of some sort or a case study kinda thing. the problem is that i have no idea what to include. been searching for simulations in the web, and couldn't get my hands on anything. hardware wise of course it would be impossible. Any ideas, thoughts or help would be appreciated. i have no problem to go into the subject of satellite technology or networking.

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)

Kind regards
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
if you've talking about Quantum physics, post this on the Quantum Physics section.
  • #3
Quantum cryptopgraphy Project Help!

Hello Every one!

I am an electric engineering student, Doing my graduation project on the topic of quantum cryptography, i have read the literature and i think that i understand the topic quite well. In the literature review i am talking about classical cryptography, QKD, BB84 protocol, EPR protocol, a summary of implementations and the future of the technology. But i need to include analysis of some sort or a case study kinda thing. the problem is that i have no idea what to include. been searching for simulations in the web, and couldn't get my hands on anything. hardware wise of course it would be impossible. Any ideas, thoughts or insights would be appreciated. i have no problem to go into the subject of satellite technology or networking.

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
  • #4
  • #5
Jadaav said:
if you've talking about Quantum physics, post this on the Quantum Physics section.

thanks Jadaav!
  • #6

fss said:
You already asked this.


What exactly are you asking? If you have to do a "graduation project" and claim to "understand the topic quite well", you should be able to do this on your own.

Well, if you haven't read the question, that already 'posted twice' i asked for help! that is why i made the post. can't fathom why would you go into all that ''if you claim then do it your own'' and what not. just don't reply!
  • #7

mumaga said:
Well, if you haven't read the question, that already 'posted twice' i asked for help! that is why i made the post. can't fathom why would you go into all that ''if you claim then do it your own'' and what not. just don't reply!

That's not how things work here on the PF.

First, if you want a thread moved, please click the Report button and ask the Mentors to move the thread. Multiple-posting the same question is against the PF Rules that you agreed to when signing up here (see the link at the top of the page).

Second, when the question involves a school project, we expect some effort on the part of the student. That's all that fss is pointing out.

I've merged your two threads, and hopefully this thread can progress normally now.
  • #8
mumaga said:
But i need to include analysis of some sort or a case study kinda thing. the problem is that i have no idea what to include. been searching for simulations in the web

I could help you, but you have to elaborate upon what exactly do you seek. Words like 'case study' sound as if this project had some MBAs involved in it :-p. Well, maybe you can try giving an analogy from some different (technical) field?
As for 'analysis', what do you want to analyze (or simulate)? Could it be for example, the practical implementation/security aspects of a specific QKD protocol? Or should it be something on a rather global level?
A burning & relevant topic in QKD is the `quantum hacking' activity on commercial quantum cryptosystems. An easy simulation that you could perform is the photo-number-splitting attack: how it affects the security of a standard BB84 protocol implementation (using weak coherent pulses). But then again, I am not sure if it is challenging/novel and fits within the scope of your project?
  • #9

berkeman said:
That's not how things work here on the PF.

I've merged your two threads, and hopefully this thread can progress normally now.

I apologize for the multiple posting. It is my mistake that i haven't noticed that policy, i signed up 2 years ago, so...u get the picture...

Thanks for merging the two threads, really appreciate it... :)
  • #10
nitin.jain said:
. Well, maybe you can try giving an analogy from some different (technical) field?

the 'case study' term might look fancy :) , but it is what we use in our department regardless of the complexity. what i meant by is, for example make taking a pre-existing network that uses classical cryptography for security, and install the commercial QKD system into it, then re-calculate the new bit rate, the needed equipment and basically all the new additions and differences from the old network. for this case i am not sure where to start and where to find the needed information/calculations. i just found one paper :

that explains how to incorporate QKD into PPP and how to increase the security of e-commerce systems.

As for 'analysis', what do you want to analyze (or simulate)? Could it be for example, the practical implementation/security aspects of a specific QKD protocol? Or should it be something on a rather global level?

simulating the BB84 or the Eckert protocol is a possibility that i am considering. Alice, Bob and Eve are taken to be laptops, and a software to do the work of the photon's preparation and measurement. it would be the last resolution i think.

A burning & relevant topic in QKD is the `quantum hacking' activity on commercial quantum cryptosystems. An easy simulation that you could perform is the photo-number-splitting attack: how it affects the security of a standard BB84 protocol implementation (using weak coherent pulses). But then again, I am not sure if it is challenging/novel and fits within the scope of your project?

I want to present the subject as a new solution to the security problems. it is for my electric engineering degree, so it is more desirable to get into the communications details and the systems specifications more.

thank you for your time. and sorry for any headaches caused by lack of coherency or un-clarity...
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FAQ: Quantum Cryptography Project Help.

What is quantum cryptography?

Quantum cryptography is a method of secure communication that uses principles of quantum mechanics to encrypt and decrypt messages. It relies on the properties of quantum particles, such as photons, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the communication.

How does quantum cryptography work?

Quantum cryptography uses the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the uncertainty principle and the no-cloning theorem, to generate and transmit a secret key between two parties. This key is then used to encrypt and decrypt messages, making it nearly impossible for anyone else to intercept or decipher the communication.

What are the advantages of quantum cryptography?

Quantum cryptography offers several advantages over traditional cryptographic methods. It is theoretically impossible to intercept or decipher the communication without being detected, providing a high level of security. It also allows for the secure distribution of keys, making it resistant to hacking and other attacks.

What are the limitations of quantum cryptography?

One limitation of quantum cryptography is its reliance on quantum technology, which is still in its early stages of development and can be costly to implement. Additionally, it is only effective for point-to-point communication, meaning it cannot be used for group communication or for storing encrypted data.

What is the current state of quantum cryptography?

Quantum cryptography is a rapidly advancing field of research and development. While it is not yet widely implemented, there have been successful demonstrations of its use in various applications. As quantum technology continues to improve, it is expected that quantum cryptography will become more prevalent in the future.

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