Cons. Momentum/Energy of rubber block blown up by explosive

In summary, the problem involves a small explosive charge in a rubber block that breaks into three pieces upon detonation. Two of the pieces have known masses and velocities, while the third piece's mass and direction must be calculated. The conservation of momentum and energy equations can be used to find two simultaneous equations for the two unknowns. However, the angle of the third piece must be carefully considered and may result in a negative mass value. The incorrect solutions found in the conversation were due to a mistake in the equation for m3, which should be inversely proportional to cos(@).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A small explosive charge is placed in a rubber block resting on a smooth (frictionless) surface. When the charge is detonated, the block breaks into three pieces. A 200-g piece travels at 1.4 m/s, and 300g piece travels at 0.90m/s. The third piece flies off at a speed of 1.8m/s. If the angle between the first two piece is 80 degrees, calculate the mass and direction of the third piece.
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  • #2
That's nice. What have you tried so far? What's your procedure?
  • #3
well that's just it, i don't know where to begin. beyond the fact that momentum and energy is conserved, I'm at a loss with this one. i tried throwing together a momentum equation where 0=m1v1'+m2v2'+m3v3' just to see what came of it and got something like 305g which obviously isn't correct. do you have any ideas? help is greatly appreciated.
  • #4
While total momentum is conserved, it is also true that momentum in any given direction is also conserved. That means you should be able to write separate expressions for the total momentum in the X and Y directions. Does that help?
  • #5
not sure. are you suggesting something like px=m1v1x'+m2v2x'+m3v3x'? wouldn't i then have two variables m3 and its angle? can the conservation of energy formula be used to substitute m3 into that equation or is energy not conserved in the explosion? I'm in grade twelve, so i don't really understand what the formula for energy would be if it was conserved seeing as the block initially has no potential kinetic energy and i don't know of any formula for energy transferred by an explosion
  • #6
strangeeyes said:
not sure. are you suggesting something like px=m1v1x'+m2v2x'+m3v3x'? wouldn't i then have two variables m3 and its angle? can the conservation of energy formula be used to substitute m3 into that equation or is energy not conserved in the explosion? I'm in grade twelve, so i don't really understand what the formula for energy would be if it was conserved seeing as the block initially has no potential kinetic energy and i don't know of any formula for energy transferred by an explosion

Momentum is always conserved. Even if something decomposes explosively and moving energy around the system, momentum will be conserved.

You are looking to find two unknown values: m3 and the angle of the third piece with respect to the others. If you have two unknowns, you need (at least) two simultaneous equations. Since momentum is conserved separately in the X and Y directions, you can immediately write two independent equations in your two unknowns. Stir, bake, solve.

Oh, and beware of quadrant issues with the angle; if your solution for the mass turns out negative, that just means that the mass is really traveling in the opposite direction along the velocity vector (flip the angle by 180 degrees). Always check your answer by plugging the results back into your original equations.
  • #7
so I've been stirring & baking but this wrong answer is the best i could find:

then plugged that value into the y momentum equation:
@=46.77 degrees

then to find m3:
=-0.1257 kg

i was hopeful here but then i tried putting into the unsimplified equations and got:
=-0.2623 kg


using the y:
=-.20467 kg

i don't understand where i am going wrong?
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  • #8
strangeeyes said:
so I've been stirring & baking but this wrong answer is the best i could find:

Check that last line. Since the starting equation began with the product m3*cos(@), I think you should find that m3 and cos(@) are inversely proportionate. That is, you should have:

m3 = k/cos(@)

for some value of k that grinds out of all the other known stuff.

You might find it easier to derive the relationship symbolically first, plugging in the numerical values only at the end.

then plugged that value into the y momentum equation:
@=46.77 degrees

then to find m3:
=-0.1257 kg

i was hopeful here but then i tried putting into the unsimplified equations and got:
=-0.2623 kg


using the y:
=-.20467 kg

i don't understand where i am going wrong?

Your methodology looks sound. Fix up that little problem above and see where it leads.

FAQ: Cons. Momentum/Energy of rubber block blown up by explosive

What is conservation of momentum/energy?

Conservation of momentum/energy is a fundamental law of physics that states that in a closed system, the total momentum/energy remains constant. This means that the initial momentum/energy of the system is equal to the final momentum/energy of the system, even if there are external forces acting on the system.

How does conservation of momentum/energy apply to a rubber block blown up by an explosive?

In this scenario, the rubber block and the explosive are considered a closed system. This means that the total momentum/energy before the explosion is equal to the total momentum/energy after the explosion. The explosive provides an external force that increases the momentum/energy of the rubber block, but the total remains constant.

What factors can affect the conservation of momentum/energy in this scenario?

The conservation of momentum/energy depends on the type of explosive used, the mass and velocity of the rubber block, and the surrounding environment (e.g. air resistance). Any changes in these factors can affect the final momentum/energy of the system.

Can the rubber block gain more momentum/energy than the explosive provides?

No, the rubber block cannot gain more momentum/energy than the explosive provides. This is because of the law of conservation of momentum/energy, which states that the total momentum/energy of the system must remain constant.

What practical applications does the conservation of momentum/energy have?

The conservation of momentum/energy has many practical applications, such as in rocket propulsion, car crashes, and sports. It allows us to accurately predict the outcomes of physical interactions and design more efficient systems.

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