Discover the Cute and Simple Formula for Pi Derived from the Dirchlet Function

  • Thread starter Goongyae
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    Formula Pi
In summary: Binomial(n,2*n))) = 0. 0.In summary, the conversation touches on various mathematical concepts, including the value of pi and its relationship to prime numbers and other functions such as the Dirichlet function. A formula for pi is given using the central binomial coefficients, and a discussion on different ways of calculating pi using prime numbers or all integers is also mentioned. The conversation also briefly touches on the idea of Sophie Germain primes and their possible connections to other mathematical concepts.
  • #1
Not sure if this interests anyone (maybe it's too basic?), but

pi = (5^1.25/2) * (2/sqrt(5)) * (3/sqrt(10)) * (5/sqrt(25)) * (7/sqrt(50)) * (11/sqrt(120)) * ...

Each radicand is the square of the corresponding prime number numerator, but rounded to the nearest mutliple of 5.

I derived this by evaluating the Dirchlet function with character (1,-1,-1,1,0), basically 1 - 2^-2 - 3^-2 + 4^-2 + 6^-2 -7^-2 -8^-2 +9^-2 +...
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  • #2
Goongyae said:
pi = (5^1.25/2) * (2/sqrt(5)) * (3/sqrt(10)) * (5/sqrt(25)) * (7/sqrt(50)) * (11/sqrt(120)) * ...

A very cool formula.

Far less sophisticated, but still perhaps "cute," is the following exact formula for 2*pi by substitution:

= 10 arccos (Golden Ratio /2)
= (sqrt (4*|T_13 - 1| + 1) + 1)/2))*arccos (sqrt (4*|T_0 - 1| + 1) + 1)/2))/(sqrt (4*|T_2 - 1| + 1) + 1)/2))

Interesting to me only insofar as A) this construction led to the following: Conjecture: Sophie Germain Triangles & x | 2y^2 + 2y - 3 = z^2 Note: the sqrt (4*T_x + 1) is in N form relates to Triangular Numbers such that (T_x -1)/2 is Triangular (Sophie Germain Triangular numbers) and B) 0 and 13 are the only two integer solutions to:

(p'_x*p'_2x)*(M_x - |T_x - 1|)/(T_(M_x) - T_|T_x - 1|) = z = 1

NOTE: If we allow the solution to be any n in N, then the solutions are x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 13 and z = 1,6,7,10,1; and the Ramanujan-Nagell Triangular numbers 1, 0, 3, 15, 4095 = T_|T_x - 1|

p'_x = n| 0< d(n)<3 {1 Union Primes}
M_x = Mersenne #
T_x = Triangular #

And, coincidentally...
p'_(2*13) = partition_13 = 101
p'_(2*0) = partition_0 = 1

When you sum all the associated numerators and denominators, you get -1 + -1 + 33546241 + 33546241 = 67092480

67092480 == M_13^d(13) - M_0^d(0) = M_13^2 - M_0^0 = 8191^2 - 0^0
67092480 == 1*(2T_(T_13 - T_1))^2 + 2*(2T_(T_13 - T_1))^1 = 1*8190^2 + 2*8190^1; (also, 8190 == K_24/24 = 196560/24)
67092480 == 2^13 - 2*2^13 = 8192^2 - 2*8192

Or, alternatively...

67092480 == 1 * 2 * 4 * 8 * 15 * 26 * 42 * 64, this series of numbers being the Cake Numbers (Division of 3-Space) from Cake_0 through Cake_7 [totient (7) + 7 = 13 & 13 - pi (13) = 7 & 7 * 13 = T_(13 + 0) = (7+0)*F_(7+0) for F_n a Fibonacci Number]
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  • #3
Cool, I don't know much about Sophie Germaine numbers but I'll look into it!

Here's a forumla made using stuff I learned on Domingo Gomez's page . This formula amounts to treating cos(x) as an infinite polynomial in x^2 and then extracting the minimum root from it

It's hard to write though (please ignore the underscores):

pi^2 = ___________________________ 4
___________________________ (1/6!)+ ----------------
___________________________________ (1/2!)+...
______________________(-1/4!)+ -------------------------
___________________________________ (-1/4!)+...
___________________________ (1/2!) + --------------
___________________________________ (1/2!)+...
_______________ (1/2!)+ ------------------------------------
___________________________________ (1/6!)+...
___________________________ (-1/4!)+ ----------------
___________________________________ (1/2!)+...
______________________ (1/2!)+ ---------------
___________________________________ (-1/4!)+...
___________________________ (1/2!) + --------------
___________________________________ (1/2!)+...

Using only the terms shown leads to the approximation pi = sqrt(13664/1385)=3.1409...
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  • #4
Goongyae said:
Cool, I don't know much about Sophie Germaine numbers but I'll look into it!

The real question for me is this: Is there a way to relate Sophie Germain Triangles and Sophie Germain primes, associated with safe primes (2p + 1). The first 3 Sophie Germain primes are 2, 3 & 5, corresponding with the safe primes 5, 7, 11, which might aptly be termed "Ono Primes" of Hausdorff Dimension 0 (Geometric Correspondence --> Point).

And what role, if so, might pi or 2*pi play in that?

We already know that Sophie Germain Triangles are related to the square root of 2, Triangular numbers of the form 3*T_n + 1 with the square root of 3, and I'm pretty sure that Triangular numbers of the form 5*T_n + 1 can be associated with the square root of 5.

Worth mentioning since you are already playing around with pi in relation to the primes.RF

2*3*5, by the way, == totient 31, while 13 == sqrt (pi (31) + 31 + p_31) = sqrt (11 + 31 + 127), 13 & 31 being the first and last Ono primes associated with Hausdorff Dimension 1 (Geometric Correspondence --> Line). Oh, and as an interesting curio... (31 + 127 + 8191) = 8349 == M_5 + M_7 + M_13 == partition_32 == partition (sigma 31), where 31 is the 11th prime number.
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  • #5
Hmmm... I understand the definition of Sophie Germain or safe primes but having trouble relating them to anything else in a significant way :(
13,17, and 19 are neither Sophie Germain nor safe and would probably be excluded from any pattern you are suggesting.

BTW, a regularized value for the product 2x3x5x7x11x... is 4pi^2. While for 1x2x3x4x... it is sqrt(2pi). The former is based on expressing the prime zeta function as a Moebius inversion of log(zeta(s)) and taking the derivative. The latter is just exp(-zeta'(0)).
  • #6
>pi = (5^1.25/2) * (2/sqrt(5)) * (3/sqrt(10)) * (5/sqrt(25)) * (7/sqrt(50)) * (11/sqrt(120)) * ...
>Each radicand is the square of the corresponding prime number numerator, but rounded to the nearest mutliple of 5.

FYI I was able to calculate the following.

With prime numbers, as above, it was:

(2/sqrt(5)) * (3/sqrt(10)) * (5/sqrt(25)) * (7/sqrt(50)) * (11/sqrt(120)) * ...
= 2pi * 5^-1.25
= 0.840363...

But if we admit all integers >= 2, it is:

(2/sqrt(5)) * (3/sqrt(10)) * (4/sqrt(15)) * (5/sqrt(25)) * ...
=sqrt{ [5^1.5/pi * sqrt((5-sqrt(5))/2)] / [exp(2pi/5)+exp(-2pi/5)+ ((sqrt(5)+1)/2)]}
= sqrt(5^(7/4) / (pi*sqrt(G)*(2cosh(pi/5)+G))) where G=golden ratio=1.618...

I think this can be done for any Dirichlet function and positive integral parameter.
For example, for the character 1,0,-1,0:
pi/4 = 2/2 * 3/4 * 5/4 * 7/8 * 11/12 * ...
where each denominator is the corresponding prime rounded to the nearest multiple of 4 (and in the case of 2, which is equidistant from 0 and 4, we use the average value 2).

and if we use all integers >= 2,
2/2*3/4*4/4*5/4*6/6*7/8*8/8*9/8*...= 0.75/1*1.25/1*1.75/2*2.25/2*...=gamma(1)*gamma(1)/gamma(0.75)/gamma(1.25)

Another way to see the above is to use divergent series (care must be exercised) and note that
2*3*4*5*... = sqrt(2pi)
2*4*4*4*6*8*8*8... = 2*4*6*8*... * (4*8*12*...)^2
=2^(1+1+1+...) * sqrt(2pi) * (4^(1+1+1+...)*sqrt(2pi))^2
=sqrt(pi) * pi/2
Hence the quotient (2*3*4*5*...)/(2*4*4*4*6*8*8*8...) = sqrt(8)/pi
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  • #7
Here's a "fun" formula for pi, based on the Central Binomial Coefficients, that might be of interest to someone or the other...

lim n --> infinity 2^((8k + 1)/2)/(sqrt (2*k^2)*C(2k, k)^2) = pi

This derivation takes its own sweet time converging to pi. For instance, if one looks at "where one is" for n = 38...

((sqrt(2)^((8 * 38) + 1)) / (sqrt (2*38^2)*6892620648693261354600^2))
= 3.1623285635

... one could easily be fooled into thinking one was looking at a formula convergent to the square root of 10 (= 3.1622776601683...). The numbers have to get pretty big before you start to see where you're headed.

((sqrt(2)^((8 * 200) + 1)) / (sqrt (2*200^2)*102952500135414432972975880320401986757210925381077648234849059575923332372651958598336595518976492951564048597506774120^2))
= 3.14552209570

One kind of "cool" (to me, anyway...) coincidence related to this specific derivation is that if you take the floor of the first differences of a modified version of the formula convergent to sqrt (2*n^2) * pi...


floor [2^((8(k+1) + 1)/2)/(C(2(k+1), (k+1))^2)]
floor [2^((8k + 1)/2)/(C(2k, k)^2)]

Then the first 15 values you get are as follows:
4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4

The musically inclined may well recognize the distribution of those 4's and 5's because it's the Piano Keyboard Sequence starting from D going either forwards or backwards (for 4, then a White Key. For 5, then a black key). It breaks down after that, but if one were to set k = to n (modulo 12), you'd not only have a nice little programmable musical loop that you could use to play the chromatic scale in ascending or descending order, but you'd also have a number sequence (less 4) that shows up in the expansions of both pi and pi^2 in the Golden base.
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Related to Discover the Cute and Simple Formula for Pi Derived from the Dirchlet Function

What is the Dirchlet function?

The Dirchlet function is a mathematical function that assigns 1 to any rational number and 0 to any irrational number.

How is Pi derived from the Dirchlet function?

Pi can be derived from the Dirchlet function by using its properties to calculate the value of the Riemann zeta function at s=2. This value is then multiplied by 6 to get an approximation of Pi.

Why is this formula considered "cute and simple"?

This formula is considered "cute and simple" because it uses basic mathematical concepts and operations to calculate an approximation of Pi, rather than complex equations or infinite series.

How accurate is this formula for calculating Pi?

The formula is accurate to 3 decimal places and can be improved by using more terms in the Dirchlet function or higher values of s in the Riemann zeta function.

What are the practical applications of this formula?

This formula can be used in various fields, such as geometry, physics, and engineering, to calculate the value of Pi for different purposes. It can also be used as a teaching tool to introduce students to basic mathematical concepts and the concept of approximation.

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