Delete My Account: Requesting a Ban for Forum Participation

  • Complaint
  • Thread starter Goongyae
  • Start date
In summary, Goongyae was warned for confusing topics but decided to leave anyways because of the restrictions. He thanks others for helping him and says goodbye.
  • #1
Please BAN me!

I'm getting warning messages saying my posts are "confusing". I also committed the infraction of "General Warning".

At no point did I intend to confuse anyone and in fact some forum participants learned some new things from my post and more than one poster thanked me:
>Googyae this is exactly what I was saying thank you. I couldn't find the right words.
>Thank you Goongyae for pointing some things out. I'm reading about p-adic numbers on wikipedia right know. I didn't know about it before, seems quite interesting.

I guess p-adic numbers and Euler just aren't acceptable mathematical topics.

I don't want an account here any more. I will go to a forum where I don't have to censor myself every other sentence to avoid offending some mental midget or overzealous moderator with an axe to grind. I've helped a lot of posters lately but I know if I continued posting mathematics here I'd just get more "infractions", whether it be for posting a bewildering binomial, a counfounding corollary, a mystifying matrix, a perplexing postulate, or a discombobulating derivation.

Unfortunately, it appears there is no means to delete/deactivate my account.

Please just ban me.

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  • #2

Goongyae said:
I don't want an account here any more. I will go to a forum where I don't have to censor myself every other sentence to avoid offending some mental midget or overzealous moderator with an axe to grind. I've helped a lot of posters lately but I know if I continued posting mathematics here I'd just get more "infractions", whether it be for posting a bewildering binomial, a confounding corollary, a mystifying matrix, a perplexing postulate, or a discombobulating derivation.

Nice alliteration, although I think you did stretch it a bit with that last one. Personally, I would have used "disorienting". I found your posts really informative, and it'll be sad to see you go just from a couple of infractions.
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  • #3
It's always frustrating when knowledgeable post things misleading things. Even worse when they decide to be melodramatic rather than listen to criticism and improve their own postings.
  • #4
Without getting involved in the specifics here, Goongyae, let me just be another one you can add to the public list of those who said "Thank you." That Euler d(n) formula you posted is indeed the "bees knees."
  • #5
Nothing says, "LOOK AT ME", like demanding deletion instead of just walking away. What is the deal with people and drama online... anger, happiness, disinterest... but DRAMA? :rolleyes:

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

*Berkeman... I'm trying VERY hard to moderate my language... and 'poop' I hate it. I LOVE TO SWEAR... ahh... 'corn-muffins'. If I start saying, "shut the front door", I want someone to kill me...
  • #6
Sad to see you go Goongyae!

But remember for next time: if you get a warning, no DOS attacks, ok? :biggrin:
  • #7
micromass said:
Sad to see you go Goongyae!

But remember for next time: if you get a warning, no DOS attacks, ok? :biggrin:


If it were that simple... this whole mess could have been solved very rapidly.
  • #8
nismaratwork said:
*Berkeman... I'm trying VERY hard to moderate my language... and 'poop' I hate it. I LOVE TO SWEAR... ahh... 'corn-muffins'.

Exemplary restraint! o:)
  • #9
Goongyae said:
I'm getting warning messages saying my posts are "confusing". I also committed the infraction of "General Warning".
Chill out for a second. An infraction for a general warning doesn't is teaching you what's right and wrong. I've had a couple myself, within the first few months after creating my account, and haven't gotten one since. You learn from your mistakes, and that's what the warnings are meant to do for you.

Hurkyl said:
It's always frustrating when knowledgeable post things misleading things.
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  • #10
berkeman said:
Exemplary restraint! o:)

Bah humbug, HUMBUG I say! What can I say, out of respect, it's the least I can do. A birdie mentioned that you took particular offense, so... *sigh*... no more *, no more half-curses. :cry:

FAQ: Delete My Account: Requesting a Ban for Forum Participation

What is the purpose of requesting a ban for forum participation?

The purpose of requesting a ban for forum participation is to permanently remove your account and all associated activity from the forum. This means that you will no longer be able to post or engage in any discussions on the forum.

How do I request a ban for my forum account?

You can request a ban for your forum account by contacting the forum moderators or administrators directly. They will typically have a process in place for handling ban requests and may require some information from you to verify your identity.

Will requesting a ban delete all of my previous posts and comments on the forum?

Yes, requesting a ban will delete all of your previous posts and comments on the forum. This is part of the process of permanently removing your account and all associated activity from the forum.

Can I change my mind after requesting a ban for my forum account?

In most cases, once a ban has been requested and processed, it cannot be reversed. It is important to carefully consider your decision before requesting a ban for your forum account.

Is requesting a ban for my forum account the same as deleting my account?

No, requesting a ban for your forum account is not the same as deleting your account. A ban is a more severe action and typically involves a review process by the forum moderators or administrators. Deleting your account may be a simpler and quicker process, but it will also permanently remove all of your activity from the forum.

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