How Can You Find the Energy Densities of an Electromagnetic Wave?

In summary, the student was trying to find the energy densities of an electromagnetic wave separately for the contribtions arising from the electric and magnetic field components. He began by writing down a relationship between du/dt, div N and Jf.E for some volume dV, and manipulated it using maxwell's equations until he had a term that looked like div N and some other terms. Those other terms will be du/dt. He needed to use the identity div (AxB)= A.curl B - B.curl A. u is energy density, Jf free current and ro is a charge density.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the energy densities of an electromagnetic wave separately for the contribtions arising from the electric and magnetic field components

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

How does one do this?

Is it just the usual derivation for a continuous charge distribution and then the one for a uniform current etc?

Is there a good website with this on that anyone can point me in the direction of? Thanks!
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  • #2
Another quick question:

SO it then asked me to work out the ratio of the energy denstities, which i did:

mu 0 times e0 times E^2/B^2

But then it says: find the characteristic impedence, defined as the ratio E/H of free space...

does this follow from what I've just done? If so, howwww?
  • #3
  • #4
hi bon! :smile:

(have a mu: µ and an epsilon: ε and try using the X2 and X2 icons just above the Reply box :wink:)
bon said:
… the ratio of the energy denstities, which i did:

mu 0 times e0 times E^2/B^2

But then it says: find the characteristic impedence, defined as the ratio E/H of free space...

in free space, B = µ0H :wink:
  • #5
Thanks but I am still not sure how to get to the answer:

the ratio of the energy denstities is µε E²/B²

so substituting B=µH I get

the ratio to be (ε/µ) E²/H²...but this still doens't allow me to get E/H -! This just tells me the ratio of the energy densities..
  • #6
tiny-tim said:
hi bon! :smile:

(have a mu: µ and an epsilon: ε and try using the X2 and X2 icons just above the Reply box :wink:)

in free space, B = µ0H :wink:

Sorry I thought id quote you just so you see that I've replied!
  • #7
you can also use E/B = c :wink:
bon said:
Sorry I thought id quote you just so you see that I've replied!

but i get an email notification anyway :confused:
  • #8
tiny-tim said:
you can also use E/B = c :wink:

but i get an email notification anyway :confused:

Aha ok thanks!

And sorry - i didnt realize you get an email notification :)

Thanks again.
  • #9
bon said:

Homework Statement

Find the energy densities of an electromagnetic wave separately for the contribtions arising from the electric and magnetic field components

Are you still having trouble with this? there's a very neat way to do it using conservation of energy.

Begin by writing down a relationship between du/dt , div N and Jf.E for some volume dV, if you're unsure of the origin of the J.E term consider the work done dW by fields in moving some charge ro dV by dl.

Once you have the relationship, start with J.E and manipulate it using maxwell's equations until you have a term that looks like div N and some other terms. Those other terms will be du/dt.

you will need to use the identity div (AxB)= A.curl B - B.curl A

u is energy density, Jf free current and ro is a charge density

FAQ: How Can You Find the Energy Densities of an Electromagnetic Wave?

1. What is electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves. It includes a wide range of wavelengths, from very short gamma rays to very long radio waves.

2. What are the sources of electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation can be emitted from a variety of sources, including the sun, electronic devices, and radioactive materials. It can also be produced artificially through processes such as X-ray machines and radio transmitters.

3. What are the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health?

The effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health are complex and still being studied. High levels of exposure to certain types of electromagnetic radiation, such as UV rays and X-rays, can be harmful to living organisms. However, low levels of exposure to non-ionizing radiation, such as radio waves and microwaves, are not known to cause any significant health effects.

4. How does electromagnetic radiation travel through space?

Electromagnetic radiation travels through space in the form of waves, which do not require a medium to propagate. These waves are made up of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other and to the direction of travel. This allows electromagnetic radiation to travel through a vacuum, such as the vastness of space.

5. How is electromagnetic radiation used in everyday life?

Electromagnetic radiation has a wide range of practical applications in everyday life. It is used in communication technologies such as radio, television, and cell phones. It is also used in medical imaging, such as X-rays and MRI scans. Additionally, electromagnetic radiation is used in cooking, heating, and lighting through appliances like microwaves, infrared heaters, and light bulbs.
