Habitable exoplanets of white dwarfs

  • Thread starter FtlIsAwesome
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In summary, a new paper was published proposing that transit surveys should be conducted for Earth-like planets around white dwarfs. The properties of a planet around a white dwarf are nearly endless, and if it is in the habitable zone of the white dwarf, it would be inside the diameter of the precursor red-giant.
  • #1
Gold Member
A while back a new arxiv paper was published.
"Transit surveys for Earths in the habitable zones of white dwarfs"
I finally got around to fully reading it, but I'll probably have to reread it to make it stick in my memory.

What would the properties of such a planet be? It would be tidally locked and have an H/He atmosphere, what else?

A cool thing is that the planet can be larger in radius than the parent white dwarf. A planet bigger than its sun.

The most appealing factor is that these would be easier to detect than around main sequence stars.

Have we currently detected any planets of white dwarfs?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'd guess that the properties of a planet around a white dwarf are nearly endless. I'm sure it all depends on the way the system was formed and such.
  • #3
If it is in the habitable zone of the white dwarf, wouldn't it be inside the diameter of the precursor red-giant ??
  • #4
Nik_2213 said:
If it is in the habitable zone of the white dwarf, wouldn't it be inside the diameter of the precursor red-giant ??

Probably. But with the differences in stars and the possibilities of planets forming from the lost matter of the red giant, I'd say its probably possible for there to be a habitable planet there. Unlikely is my guess, but probably possible.
  • #5
From Scientific American: http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=habitable-exoplanets-could-exist-at-2011-04-01

Transit Surveys for Earths in the Habitable Zones of White Dwarfs
To date the search for habitable Earth-like planets has primarily focused on nuclear burning stars. I propose that this search should be expanded to cool white dwarf stars that have expended their nuclear fuel. I define the continuously habitable zone of white dwarfs and show that it extends from ≈0.005 to 0.02 AU for white dwarfs with masses from 0.4 to 0.9 M sun, temperatures less than ≈10^4 K, and habitable durations of at least 3 Gyr. As they are similar in size to Earth, white dwarfs may be deeply eclipsed by terrestrial planets that orbit edge-on, which can easily be detected with ground-based telescopes. If planets can migrate inward or reform near white dwarfs, I show that a global robotic telescope network could carry out a transit survey of nearby white dwarfs placing interesting constraints on the presence of habitable Earths. If planets were detected, I show that the survey would favor detection of planets similar to Earth: similar size, temperature, and rotation period, and host star temperatures similar to the Sun. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope could place even tighter constraints on the frequency of habitable Earths around white dwarfs. The confirmation and characterization of these planets might be carried out with large ground and space telescopes.
But even a white dwarf that formed over 10 billion years ago would have a relatively short "habitable window" at the present time, only a few billion years. Though a white dwarf is essentially condensed, not changing its size significantly as it cools, it can cool by a sizable amount over the age of the Universe. From http://astro1.panet.utoledo.edu/~gthomps/Presentations/Fall07ABL9.25.pdf , an approximate equation for a white dwarf's luminosity is

(L/Lsun) = 8.4*10-4 * (M/Msun) * (time/(1 Gyr))-7/5
1 Gyr = 109 years.

So a WD's planet's temperature would vary as power -7/20 of the time since it became a WD.

Let's see how some familiar white dwarfs stack up
Which | Age | Mass(S) | Rad(S) | Lum(S) | Temp | a(AU) | Per(d) | Hab. window
Sirius B | 0.2 Gyr | 0.978 | 0.0084 | 0.026 | 25200 K | 0.16 | 24 | 0.12 Gyr
Procyon B | 3 Gyr | 0.602 | 0.01234 | 0.00055 | 7740 K | 0.023 | 1.7 | 1.8 Gyr

The habitability window is the amount of time where the planet's surface temperature goes from 1.1 * Earth's to 0.9 * Earth's, and is about 0.6 * current age. The oldest white dwarfs are around 10 billion years old, giving them a present-time habitability window of 6 billion years, close to the Earth's. A habitable planet would orbit at around 0.01 AU, with a period of about half a day.

A habitable planet of a white dwarf would get tidally locked, so one side always faces its star, like the Moon with the Earth.

There is an interesting historical parallel. In the late 19th cy., various scientists had proposed that the Sun is slowly cooling down, making the Earth's surface also slowly cool down. This is what would happen to a planet of a white dwarf.

There's also the question of whether a planet could form that close to a white dwarf, or if it formed elsewhere, how it could get that close.
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  • #6
lpetrich said:
From Scientific American: http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=habitable-exoplanets-could-exist-at-2011-04-01

Transit Surveys for Earths in the Habitable Zones of White Dwarfs
That's where I first saw it. On the PF main page was link to the SciAm article. The IOP paper requires payment; while browsing qraal's blog I found a link to the arxiv copy. It didn't occur to me to search for it on arxiv. :rolleyes:

The author of the paper skips over the question of the origin of the planet, and discusses the detectability and potential habitability.

Being tidally locked, such a planet will have similarities to the planets thought to exist around M class red dwarfs. The habitable part of the planet will be along the terminator, while the light side and dark side will be overheated and underheated respectively; a nightside icecap and a dayside desert.

FAQ: Habitable exoplanets of white dwarfs

1. What is a white dwarf?

A white dwarf is a type of star that has reached the end of its life cycle and has collapsed, leaving behind a dense core made up mostly of carbon and oxygen. They are typically about the size of Earth but can have masses similar to that of the sun.

2. How can a white dwarf support habitable exoplanets?

When a star becomes a white dwarf, it usually has a planetary system orbiting around it. If a planet in this system is in the habitable zone, where liquid water can exist, it could potentially support life. However, the conditions on these planets would be very different from those on Earth due to the intense radiation and gravitational forces from the white dwarf.

3. How do we detect habitable exoplanets of white dwarfs?

Currently, we use a variety of methods to detect exoplanets, including the transit method where we observe a dip in the star's brightness as a planet passes in front of it, and the radial velocity method where we measure the slight wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of an orbiting planet. These methods can also be applied to detect habitable exoplanets of white dwarfs.

4. Are there any known habitable exoplanets of white dwarfs?

As of now, there are no confirmed planets in the habitable zone of a white dwarf. However, there are some candidates that have been identified and are currently being studied. It is also possible that there are habitable exoplanets of white dwarfs that we have not yet discovered.

5. Could life exist on a habitable exoplanet of a white dwarf?

It is currently unknown if life could exist on a habitable exoplanet of a white dwarf. The intense radiation and gravitational forces from the white dwarf could make it difficult for life to thrive. However, some scientists believe that certain extremophiles, organisms that can survive in extreme environments, may be able to adapt to these conditions.
