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I'd like to test my understanding of some basic definitions using the example of a double coin toss. I think this would be formally modeled with the following structure:
A1. The sample space, S = {(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)}, whose elements (s1,s2) are called outcomes, where si = 1 means heads on the ith toss, and 0 tails. (I suppose it's a configuration space, a state space whose elements are the possible final states.)
A2. The events, E. A sigma-algebra on S, containing at least all possible singletons (called elementary events).
A3. The probability, P, a probability measure on E; this P defined by P(e) = 1/4 for all singletons, e, in E.
B1. The observation space, T = {0,1,2}, whose elements, "observations", denote the possible numbers of heads achieved in two tosses.
B2. The "observed events", F. A sigma-algebra on T, containing at least all singletons.
B3. The distribution, Q, a probability measure on F.
C1. The random variable, X:S-->T such that, for all B in F, Q(B)=P(X-1(B)).
Now, by the sigma-algebra axioms, if all singletons are in E, then so are all unions of singletons (S being countable, indeed finite), hence E is the power set of S. Since elementary events are discrete,
Q({1}) = P({(0,1)}U{(1,0)}) = P({(0,1)}) + P({(1,0)}) = 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2
as expected. Is this how the definitions work? I'm looking to know whether I'm thinking along the right lines are if there are any flaws in my understanding of the concepts. It looks as though E and F are always power sets for a discrete probability space; is this so?
One thing that troubles me about this example is that nonzero probabilities are assigned to impossible events, i.e. events which don't correspond to one particular outcome. I hope this isn't a sign that I've got something wrong. I'm guessing it's just because the word "event" has a technical meaning here, which doesn't necessarily coincide with its everyday sense. That is, my untrained instict is to see outcome and event as synonymous, which is clearly not the case here.
A1. The sample space, S = {(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)}, whose elements (s1,s2) are called outcomes, where si = 1 means heads on the ith toss, and 0 tails. (I suppose it's a configuration space, a state space whose elements are the possible final states.)
A2. The events, E. A sigma-algebra on S, containing at least all possible singletons (called elementary events).
A3. The probability, P, a probability measure on E; this P defined by P(e) = 1/4 for all singletons, e, in E.
B1. The observation space, T = {0,1,2}, whose elements, "observations", denote the possible numbers of heads achieved in two tosses.
B2. The "observed events", F. A sigma-algebra on T, containing at least all singletons.
B3. The distribution, Q, a probability measure on F.
C1. The random variable, X:S-->T such that, for all B in F, Q(B)=P(X-1(B)).
Now, by the sigma-algebra axioms, if all singletons are in E, then so are all unions of singletons (S being countable, indeed finite), hence E is the power set of S. Since elementary events are discrete,
Q({1}) = P({(0,1)}U{(1,0)}) = P({(0,1)}) + P({(1,0)}) = 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2
as expected. Is this how the definitions work? I'm looking to know whether I'm thinking along the right lines are if there are any flaws in my understanding of the concepts. It looks as though E and F are always power sets for a discrete probability space; is this so?
One thing that troubles me about this example is that nonzero probabilities are assigned to impossible events, i.e. events which don't correspond to one particular outcome. I hope this isn't a sign that I've got something wrong. I'm guessing it's just because the word "event" has a technical meaning here, which doesn't necessarily coincide with its everyday sense. That is, my untrained instict is to see outcome and event as synonymous, which is clearly not the case here.