Gödel's incompleteness theorems

  • Thread starter hyperds
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In summary: So, in summary, Godel's incompleteness theorems show that any system expressive enough to be consistent and complete will also contain self-referential statements, which makes it impossible to find a complete set of axioms for mathematics. This was a huge shock to mathematicians at the time, as it went against their beliefs and dreams of having a complete and consistent system. In summary, Godel's incompleteness theorems state that any system expressive enough to be consistent and complete will also contain self-referential statements. This means that it is impossible to find a complete set of axioms for mathematics. This was a major surprise to mathematicians who had been searching for such a set for over 30 years,
  • #1
I saw this explanation of Gödel's incompleteness theorems in another thread:

Godel found a way of encoding a statement to the effect of "This statement is unprovable" into the symbolic logic system defined in Principia Mathematica (PM). The notable aspect of the statement is that it is self-referential, which Godel managed to accomplish by encoding statements in PM into "Godel Numbers." Thus the actual statement in PM refers to its own Godel Number.

To boil it down into a nutshell, I'd say it means that any system which is expressive enough to be consistent and complete is also expressive enough to contain self-referential statements which doom it to incompleteness.

Is this correct? And does this mean that all unprovable statements in math, will take the form of a self-referential paradox? If this is true, I don't get why the incompleteness theorem is considered deep, if it is basically irrelevant to the rest of math, and only applies to carefully constructed paradoxical statements.
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  • #2
hyperds said:
And does this mean that all unprovable statements in math, will take the form of a self-referential paradox?
No. Or, at least, not obviously so. (But for completeness, I should remark, the Gödel statement isn't obviously self-referential either -- it only becomes apparent after going through the particular translation of formal logic into number theory)

Incompleteness is a normal thing. For example, [itex]\forall x: x+x=0[/itex] is an undecidable statement in the theory of an Abelian group -- there are groups where it's true and groups where it's false. This is good, because "the theory of an Abelian group" is supposed to describe many inequivalent kinds of things.

Sometimes, we want complete theories, and there are interesting ones. For example, the theory of real closed fields, which describes (in first-order logic) the arithmetic and ordering of the real numbers.

The main reason Gödel's first incompleteness theorem is interesting is that people generally thought one could find axioms to make make number theory complete, or to make set theory complete, etc.
  • #3
hyperds said:
I don't get why the incompleteness theorem is considered deep, if it is basically irrelevant to the rest of math, and only applies to carefully constructed paradoxical statements.

It is true that Godels incompleteness theorem is irrelevant to the rest of mathematics. And today, Godels theorem seems intuitively obvious. However, you must see this in it's context, let me sketch this for you:

Up until the 20th century, people have always done mathematics very informally. That is, they considered sets to be arbitrary collections of things and they thought it was obvious what a set was. However, one day came Russel and he showed everybody the set [itex]\{x~\vert~x\notin x\}[/itex] and he asked whether this set is an element of itself. This leads to an obvious paradox.

This lead to a very deep crisis in mathematics, as suddenly it seemed that mathematics was based on thin air (and it was). Enter Hilbert, who thought he had the solution. He would give a list of axioms and a list of inference rules and he would regard mathematics as the formal manipulation of symbols. Hilbert had the dream that he could give a set of axioms which completely descirbe mathematics, and furthemore he had the dream that in his system he could prove the consistency of his system.

So for over 30 years, people believed Hilbert to be correct and searched for a complete set of axioms. But then Godel showed that this was impossible. This was a huge surprise to all mathematicians of that time!

It nevertheless took some time for the first unprovable statement (that was not self-referential) to show up in set theory. This was the continuum hypothesis.

FAQ: Gödel's incompleteness theorems

What are Gödel's incompleteness theorems?

Gödel's incompleteness theorems are two famous mathematical theorems, proved by Kurt Gödel in 1931, that have had a profound impact on the field of mathematical logic and the philosophy of mathematics. They state that in any formal axiomatic system that is powerful enough to represent basic arithmetic, there will always be true statements that cannot be proven within that system.

Why are these theorems significant?

Gödel's incompleteness theorems showed that there are inherent limitations to formal systems of mathematics, as they cannot prove all true statements. This challenged the idea that mathematics could be reduced to a set of logical rules and led to new questions about the nature and foundations of mathematics.

How do the theorems relate to the concept of completeness?

The theorems are called "incompleteness" theorems because they show that there will always be true statements that cannot be proven within a formal system. This means that no formal system of mathematics can be considered complete, as there will always be statements that are true but cannot be proven within that system.

What is an example of a true statement that cannot be proven within a formal system?

One famous example is the "Gödel sentence", a statement that essentially says "this statement cannot be proven within the formal system". If the statement is true, then it cannot be proven within the system, and if it is false, then it can be proven, making the statement true. This creates a paradox within the system and demonstrates its incompleteness.

Do these theorems have any practical applications?

Gödel's incompleteness theorems have had a significant impact on computer science and artificial intelligence. They have shown that there will always be limitations to what can be proven or computed by a machine, no matter how advanced it may be. This has led to the development of new algorithms and methods for verifying the correctness of computer programs.

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