Derivative in cylindrical coordinates.

In summary: I just want to verify:\hat r = \hat x\; cos\; \omega t + \hat y \;sin\;\omega t \; \Rightarrow \; \frac {d\hat r}{dt}= -\hat x\;\omega\; sin\; \omega t + \hat y\;\omega \;cos\;\omega t = \hat {\phi}\; \omegaIn summary, The conversation discusses the concept of taking derivatives in cylindrical coordinates and the unit vectors involved in circular motion. The first part addresses the question of finding a direct method to take the derivative in cylindrical coordinates, while the second part discusses the behavior of angular velocity and acceleration in rectangular coordinates. The
  • #1
This is calculus question, but I don't think calculus really cover this topic in either multi-variables or even vector calculus classes. This is really more common problem in electrodynamics.

Let R be position vector that trace out a circle or radius a with constant velocity. In rectangular coordinates:

[tex] \vec R = \hat x acos \omega t +\hat y a sin\omega t [/tex]

[tex]\vec v = \frac {d\vec R}{dt}= -\hat x a\omega sin \omega t +\hat y a\omega cos\omega t [/tex]This is very straight forward. So I am going to try to do the derivative in cylindrical coordinates. For cylindrical coordinates;

[tex] \vec R =\hat r a [/tex]

How do you take the derivative? There is only a constant. I know [tex] \vec v=\hat {\phi} a\omega [/tex]

The only way I know how to get v in cylindrical coordinates is doing a translation of v from rectangular coordinates to cylindrical coordinate after performing the derivative in rectangular coordinates.

Anyone can tell me a direct method to take the derivative in cylindrical coordinates?

Also for constant angular velocity [itex]\omega[/itex], angular acceleration is supposed to be zero. But if you look at in rectangular coordinates:

[tex] \vec a = \frac {d \vec v}{dt} = -\hat x a \omega^2 cos \omega t \;-\; \hat y a\omega^2sin\omega t [/tex]

Obviously it is not zero, does this mean you don't look at this as angular velocity or acceleration, but instead, look at it as in straight line components x,y?
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  • #2
The absolute value of the acceleration would be constant for uniform circular motion as described, but wouldn't the unit vector be changing direction with respect to time. You'd need to find the time derivative of the unit vector in the r direction I think.
  • #3
Thanks, that's what I suspect.

Anyone can help on the first part?
  • #4
I am not sure what you call "the first part".
The idea is that in cylindrical coordinates the unit vectors are not constants, as suggested above.
The derivative of the position vector r is, in general
[tex]\frac{d \vec{r}}{dt}=\frac{d (r\hat{r})}{dt}= \hat{r} \frac{d r}{dt}+r \frac{d \hat{r}}{dt}[/tex]
For circular motion the magnitude r is constant so only the second term remains.
The derivative of the unit vector r is
[tex]\frac{d (\hat{r})}{dt}=\omega \hat{\theta}[/tex]
  • #5
nasu said:
I am not sure what you call "the first part".
The idea is that in cylindrical coordinates the unit vectors are not constants, as suggested above.
The derivative of the position vector r is, in general
[tex]\frac{d \vec{r}}{dt}=\frac{d (r\hat{r})}{dt}= \hat{r} \frac{d r}{dt}+r \frac{d \hat{r}}{dt}[/tex]
For circular motion the magnitude r is constant so only the second term remains.
The derivative of the unit vector r is
[tex]\frac{d (\hat{r})}{dt}=\omega \hat{\theta}[/tex]

Thanks for the reply,

I just want to verify:

[tex]\hat r = \hat x\; cos\; \omega t + \hat y \;sin\;\omega t \; \Rightarrow \; \frac {d\hat r}{dt}= -\hat x\;\omega\; sin\; \omega t + \hat y\;\omega \;cos\;\omega t = \hat {\phi}\; \omega[/tex]


  • #6
I think it's OK.
  • #7

Related to Derivative in cylindrical coordinates.

What is a derivative in cylindrical coordinates?

A derivative in cylindrical coordinates is a mathematical concept that represents the rate of change of a function with respect to its cylindrical coordinates, which are typically denoted as (r, θ, z). It is used to calculate how much a function changes at a specific point in a cylindrical coordinate system.

What is the formula for finding the derivative in cylindrical coordinates?

The formula for finding the derivative in cylindrical coordinates is similar to the formula for finding the derivative in Cartesian coordinates, but it takes into account the additional coordinate variables. It is given by dF/dr, dF/dθ and dF/dz where F is the function of (r, θ, z).

Why is it important to use cylindrical coordinates when finding a derivative?

Cylindrical coordinates are useful when dealing with functions that have a cylindrical symmetry, such as cylinders, cones, and spheres. In these cases, using cylindrical coordinates can simplify the calculation of the derivative and make it easier to understand the behavior of the function.

How do you calculate a partial derivative in cylindrical coordinates?

To calculate a partial derivative in cylindrical coordinates, you take the derivative with respect to one variable, while holding the other variables constant. For example, to find the partial derivative of a function with respect to θ, you would treat r and z as constants and apply the derivative formula for polar coordinates.

Can the chain rule be applied to derivatives in cylindrical coordinates?

Yes, the chain rule can be applied to derivatives in cylindrical coordinates. It states that the derivative of a composite function is equal to the derivative of the outer function multiplied by the derivative of the inner function. This can be applied to cylindrical coordinates by considering the chain of coordinate transformations between Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates.

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