Finding the magnitude of a magnetic field from a square loop

In summary, the problem is to find the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of a square loop carrying current i with sides of length L. Using the Biot and Savart law, the magnetic field can be calculated by splitting the loop into infinitesimal lengths and integrating the fields from each side of the loop. The formula for the magnetic field from a straight current-carrying wire is also used in the calculation. If the loop was in the shape of a circle, the calculation would be simpler.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A square loop, with sides of length L, carries current i. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field from the loop at the center of the loop, as a function of i and L. (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: μ0.)

Homework Equations

magnetic field outside of a conductor:

The Attempt at a Solution

I got u_0*I*L/L^2

Not really sure what I should be doing differently? If it was in the shape of a circle it'd be easy, but because it's in a square, it's harder.
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  • #2
I think the easiest way would be to try to solve the problem of finding the magnetic field produced by a straight current-carrying piece of wire of length L. Try to find the field at a point a distance x from the wire on its perpendicular bisector. You can do this by splitting the wire into infinitessimal lengths dl and then use the Biot and Savart law to calculate the field produced by dl. Then integrate along the length of the wire to find the total.

I think you should get

[tex]B = \frac{\mu_{0}I}{4\pi}\frac{L}{x\sqrt{x^{2}+(L/2)^{2} }}.[/tex]
Now you've done the hard part it's just a matter of adding the fields from each of the 4 sides of the loop.
  • #3
It seems pretty confusing, but I'll try it out and see what happens.
  • #4
Patdon10 said:
It seems pretty confusing, but I'll try it out and see what happens.
I think that is the easiest way to do it. If you are trying to find the field from shapes like this then presumably you've covered the field from a straight current-carrying wire?

Patdon10 said:
If it was in the shape of a circle it'd be easy, but because it's in a square, it's harder.
How would you do it for a circle?
  • #5

I would like to provide a more detailed and comprehensive response to this content. Firstly, it is important to note that the magnetic field from a square loop can be calculated using the Biot-Savart law, which states that the magnetic field at a point is proportional to the current and the distance from the current-carrying element. In this case, the square loop can be divided into smaller current-carrying elements, and the magnetic field at the center can be calculated by integrating the contributions from each element.

Now, in order to find the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the square loop, we need to consider the direction of the magnetic field at each point. Since the square loop is symmetrical, we can assume that the magnetic field at the center will be in the same direction as the magnetic field at any point on the loop. Therefore, we can use the equation for the magnetic field outside of a conductor, which you have correctly stated as B = μ0*I*r/A, where μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current, r is the distance from the current-carrying element, and A is the area of the loop.

However, in this case, the distance r is not constant, as it varies depending on the position of the current-carrying element on the loop. Therefore, we need to express r in terms of the variables given in the problem. The distance from the center of a square to any of its sides is L/2, therefore, the distance from the center of the loop to any of its sides will be L/2 as well. Since the magnetic field is perpendicular to the current and the side of the loop, the distance r will be equal to L/2.

Substituting this value for r in the equation for the magnetic field, we get B = μ0*I*(L/2)/A. Now, we need to find the area A of the loop, which can be calculated by multiplying the length of one side (L) by the length of the other side (also L), giving us A = L^2. Substituting this value for A, we finally get the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the loop as B = μ0*I*L/L^2.

In summary, to find the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of a square loop, we first need to express the distance r in terms of the

FAQ: Finding the magnitude of a magnetic field from a square loop

1. How do you find the magnitude of a magnetic field from a square loop?

To find the magnitude of a magnetic field from a square loop, you can use the equation B = μ0I/2r, where B is the magnetic field, μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current flowing through the loop, and r is the distance from the center of the loop to the point where you want to find the magnetic field.

2. What is the importance of finding the magnitude of a magnetic field from a square loop?

Finding the magnitude of a magnetic field from a square loop is important because it allows us to understand and analyze the behavior of magnetic fields. This information is crucial in many applications, such as designing electromagnets, motors, and generators.

3. How can you measure the current flowing through a square loop?

The current flowing through a square loop can be measured using an ammeter, which is a device that measures the flow of electric current. The ammeter should be connected in series with the loop to accurately measure the current.

4. Can you use the same equation to find the magnetic field from a non-square loop?

Yes, the same equation B = μ0I/2r can be used to find the magnetic field from any closed loop, regardless of its shape. The only difference is that the value of r will vary depending on the distance from the center of the loop to the point where you want to find the magnetic field.

5. Are there any other factors that can affect the magnitude of the magnetic field from a square loop?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect the magnitude of the magnetic field from a square loop, such as the material of the loop, the shape and size of the loop, and the strength of the current flowing through the loop. These factors should be taken into consideration when analyzing magnetic fields from square loops.
