How do primes come out of Peano arithmetic?

In summary, the prime numbers are a basis for the natural numbers, and the monoid created is a monoid with the addition operation \oplus . The fundamental theorem of arithmetic says that for any number greater than 1, there exists a unique prime factorization.
  • #1
Let [itex](N, s(n), 0)[/itex] be a Peano space. That is, [itex]N=\{1,2,3,\dots \}[/itex] is a set in which" can be used.

We can then define:
  • [itex]0=\varnothing, 1=\{0\}, 2=\{0,1\},\dots \implies n=\{0,1,2,\dots ,n-2,n-1\}[/itex]
  • [itex]s(a)=a\cup \{a\}\implies s(a)=a+1[/itex]

From here we can define both addition and multiplication. I was wondering how the properties of primes come to be. That is, what makes [itex]19=\{0,1,2,\dots ,18\}[/itex] prime and [itex]4=\{0,1,2,3\}[/itex] not prime.

I've never really studied Number Theory, so I'm not strong in it at all.

(If you've noticed, I really like Peano spaces)
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  • #2
Well, first define addition the usual recursive way:


Then define multiplication the usual recursive way


Then we define that "n divides m" if there is a number x such that n*x=m. We write n|m.

Then we define a number p (which is nonzero and not one) to be prime if p|(a*b) implies that p|a or p|b.
  • #3
I guess I failed to explain what I was really wishing to ask.

I was just wondering how so much power and structure comes out of the prime numbers with respect to multiplication.

Maybe my question is more metamathematical than I thought it would be when I was thinking of it earlier today.

Nonetheless, thanks micromass for your help! :)

Also, could one consider the set of primes [itex]\{2,3,5,\dots\}[/itex] as a 'basis' for the natural numbers with respect to multiplication? Is that what the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is basically saying?
  • #4
Kindayr said:
I guess I failed to explain what I was really wishing to ask.

I was just wondering how so much power and structure comes out of the prime numbers with respect to multiplication.

Maybe my question is more metamathematical than I thought it would be when I was thinking of it earlier today.

Nonetheless, thanks micromass for your help! :)

Also, could one consider the set of primes [itex]\{2,3,5,\dots\}[/itex] as a 'basis' for the natural numbers with respect to multiplication? Is that what the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is basically saying?
You could easily say that the prime numbers are a basis for all natural numbers > 1 since every natural number greater than 1 is a product of primes. But what then is the basis of 1? Also the fundamental theorem of arithematic is more stronger than that since it says that there is "only one way" to express a number greater than 1 as a product of prime(s) (you don't count P(1)*P(2) as different from P(2)*P(1) etc. also P(1) is considered to be simply the product a prime, i.e. P(1)).
  • #5
I was just fooling around in my head with this idea as the primes as a basis.

Let [itex]a\in\mathbb N[/itex] and let [itex]p,p_{1},p_{2},p_{3},\dots,p_{n}[/itex] be all the primes such that [itex]1<p_{1}<p_{2}<p_{3}<\cdots<p_{n}=p\leq a[/itex]. By the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, we know that there exists a unique prime factorization of [itex]a[/itex]. That is, [itex]a=p_{1}^{e_{1}}p_{2}^{e_{2}}\cdots p_{n}^{e_{n}}[/itex]. So we can represent [itex]a[/itex] with the [itex]n[/itex]-tuple [itex]a\simeq (e_{1},e_{2},\dots,e_{n})\in\mathbb N^{n}[/itex]. Note that [itex]1\simeq (0,0,\dots,0)\in\mathbb N^{n}[/itex].

Define the binary operation [itex]\oplus : \mathbb N^{n}\times \mathbb N^{n} \to \mathbb N^{n}[/itex] such that [itex]\oplus ((e_{1},e_{2},\dots,e_{n}),(f_{1},f_{2},\dots,f_{n}))=(e_{1}+f_{1},e_{2}+f_{2},\dots,e_{n}+f_{n})[/itex]. Note that this corresponds to normal multiplication in [itex]\mathbb N[/itex]. We could also define equivalence classes in [itex]\mathbb N^{n}[/itex] that correspond to congruence in [itex]\mathbb Z_{p}[/itex].

I think this pretty cool hahaha, because then with respect to some norm, we could assign 'lengths' to each of this [itex]n[/itex]-tuples. So you could find which numbers are related with respect to length (notice the primes are all of length 1, and are orthogonal to one another).

I just thought this was cool, because I think this forms a monoid at least. The once we have a monoid, we could extend it as a Grothendiek group, I think. I just though some cool things could be done with it.

I think my definitions are a little sloppy, and could be fixed, but I hope I'm getting what I'm trying to convey over. I can make it more rigourous later in the day as I just woke up heh.
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FAQ: How do primes come out of Peano arithmetic?

1. How are prime numbers related to Peano arithmetic?

Prime numbers are closely related to Peano arithmetic because they are used to prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, which states that every positive integer can be uniquely expressed as a product of prime numbers. This theorem is one of the key principles of Peano arithmetic, which is a foundational system for natural numbers.

2. Can Peano arithmetic be used to generate prime numbers?

No, Peano arithmetic is not a method for generating prime numbers. It is a formal system for defining and manipulating natural numbers, but it does not have the ability to generate specific numbers such as prime numbers.

3. How do prime numbers "come out" of Peano arithmetic?

Prime numbers do not "come out" of Peano arithmetic in the traditional sense. Rather, they are a fundamental part of the system and are used to prove important theorems, such as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Prime numbers are derived from the axioms and rules of Peano arithmetic, but they are not generated by the system itself.

4. Are there any limitations to using Peano arithmetic to study prime numbers?

Yes, there are limitations to using Peano arithmetic to study prime numbers. Peano arithmetic is a foundational system for natural numbers, but it is not powerful enough to fully explore the properties and behaviors of prime numbers. Other mathematical systems, such as number theory, are better suited for studying prime numbers.

5. Can Peano arithmetic be extended to include prime numbers?

No, Peano arithmetic cannot be extended to include prime numbers. Prime numbers are already a fundamental part of the system and are used in its axioms and rules. Any changes or extensions to Peano arithmetic would not alter the fact that prime numbers are an integral part of the system.
