Calculating if a projectile from Mars will impact Earth.

In summary, the conversation discusses launching an object from the North pole of Mars towards the North pole of the Sun, assuming a perfect linear alignment of Sun, Earth, and Mars. The projectile's trajectory is affected by Earth's gravity and calculations have been attempted using a 3D simulation and formulas for gravitational acceleration. However, the necessary inputs for accurate calculations are still unknown. Further research and knowledge of unit vectors may be required.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is not a homework assignment, its more of a personal project.

An object (Mass undecided yet) is launched from the North pole of Mars towards the North pole of Sun. It is assumes that Sun, Earth and Mars are in a perfect linear alignment in front of one another and that this assumption remains constant.

With the above said, will the projectile get so much of an influence from Earth's gravity that it goes completely of course or in worst case scenario, impact Earth? Relevant Information:
-From a 3D simulation, using approximate values for diameters of planets (and Sun) and also the average distance of the planets from Sun, I found that the projectile will pass Earth with a distance of 234,803.4 KM , where the strenght of Earth gravity is 0.007 ms-2 , using Formula1, mentioned below.

-Both the Mass (and volume) and the speed of this projectile can be adjusted so the safest launch process is provided (Safe: No impacts with planets or an unwanted trajectory

Homework Equations

Formula1 : [tex]g_{h}=g_{0}(\frac {r_{e}}{r_{e}+h})^2[/tex]

[tex]g_{h}[/tex] Strength of gravity at given height.
[tex]g_{0}[/tex] Strength of gravity at Earth's surface (9.81ms-2)
[tex]r_{e}[/tex] Earth's mean radius (6,378 KM)
[tex]h[/tex] Given Height from planet's surface.

The Attempt at a Solution

My initial attempt was to simply calculate a downward acceleration but since the acceleration increases with distance I was unable to perform any calculation (Just became a freshman at University).

The second attempt was a visual attempt, by drawing semi accurate 2D map of the scenario and try to work with angles but it proved more difficult than the previous attempt.

4. Finally...
I will need to know how much of a bend will Earth's gravitation influence cause. If knowing the mass and speed of the projectile is critical to the calculations, please inform me so I can figure them out, if not kindly provide me with the necessary formulas so I can input numbers.Regards,
Physics news on
  • #2
Seems like I can't edit my original post anymore so I am forced to reply to it.

5.Even more info.
After some research, I found a formula which might help: (" )
[tex]M[/tex] is the mass of the attracting object,
[tex]\hat{r}[/tex]is the unit vector from center of mass of the attracting object to the center of mass of the object being accelerated.
[tex]r[/tex] is the distance between the two objects.
[tex]G_{6.673e^-11}[/tex] is the gravitational constant of the universe.

Unfortunately I am not able to determine a "Unit Vector" from Earth's centre to the centre of mass of the projectile. (Read its" but its outside of my math knowledge).
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FAQ: Calculating if a projectile from Mars will impact Earth.

1. What factors are involved in calculating if a projectile from Mars will impact Earth?

In order to calculate the impact of a projectile from Mars on Earth, several factors must be taken into account. These include the velocity and trajectory of the projectile, the gravitational pull of both Mars and Earth, and any potential atmospheric drag or other forces that may affect its path.

2. Is there a specific formula or equation that can be used to calculate the impact?

Yes, there are several equations and calculations that can be used to determine the impact of a projectile from Mars on Earth. These include the equations for projectile motion, as well as equations for gravitational force and acceleration.

3. How accurate are these calculations?

The accuracy of these calculations depends on the accuracy of the input data and assumptions made. Factors such as the shape and composition of the projectile, atmospheric conditions, and other external forces can also affect the accuracy of the calculations. Therefore, it is important to continually refine and update the calculations as new information becomes available.

4. Can these calculations be used to predict future impacts?

Yes, these calculations can be used to predict potential future impacts of projectiles from Mars on Earth. By inputting different variables and data, scientists can simulate various scenarios and determine the likelihood of an impact occurring in the future.

5. How do these calculations help with space exploration and safety?

Calculating the impact of projectiles from Mars on Earth is essential for space exploration and safety. By accurately predicting potential impacts, scientists can plan and prepare for potential risks, and take necessary precautions to protect Earth and any potential spacecraft in the area.
