Kepler 16-b: first circumbinary planet?

In summary: Thanks for pointing that out."In summary, NASA's Kepler 16-b discovery is the first confirmed detection of a circumbinary planet, despite there being hints in the past of their existence. While other circumbinary systems have been observed and noted, Kepler's confirmation is the first by direct observation. This is also the first unambiguous confirmation, not just a strongly suspected one. Additionally, it was surprising to learn that stars can have surface temperatures as low as -73C to -101C, as in the case of Kepler 16-b's two smaller and cooler suns.
  • #1
NASA says that the case of Kepler 16-b is "the first unambiguous detection of a circumbinary planet." But Wikipedia lists at most five circumbinary systems: PSR B1620-26, HW Virginis, Kepler-16, DP Leonis, and NN Serpentis. If so, why is Kepler's discovery the FIRST if four systems were already observed/noted beforehand? I'm not saying Wikipedia is free from potential tampering but I'm just confused here.
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  • #2
Your post may be answering itself.

"Though there have been hints in the past that planets circling double stars might exist - "circumbinary planets", as they are known - scientists say this is the first confirmation."

Wikipedia does say the other five are confirmed, the difference seems to be how they are confirmed, and that the Kepler confirmation is the first by direct observation.

What I didn't know was that stars existed with surface temperatures of -73C to -101C, which I guess they would have to in this case for a gas planet to be existing in an orbit roughly equivalent in size to that of Venus.
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  • #3
this is the first UNAMBIGUOUS confirmation, not the first strongly suspected confirmation
  • #4
cobalt124 said:
Your post may be answering itself.

What I didn't know was that stars existed with surface temperatures of -73C to -101C, which I guess they would have to in this case for a gas planet to be existing in an orbit roughly equivalent in size to that of Venus.

Didn't think stars had cold surfaces. Although I've read about those Y-class brown dwarfs.

Btw, you're link is dead. Thanks for the reply though.
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  • #5
Link fixed. That Wikipedia article possibly needs some tidying up.
  • #6
cobalt124 said:
What I didn't know was that stars existed with surface temperatures of -73C to -101C, which I guess they would have to in this case for a gas planet to be existing in an orbit roughly equivalent in size to that of Venus.

Hold on. I think you misread the article on BBC. The surface temperature is for the planet, not the suns. I found this on another news article: "Because both of its suns are smaller and cooler than our sun, Kepler-16b would be quite cold, with a surface temperature of around minus 100 to minus 150F (minus 73 to minus 101C).""
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  • #7
Yep sorry, my misread.

FAQ: Kepler 16-b: first circumbinary planet?

What is Kepler 16-b?

Kepler 16-b is the first confirmed circumbinary planet, meaning it orbits around two stars instead of one. It was discovered by NASA's Kepler space telescope in 2011.

How big is Kepler 16-b?

Kepler 16-b is about the size of Saturn, with a radius of 0.753 times that of Jupiter. It is approximately 200 light years away from Earth.

What is the orbit of Kepler 16-b?

Kepler 16-b has an orbital period of 229 days and orbits around two stars, a primary star similar to our Sun and a smaller, red dwarf star. It has a distance of 0.7 astronomical units (AU) from its primary star and 0.22 AU from its secondary star.

Does Kepler 16-b have an atmosphere?

Based on its size and distance from its stars, it is unlikely that Kepler 16-b has a substantial atmosphere. However, further studies are needed to confirm this.

Could Kepler 16-b support life?

Due to its size and distance from its stars, Kepler 16-b is not considered a habitable planet. It is also believed to have a surface temperature too low to support life as we know it. However, the discovery of this circumbinary planet opens up new possibilities for the existence of other habitable worlds in our galaxy.

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