PF announces new branch of community

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, The addition of Dr. Kaku's forum brings updated guidelines that I highly recommend you read as they are effective immediately. Sunfist will be the mentor of the forum.
  • #1
In a few hours PF will unveil the official forums of Dr. Michio Kaku. It will be directly accessible from PF provided as a forum itself. Forums inside will include discussion on his work, string theory, nuclear arms and more. Also please welcome Sunfist as the mentor of Dr. Kaku's forum.

THe addition of Dr. Kaku's forum brings updated guidelines that I highly recommend you read as they are effective immediately.

Thank you and have fun! :smile:
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Physics news on
  • #2
Hopefully this board will last. 3rd time is a charm.
  • #3
Originally posted by Eh
Hopefully this board will last. 3rd time is a charm.

Care to explain? :smile:
  • #4
They keep shutting down the boards at and then opening up a new one to get a fresh start. They've had some problems with posters, as you can see.
  • #5
Originally posted by Eh
They keep shutting down the boards at and then opening up a new one to get a fresh start. They've had some problems with posters, as you can see.

I promise you it's finally home for good at PF :smile:
  • #6

What do you mean? What kind of posters caused its previous failures?

- Warren
  • #7
For a while it was religious nuts, then it was the crackpots. Last time I checked, the admin was complaining about similar problems and he shut down the boards again. I would guess it was more of the same thing.
  • #8
...and PhysicsForums heads to the dark side of internet forums :P
  • #9
For a while it was religious nuts, then it was the crackpots

I usually refer to my mentors and myself as crackpot slayers. Nothing we don't handle on a daily basis.
  • #10
It's funny, because one the religious nutcases got pissed off at a certain poster and eventually started contacting him at his home. For some reason those boards always attracted a special brand of extremists you won't find anywhere else.
  • #11
I just thought I would clarify a few points raised so things get off to a good start with the section here at PF.

"They keep shutting down the boards at and then opening up a new one to get a fresh start. They've had some problems with posters, as you can see."

That's false. We never shut down the forums because of bad posters, problems, or looking to 'get a new start.'

The forums at have been running for 2+ years, and the only 'down time' we had was when we switched from InvisionBoard (a free software platform) to vBulletin (which this forum uses). There was no conversion tool at the time that would allow us to move users, posts, and settings from InvisionBoard to vBulletin.

So, we had to start from scratch when installing vBulletin. Other than that, the forums have been up since they were launched a couple years ago.

"It's funny, because one the religious nutcases got pissed off at a certain poster and eventually started contacting him at his home. For some reason those boards always attracted a special brand of extremists you won't find anywhere else."

The certain poster was no innocent victim as you made them out to be. They both attacked each other publicly until we gave them ultimatums, upon which point the 'victim' decided to leave. The aforementioned 'religious nut' left shortly after.

As far as contacting a member at home, from what I understand (and I was in contact with both members), the 'victim' complained about being contacted at 'his office' email. But the fact was, the member used this email address to register, and the 'religious nut' simply used the Email Member feature available on the forum to privately continue their flame war. As far as phone calls or other contacts, I wasn't clear as to what else happened.

Suffice to say, every forum will attract bad apples and a certain special breed of flamers, trolls, advertisers, ideology hard liners, and the whole lot. As I understand it, Greg and PF have a knack for handling these members, so the Forums are in good hands.

We simply didn't have enough time to manage a community at, and we didn't have time to put up with the day-to-day issues with flamers, trolls, remarks, and things generally getting out of hand. We decided to shut down the forums last week until Greg stepped up and made an offer we couldn’t refuse. An offer that would benefit the members of by allowing them to still have a place to discuss, joke, vent, and spend time posting rather than doing homework or getting some fresh air : \

So we would like to thank Greg and PF for being so generous as to hosting the Forums, allowing myself and Michael Phillips to devote our time to future projects. Hopefully, you will be hearing more about Hyperspace Productions in the future : )

Thank you all for your time, and we hope you enjoy the new sections that will come along with the addition to PF!

Cory R. -
  • #12
Originally posted by CC
That's false. We never shut down the forums because of bad posters, problems, or looking to 'get a new start.'

Thanks for clearing that up.

The certain poster was no innocent victim as you made them out to be. They both attacked each other publicly until we gave them ultimatums, upon which point the 'victim' decided to leave. The aforementioned 'religious nut' left shortly after.

Oh, you won't find me defending Dr. Bill by any means. It was still a comical situation though. As for how much actually happened, well...our victim claimed a lot. But I guess I'll have to take that with a grain of salt.

Anyway, good luck with the new forums. I'll have to take back the "third time is a charm" statement though, since this will be the 4th board, including the Yahoo forum.
  • #13
Originally posted by Greg Bernhardt
I usually refer to my mentors and myself as crackpot slayers. Nothing we don't handle on a daily basis.

*Sharpens his lance*

Bring them on!
  • #14
CC is right about the "emailing at home" thing, by the way. The person simply used the email provided in the user's public profile. I would also like to add that this user constantly plugged his works, homepage, life, job, etc. at the website. He made every bit of his life available for anyone to access. Then he complained when it did.

Just my $0.02

I'll also be keeping an old blue eye* on my sections here, you can be assured.

*I have brown eyes
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  • #15
Greg: Today Mkaku forums, tommorrow the world! :wink:
  • #16
If this forum ain't gon'na be as totally boring as,
with all due respect, Dr. Kaku's pop-sci book Hyperspace
I think and hope it'll suceed. (Really ! I read quite
a few pop-sci books but I never got past about
two thirds of this one because it is so totally full of
completely useless and unrelated info.)

But, this is turning into an unrelated and useless book

Goodluck to the new forum ! :smile:
  • #17
Is the new branch the reason behind "Physics Help and Star Astronomy" in the header?
  • #18
Originally posted by enigma
Is the new branch the reason behind "Physics Help and Star Astronomy" in the header?
No, I'm just experimenting with keywords.

If this forum ain't gon'na be as totally boring as...

It's all what you make of it.
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  • #19
Does anyone know if Dr Kaku ever visits the forum bearing his name?

FAQ: PF announces new branch of community

What is the new branch of community that PF has announced?

The new branch of community that PF has announced is focused on environmental sustainability and conservation efforts.

How will this new branch of community benefit the existing community?

This new branch of community will provide resources and support for individuals and groups interested in promoting and implementing sustainable practices in their communities. It will also create opportunities for collaboration and networking among like-minded individuals.

What motivated PF to create this new branch of community?

PF recognizes the growing importance of environmental sustainability and the need for collective action to address environmental issues. This new branch of community is a proactive step towards promoting and supporting sustainable practices.

What types of activities and initiatives can we expect from this new branch of community?

The new branch of community will organize and support various activities and initiatives such as educational workshops, community clean-up events, and campaigns to raise awareness about environmental issues. It will also provide funding opportunities for sustainable projects and businesses.

How can individuals and groups get involved with this new branch of community?

Individuals and groups can get involved with this new branch of community by joining as members, attending events and workshops, and volunteering for initiatives. They can also contribute ideas and suggestions for future projects and activities.

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