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Hi all,
I'm writing a program in FORTRAN to calculate neutron flux in a reactor, but when I try to get a numerical output it simply says NaN. Anyone know what this means or how to fix it? Code is below, and this is happening on the flux2(N) output on the last write statement. Thanks!
I'm writing a program in FORTRAN to calculate neutron flux in a reactor, but when I try to get a numerical output it simply says NaN. Anyone know what this means or how to fix it? Code is below, and this is happening on the flux2(N) output on the last write statement. Thanks!
program slabflux
implicit none
integer, parameter :: N=30 ! Number of slab increments
real :: thickness ! slab thickness in meters
real :: diff_const ! diffusion constant of the slab
real :: macro_cross_sec ! macroscopic cross section of the slab
real :: source ! neutron source rate
real :: distance ! distance of neutron flux calculation in the slab
real, dimension(-1:N+1) :: flux1 ! flux calculation at a certain distance in the slab
real, dimension(0:N) :: flux2 ! used for iterative flux calculation
real, dimension(0:N) :: S ! source array
real :: del ! increment length
real :: a ! flux coefficient
real :: b ! flux coefficient
real, dimension(-1:N) :: prev_flux ! previous flux summation for loop
real, dimension(0:N) :: prev_iter ! flux summation from previous iteration
integer :: i ! do loop counter
integer :: j ! do loop counter
integer :: k ! do loop counter
real :: e ! iteration error
write (*,'(a,$)') "Slab thickness (cm)?: "
read *, thickness
write (*,'(a,$)') "Diffusion constant (cm)?: "
read *, diff_const
write (*,'(a,$)') "Macroscopic cross section (1/cm)?: "
read *, macro_cross_sec
write (*,'(a,$)') "Neutron source rate (neutrons/cm^3*s)?: "
read *, source
del=thickness/N ! increment length
S(N/2)=source ! source centered in slab
flux1(1:29)=1 ! initial flux
a=-(diff_const/(del**2)) ! flux coefficients
if (0.997<e .AND. e<1.003) then
do i=0,N,1 ! first iteration
do j=i,N,1
end do
end do
do k=0,N,1
write (*,'(a,f6.2,3x,a,f6.2)') "Distance (cm): ",
+ distance,
+ "Flux (neutrons/cm^2*s): ",
+ flux2(N)
end do
end if
end program slabflux
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