What are the potential risks and complications of a mechanical pencil injury?

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary: I don't know what you're talking about.In summary, the puncture wound in the leg from a mechanical pencil is extremely painful and may be infected. The person seems to be self-medicating with topical neosporin and antibiotics.
  • #1
I was getting out of my truck a couple of days ago and I had a mechanical pencil in my hand. the pencil hit the door and the tip jabbed into my thigh/hip. Pulling it out of my leg seemed a bit more difficult than it should have been, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Today I can barely walk. I don't know if pencil lead dust is irritating, or if it is infected, or even if the lead broke off inside, but it really hurts.
I'd say I've probably had my fair share of cuts,scrapes, bruises, burns, stabs, slices, smashes, bites, rips, breaks, pulls, sprains, stings, chips and other injuries. I would rate an average puncture wound about a 3 on a 1-10 pain scale, but this one has got to be a solid 7 (comparable to biting your tounge) constantly and a 9 (fingers in door) if touched.
Those are pretty high marks for such a minor injury.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Get yourself to a doctor! To be that painful, it's probably infected. And when's the last time you got a tetanus shot? If it's that painful, don't wait, just go to the ER and get it checked out immediately. If it's infected, it's better to get on antibiotics sooner than give it time to spread.
  • #3
lol, I'm covered on the tetanus shots, believe me. I'm even covered for rabies. I'm self medicating my self now with extra strength neosporin and if worse comes to worse I've got a bottle of anti-biotics strong enough to eat the paint off a Hyundai.
I have a question I got the rabies shots a couple of years ago after a freakish bat encounter. Am I vaccinated now or would I have to go through the series of shots again in case of another encounter?
  • #4
Self-medicating!?! First, it's a puncture wound that sounds pretty infected already to be barely touchable. That topical neosporin stuff isn't going to cut it. Second, you've got a bottle of antibiotics? How old are they? Why do you have leftover antibiotics? How do you know they are the right antibiotic for the bug trying to grow in your leg? They're probably toxic by now anyway. Get thee to the doctor! :mad:

I don't know how often you need boosters on rabies vaccines. Since I work with farm animals, I can get the vaccine free as part of the occupational health program here. So far I've turned it down as the possible side effects didn't sound so good considering I don't work with any animals likely to be infected with rabies (more the risk of running into a rabid raccoon on a farm). But, it sounds like I should seriously consider it if I'm going to hang out around you! :bugeye:
  • #5
free? you get it free?
I had to pay $7000 for mine.
  • #6
tribdog said:
free? you get it free?
I had to pay $7000 for mine.

I'm pretty sure it's cheaper if you don't wait until after you've been bitten by a bat to get it. It's a whole series of injections after you get a bite in case you're infected, right? I think it's just one or a couple shots if you do it as a preventative. Even if it is that expensive, I'm sure they consider it cheaper than if I sue the university for not offering it.
  • #7
tribdog said:
I was getting out of my truck a couple of days ago and I had a mechanical pencil in my hand. the pencil hit the door and the tip jabbed into my thigh/hip. . . . Today I can barely walk. . . .I've probably had my fair share of cuts,scrapes, bruises, burns, stabs, slices, smashes, bites, rips, breaks, pulls, sprains, stings, chips and other injuries. . . . I got the rabies shots a couple of years ago after a freakish bat encounter.

I'm starting to think you are the perfect man for Evo. :!)
  • #8
Les Sleeth said:
I'm starting to think you are the perfect man for Evo. :!)

I wonder if you can get group discounts or frequent visitor points at the ER? :smile:
  • #9
I think if tribdog and I got within a hundred miles of each other the universe might collapse.
  • #10
Evo said:
I think if tribdog and I got within a hundred miles of each other the universe might collapse.
nah, if we got together the universe wouldn't collapse. I'm sure we would have a big bang though.
I must be delirious from the toxins and fever from my wound. Moonbear, I was joking. I'm only going to bang you. lol, and people say I'm not romantic. I'm going to go to bed now I don't feel really great.
  • #11
tribdog said:
nah, if we got together the universe wouldn't collapse. I'm sure we would have a big bang though.
I must be delirious from the toxins and fever from my wound. Moonbear, I was joking. I'm only going to bang you. lol, and people say I'm not romantic. I'm going to go to bed now I don't feel really great.

You better be joking about that fever. Maybe you should just cut off the leg, then you can't injure it anymore. :devil:
  • #12
Moonbear said:
I wonder if you can get group discounts or frequent visitor points at the ER? :smile:
Nah. No discounts. We DO, however, give you the distinguished title of 'Frequent Flyer', though!111 :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #13
Evo said:
I think if tribdog and I got within a hundred miles of each other the universe might collapse.


Would. Definitely would.
  • #14
I thought pencils (even mechanical) used graphite these days and not lead?
  • #15
I once managed to get a staple stuck in my finger with a regular desk stapler :rolleyes:

I don't know what a mechanical pencil is supposed to be, but I wouldn't take any risks if you have an infection. I once had an abcess on my handpalm (after scratching a shell when swimming in a lake) and it was quite painful, but that completely disappeared when the doctor opened the wound :blushing: now don't start surgically opening your own leg, get it checked out!
  • #16
Monique said:
I once managed to get a staple stuck in my finger with a regular desk stapler :rolleyes:

I don't know what a mechanical pencil is supposed to be, but I wouldn't take any risks if you have an infection. I once had an abcess on my handpalm (after scratching a shell when swimming in a lake) and it was quite painful, but that completely disappeared when the doctor opened the wound :blushing: now don't start surgically opening your own leg, get it checked out!

Glad you remembered to add that last caution...this is tribdog we're talking about, no telling what he might do if led to think he could just open it himself! :eek:
  • #17
He'd find out what bone marrow looks like, that's what he'd do.
  • #18
franznietzsche said:
He'd find out what bone marrow looks like, that's what he'd do.
you are a dirty rotten s.o.b.
I've never seen my marrow and up til now hadn't thought about it. What do you think jigsaw or dremel?
  • #19
Tribdog!11 Wait!11 I've got this really cool core biopsy needle I've been waiting to play with! It's got a trigger and EVERYTHING!1111 I'll be right over!111 :biggrin: :devil:
  • #20
tribdog said:
you are a dirty rotten s.o.b.
I've never seen my marrow and up til now hadn't thought about it. What do you think jigsaw or dremel?

I'd laugh, except you just might be serious. :rolleyes:

So, how's that leg doing today? I have a good bone saw if we need to cut it off. :biggrin:
  • #21
There was actually a nice size piece of pencil lead in there. Had to hook the Hoover up to 220 to suck that thing out. jk doctor took it out for me. Nice little infection brewing inside there as well, but nothng to write home about. Get it? pencil lead...write home? Is this thing on?
  • #22
tribdog said:
There was actually a nice size piece of pencil lead in there. Had to hook the Hoover up to 220 to suck that thing out. jk doctor took it out for me. Nice little infection brewing inside there as well, but nothng to write home about. Get it? pencil lead...write home? Is this thing on?

You forgot the rim shot, that's why nobody's laughing. :biggrin:

Glad you finally saw a doctor and got yourself patched up properly!
  • #23
I think he was a doctor, he had a handful of syringes and was drinking out of a bottle of rubbing alcohol
  • #24
no this is a better one.
I think he was a doctor, I heard him trying to get free syringes at the Walgreens.
  • #25
(no, THIS was the better one... :biggrin:)

tribdog said:
I think he was a doctor, he had a handful of syringes and was drinking out of a bottle of rubbing alcohol
Yep. That was a doctor alright... :smile: :smile:
  • #26
I agree with Tsu, the first one was the better one! Then again, it would have been just as funny if you just left it at, "I think he was a doctor." You never really do know...did he at least have enough training to get to wear the long coat? Self-inflicted stab wound with a mechanical pencil sounds like just the case to hand off to the students. :smile:
  • #27
Moonbear said:
I agree with Tsu, the first one was the better one! Then again, it would have been just as funny if you just left it at, "I think he was a doctor." You never really do know...did he at least have enough training to get to wear the long coat? Self-inflicted stab wound with a mechanical pencil sounds like just the case to hand off to the students. :smile:
Hey, ANYONE can buy a long lab coat... You may have had a Radiology student digging around in your leg, trib!11 :smile: :smile:

Awwww... Is that tribdog on your lap in your avatar, Moonbear. TOO cute! :biggrin:
  • #28
Tsu said:
Hey, ANYONE can buy a long lab coat... You may have had a Radiology student digging around in your leg, trib!11 :smile: :smile:

Hee hee. Yep, true. They only make the med students look stupid in short coats. Anyone else can wear a long lab coat. Heck, it could have been some random grad student wandering around lost. :smile:

Awwww... Is that tribdog on your lap in your avatar, Moonbear. TOO cute! :biggrin:

Yup, and I've got him in a good headlock there too. It's the only way to keep him out of trouble. :biggrin:
  • #29
Moonbear said:
Hee hee. Yep, true. They only make the med students look stupid in short coats. Anyone else can wear a long lab coat. Heck, it could have been some random grad student wandering around lost. :smile:
Oh, now THAT'S hysterical!111 :smile: :smile: :smile:

Yup, and I've got him in a good headlock there too. It's the only way to keep him out of trouble. :biggrin:
Good idea. :approve:
  • #30
Yes, trib. We're POKING fun at you!1111 Isn't it FUN? :smile: :smile: :smile:

How's your leg? o:)
  • #31
Tsu said:
Yes, trib. We're POKING fun at you!1111 Isn't it FUN? :smile: :smile: :smile:

How's your leg? o:)

Everyone needs someone to poke fun at, and since he's so proudly wearing his pink ribbon... :biggrin:

Tsu, sorry you didn't get a chance to play with your big biopsy needle...it's really the best thing going for "poking" the funny guy. It seems threatening to just cut his leg off and be done with it got him to the doctor a lot faster than fussing over his boo boos. I'll have to keep that in mind, don't coddle, threaten worse torture when he does stupid things. :smile:
  • #32
Moonbear said:
Everyone needs someone to poke fun at, and since he's so proudly wearing his pink ribbon... :biggrin:

Tsu, sorry you didn't get a chance to play with your big biopsy needle...it's really the best thing going for "poking" the funny guy. It seems threatening to just cut his leg off and be done with it got him to the doctor a lot faster than fussing over his boo boos. I'll have to keep that in mind, don't coddle, threaten worse torture when he does stupid things. :smile:
Yeah, that would have been cool. It makes this really loud ker-chunk noise when you pull on the trigger and it takes a real nice BIG core of what's being biopsied. I'll bet that noise would be even louder if it went through the BONE!11 :smile: :smile: Kewl! :biggrin:
  • #33
Tsu said:
Yeah, that would have been cool. It makes this really loud ker-chunk noise when you pull on the trigger and it takes a real nice BIG core of what's being biopsied. I'll bet that noise would be even louder if it went through the BONE!11 :smile: :smile: Kewl! :biggrin:
does it make a *champagne cork pop* sound when you pull it out?
moonbear said:
It seems threatening to just cut his leg off and be done with it got him to the doctor a lot faster than fussing over his boo boos. I'll have to keep that in mind, don't coddle, threaten worse torture when he does stupid things.
I have gotten no sympathy for my leg and it really hurts. I only work with two guys and the closest they came to being sympathetic was to only laugh for 1 minute instead of 2 when a friendly dog came over to be petted and put both paws on my wound.
  • #34
tribdog said:
I have gotten no sympathy for my leg and it really hurts. I only work with two guys and the closest they came to being sympathetic was to only laugh for 1 minute instead of 2 when a friendly dog came over to be petted and put both paws on my wound.

That story will get you an Awwww...poor tribdog!

Okay, that's enough sympathy because that's too funny of a story not to laugh. :smile: See, that's what happens when you wear the pink ribbon. :smile: Now stop being a wuss and walk it off! :biggrin: :smile:
  • #35
it sucks being a guy. I'm going to go get a hooker and tell her I don't want sex, just to be tucked in and kissed on the forehead. maybe bring me a glass of water.

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