Ad Hominem Fallacy: Definition & Examples

  • Thread starter zoobyshoe
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between insults and Ad Hominem fallacies. It is clarified that an Ad Hominem is an attempt to discredit someone based on something unrelated to the issue at hand, while an insult is simply a verbal attack. The conversation also touches on the difference between informal and formal fallacies.
  • #1
People ought to read what this actually consists of, because I've noticed people mistaking mere insults for Ad Hominems.

Calling someone an insulting or abusive name is not an Ad Hominem. Generally, an Ad Hominem is an attempt to discredit someone based on something about them that is actually unrelated to the issue at hand. These are Ad Hominems:

"Joe's political views are meaningless: he's an alcoholic."

"Don't let Sam correct your grammar, he believes in Ancient Aliens."

"It figures Thelma got sexually assaulted: she's been divorced twice and never goes to church."

These following are not Ad Hominems, just insults:

"Frank is a moron, and ugly on top of it."

"She is nuts."

"Edna is an ignorant hack."

"You'd have to be crazy not to like Ed Smith."

...verbal abuse in the absence of an argument is neither ad hominem nor a fallacy.


"You don't vote Republican? You're an idiot!"

Is not an Ad Hominem, just an insult. It might take place during the course of an argument, but it is not, itself, an argument of any sort.
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  • #2
So when not completely sure of an insult, or a witty retort back, someone will say " I think I just got insulted! ".
With an Ad Hominem can one say " I think I just got Ad Hominemized !"
  • #3
Interesting that you start this thread Zooby, It's one of the roots of my enemy thread. Exactly that.
  • #4
Andre said:
Interesting that you start this thread Zooby, It's one of the roots of my enemy thread. Exactly that.
I don't exactly follow. I was actually prompted by seeing someone in another forum misinterpret an insult (a pretty mild one, if it was one at all) as an Ad Hominem.
  • #5
zoobyshoe said:
These are Ad Hominems: ...

And another: "Ignore zooby's analysis of ad homs. Just one look at his avatar and you know he has to be wrong." :-p
  • #6
zoobyshoe said:
Andre said:
Interesting that you start this thread Zooby, It's one of the roots of my enemy thread. Exactly that.

I don't exactly follow. I was actually prompted by seeing someone in another forum misinterpret an insult (a pretty mild one, if it was one at all) as an Ad Hominem.
  • #7
D H said:
And another: "Ignore zooby's analysis of ad homs. Just one look at his avatar and you know he has to be wrong." :-p
How about this: "You're just jealous because I know how to spell out my full name." Ad Hominem?
  • #8
zoobyshoe said:
How about this: "You're just jealous because I know how to spell out my full name." Ad Hominem?
That is just an insult; your argument in the opening post is correct. Had you used my incomplete spelling as a reason for dismissing my claim, then that would have been an ad hominem attack.
  • #9
I try to avoid using Ad Hominem attacks. I might point out that Zoobyshoe is a stupid, ugly, fat, ignorant slob. But I would never give that as the reason that he is always wrong.
  • #10
Jimmy Snyder said:
I might point out that Zoobyshoe is a stupid, ugly, fat, ignorant slob. But I would never give that as the reason that he is always wrong.
Whether zoobyshoe is ugly or fat is irrelevant to the correctness / incorrectness of his posts. That is what would make the use of these terms an ad hominem attack.
  • #11
D H said:
Whether zoobyshoe is ugly or fat is irrelevant to the correctness / incorrectness of his posts. That is what would make the use of these terms an ad hominem attack.
Very good. Likewise, I would never allude to the fact you both are impossibly hideous, near-reptilian monstrosities, to explain why your utterances are invariably nonsensical and incoherent. It would be an Ad Hominem to do so, because the former has nothing to do with the latter.
  • #12
I disagree with this zoob - often the other half is just left insaid, for the reader to fill in.
  • #13
I guess, it doesn't need to be said that this thread is all about apophasis.
  • #14
So, in your example, if you use your insult to refute their statement, it is a logical fallacy (ad hom.), but if you deduce an insult from their statement (eg. you do not support Republicans, ergo you're an idiot.), then it is not a fallacious argument?!

Call it what you want, but I still think the latter is fallacious argument. Maybe a non sequitur, but still fallacy.
  • #15
Dickfore said:
So, in your example, if you use your insult to refute their statement, it is a logical fallacy (ad hom.), but if you deduce an insult from their statement (eg. you do not support Republicans, ergo you're an idiot.), then it is not a fallacious argument?!

Call it what you want, but I still think the latter is fallacious argument. Maybe a non sequitur, but still fallacy.
Hairsplitting? :-p
  • #16
  • #17
hrm, interestingly, according to wiki, an ad hominem is considered an informal fallacy and nonsequitor is considered a formal fallacy.
  • #18
I do see one common use of the ad homimem retort that is abused. A poster submits a link to an obscure or hopelessly biased reference that has no hint of rigorous or scholarly analysis of the subject at hand. If in response one declines to read or respond to the reference then the ad hominem retort is often tossed out, incorrectly since there is no argument at hand from the reference.
  • #19
russ_watters said:
I disagree with this zoob - often the other half is just left insaid, for the reader to fill in.
If you can tell that is what is happening, you know which it is. My point is simply that an insult is not an Ad Hominem fallacy, that they're two separate things.
  • #20
P1: define insult functionally
P2: demonstrate that target participates in abnormality of function defined in P1
C: therefore, person fits definition of insult

viola! Look, we can make valid insults!
  • #21
Pythagorean said:
ad hominem is just a nonsequitor.
It's not just a non-sequitor. It draws a false connection between one thing and another, implying that one thing causes the other. "Don't listen to Joe's political opinions, he's an alcoholic." His being an alcoholic does not necessarily have any bearing on his political views, but the Ad Hominem asserts that it does.
  • #22
zoobyshoe said:
It's not just a non-sequitor. It draws a false connection between one thing and another, implying that one thing causes the other. "Don't listen to Joe's political opinions, he's an alcoholic." His being an alcoholic does not necessarily have any bearing on his political views, but the Ad Hominem asserts that it does.

And that's exactly what a non-sequitur is.
  • #23
I suppose that every logical fallacy has a non sequitur in it somewhere. If so, then it doesn't shed any light on the subject to note that Ad Hominem fallicies are also non sequiturs.
  • #24
Dickfore said:
So, in your example, if you use your insult to refute their statement, it is a logical fallacy (ad hom.), but if you deduce an insult from their statement (eg. you do not support Republicans, ergo you're an idiot.), then it is not a fallacious argument?!

Call it what you want, but I still think the latter is fallacious argument. Maybe a non sequitur, but still fallacy.
The latter is a "bald assertion", an assertion made with no attempt to back it up or argue for its correctness. Therefore, it is not a fallacious argument because no attempt to make an argument is present. It is just an insult. The abusive label "idiot" may not actually apply to the person in any way, but that doesn't make it a logical fallacy. The formal logical fallacies have specific definitions, and this is about maintaining some rigor in understanding, and sticking to, those definitions, so that our logic is sound.

Using an insult to try to discredit someone's views would also not be an Ad Hominem: "You don't vote Republican because you're an idiot!" is still just an insult, an abusive remark.

The Ad Hominem that might arise here would be something like: "I'm not surprised you don't vote Republican. Your grades in school were consistently below average, and IIRC your I.Q. score was about 75." Here there's an attempt to argue that the person's party preferences are of no merit by falsely implying a correlation between his intelligence and his voting preference. It's an Ad Hominem fallacy.

If we say to someone who can be said to be of low intelligence by objective standards (low I.Q. score), "You don't vote Republican because you're an idiot!", then what we have is probably BOTH an Ad Hominem and an insult, the latter being because their level of intelligence is referred to abusively.
  • #25
zoobyshoe said:
It's not just a non-sequitor. It draws a false connection between one thing and another, implying that one thing causes the other. "Don't listen to Joe's political opinions, he's an alcoholic." His being an alcoholic does not necessarily have any bearing on his political views, but the Ad Hominem asserts that it does.
If I may that's a bit off the mark. Listening to Joe's opinion and then asserting he's wrong because he is an alchoholic is indeed textbook ad hominem. However, this is not: I decline to take time to listen to Joe's opinion because I know he's intoxicated, though he *may* indeed be right, but it is more likely that he's incoherent and there is only so much time in the day.
  • #26
Dickfore said:
And that's exactly what a non-sequitur is.
JUST a non-sequitor:" I'm very tired today. That girl is wearing a green dress." No Ad Hominem here.

An Ad Hominem is more than just a non-sequitor.
  • #27
Wow, do green dresses still exist?
  • #28
  • #29
mheslep said:
If I may that's a bit off the mark. Listening to Joe's opinion and then asserting he's wrong because he is an alchoholic is indeed textbook ad hominem. However, this is not: I decline to take time to listen to Joe's opinion because I know he's intoxicated, though he *may* indeed be right, but it is more likely that he's incoherent and there is only so much time in the day.
I'm not sure i see your point. Can you clarify it?
  • #30
zoobyshoe said:
I'm not sure i see your point. Can you clarify it?
Ad hominem refers to argument by attack on the presenter of the argument. Refusal to listen is not ad hominem, as there is no argument. This forum runs on similar lines: not all and every opinion from the web can be posted here. Those limitations are not ad hominem attacks on, say, crackpot references which are banned.
  • #31
zoobyshoe said:
JUST a non-sequitor:" I'm very tired today. That girl is wearing a green dress." No Ad Hominem here.

An Ad Hominem is more than just a non-sequitor.

So what? We don't have a Shoe Nonsequitor and a Whirlpools Nonsequitor. Why do we need a special class of nonsequitor for when human feelings are involved?
  • #32
Pythagorean said:
ad hominem is just a nonsequitor.
No, it's not. Here's a non sequitur: The ground becomes wet when it rains. The ground is wet. Therefore it's raining. This line of reasoning, "if P then Q, Q, therefore P", affirms the consequent and is logically invalid. Non sequiturs are formal fallacies.

Ad hominem attacks are not necessarily invalid from the perspective of the rules of logic. "Joe's political views are meaningless: he's an alcoholic" follows the rules of logic. The problem is that the conclusion does not follow from the premises. Ad homs are a kind of ignoratio elenchi argument (irrelevant conclusion), which in turn are a kind of informal fallacy.
  • #33
D H said:
Ad hominem attacks are not necessarily invalid from the perspective of the rules of logic. "Joe's political views are meaningless: he's an alcoholic" follows the rules of logic. The problem is that the conclusion does not follow from the premises. Ad homs are a kind of ignoratio elenchi argument (irrelevant conclusion), which in turn are a kind of informal fallacy.

Exactly. The hidden premise here was 'alcoholics don't have meaningful political views'. We can disagree with the premise and see that it's an ad hominem, but that doesn't make it a non sequitur: the conclusion *does* follow from the premise.
  • #34
Pythagorean said:
So what? We don't have a Shoe Nonsequitor and a Whirlpools Nonsequitor. Why do we need a special class of nonsequitor for when human feelings are involved?
D H said:
The problem is that the conclusion does not follow from the premises.

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All formal fallacies are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition. Many types of known non sequitur argument forms have been classified into many different types of logical fallacies.

  • #35
Hem, I thought that ad homonem was also conclusions that didn't follow from the premises. I didnt think it was still an ad hominem if it was logically valid. So any time we comment on statistics of poor performance (or some such) are we committing ad hominem? Even when our premises are true and the conclusion follows?