Why Was the Natural Logarithm Defined as an Integral?

In summary, the definition of ln(x) is an integral from 1 to x of 1/t, which is justified by its ability to verify properties such as ln(ab)=ln(a)+ln(b) and ln(a^b)=b ln(a). This definition also allows for the definition of e as the number such that ln(e)=1, and can be used to prove that e is equal to the limit of (1 + 1/n)^n as n goes to infinity. Another way to look at it is that ln is the inverse function of the exponential function, exp. A key characteristic of exp is that if y=exp(x), then dy/dx = exp(x) = y, which leads to the integral definition
  • #1

The definition is [itex]ln(x) = \int_1^x\frac{1}{t}dt[/itex]

I have read several sources regarding this, but what I can't seem to find is why it was defined this way. What is the justification for defining it this way, and how was ln (x) found to be the same as the that particular integral?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
All of the usual properties of the natural log can be verified if you use this definition: ln(ab)=ln(a)+ln(b), ln(a^b)=b ln(a), ln(1)=0, etc. And then we can define e as the number such that ln(e)=1, and use that definition to prove that e is equal to the limit of (1 + 1/n)^n as n goes to infinity.
  • #3
Another way to look at it, assuming that the exponential function exp has already been defined, it is that ln is the inverse function of exp. One key characteristic of exp is that if

y = exp(x)


dy/dx = exp(x) = y

Hence the inverse function

x = ln(y)

must satisfy

dx/dy = 1/y

Writing t instead of y gives us

dx/dt = 1/t

Now integrate both sides:

[tex]\ln(a) = x(a) = \int_c^a \frac{1}{t} dt[/tex]

where c is some constant. To find out its value, recognize that we must have ln(1) = 0 [because exp(0) = 1], so c must satisfy

[tex]\int_c^1 \frac{1}{t} dt = 0[/tex]

which forces c = 1.
  • #4
If you go with jbunniii's approach, you will want to know more about why the exponential function is defined the way it is. My posts here can help you with that.
  • #5
Fredrik said:
If you go with jbunniii's approach, you will want to know more about why the exponential function is defined the way it is. My posts here can help you with that.

Nice writeup! I added a few comments at the end of that thread in case you're interested: one is just to note a typo, another is to clarify that a smooth function isn't necessarily analytic, and finally I wondered aloud if there could be a nondifferentiable function satisfying f(x+y) = f(x)f(y) for all x,y.
  • #6
jbunniii said:
Nice writeup! I added a few comments at the end of that thread in case you're interested: one is just to note a typo, another is to clarify that a smooth function isn't necessarily analytic, and finally I wondered aloud if there could be a nondifferentiable function satisfying f(x+y) = f(x)f(y) for all x,y.
Cool. Thanks for checking the details, and for letting me know that there are non-analytic smooth functions. I must have learned that at some point, and then quickly forgotten all about it.
  • #7
Fredrik said:
Cool. Thanks for checking the details, and for letting me know that there are non-analytic smooth functions. I must have learned that at some point, and then quickly forgotten all about it.
Non-analytic smooth functions are important in distribution theory, because typically the test function space is the set of bump functions, i.e. smooth functions of compact support (except for tempered distributions whose test functions just need to have derivatives vanish sufficiently quickly).
  • #8
I think the standard example is:

e-1/x2 , x≠0

0, if x=0 .
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  • #9
Bacle2 said:
I think the standard example is:

e-1/x2 , x≠0

0, if x=0 .

Yes, this function has the striking feature that

[tex]f^{(n)}(0) = 0[/tex]

for all [itex]n[/itex], so its Taylor series is identically zero.

FAQ: Why Was the Natural Logarithm Defined as an Integral?

What is the definition of natural logarithm?

The natural logarithm is a mathematical function that is the inverse of the exponential function. It is denoted as ln(x) and is the logarithm to the base e, also known as the natural base.

What is the value of the natural logarithm of 1?

The natural logarithm of 1 is 0. This is because any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1, so the logarithm of 1 to any base will always be 0.

How is the natural logarithm related to exponential functions?

The natural logarithm is the inverse of the exponential function. This means that if y = e^x, then x = ln(y). In other words, the natural logarithm tells us what power we need to raise the base (e) to in order to get a certain number.

What are the properties of natural logarithms?

Some key properties of natural logarithms include:

  • ln(1) = 0
  • ln(e) = 1
  • ln(x * y) = ln(x) + ln(y)
  • ln(x/y) = ln(x) - ln(y)
  • ln(x^r) = r * ln(x)

How is the natural logarithm used in real-world applications?

The natural logarithm is used in a variety of fields including finance, physics, and biology. In finance, it is used to calculate compound interest and growth rates. In physics, it is used to model exponential decay and growth. In biology, it is used to measure changes in population size over time. It is also used in data analysis and statistics to transform data to make it more easily interpretable.
