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Thanks to everyone who offered to take a look at my problem sheet and my relevant code. I have scanned in the 3 relevant pages of my problem sheet and they can be seen at:
www.hoofbeat.tv/tempcomp.htm[/URL] (the files are too large to upload onto here)
Below is a copy of my original code (we've tried soooo many versions for the acceleration formula :rolleyes: ). NB. Incase you're not familiar with programming in Windows, the code "system (PAUSE)" is required when using a windows programmer to stop the new window closing once the program has been run.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/*A program designed to plot the trajectory of a rocket on a mission to land on the moon*/
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const float pi=3.1415; /*This defines the value of pi*/
const float u=0.0066; /*This defines the intial velocity of rocket and is equivalent to v0*/
const float angle=((89.9*pi)/180.0); /*This defines the angle of projection*/
const float xe=0, ye=0; /*These are the Earth's coords: (0, 0) - ie. where it's centre lies*/
const float xm=0, ym=225.7; /*These are the Moon's coords: (0, 225.7)*/
const float Mm=1.0, Me=83.3; /*These are the masses of the Moon & Earth Respectively*/
const float Rm=1.0, Re=3.7; /*These are the radii of the Moon & Earth Respectively*/
const float G=(9.63*pow(10, -7)); /*This is the Gravitational constant)*/
int dt=10; /*This is the step size delta.t*/
float xr=0, yr=3.7; /*These are the coords of the Rocket)*/
float vx, vy; /*These are the current velocities in both x & y directions*/
float ax=0, ay=0; /*These are the accelerations in both x & y directions*/
float rrx, rry; /*These are the components of the vector from Earth to Rocket*/
float rmx, rmy; /*These are the components of the vector from Earth to Moon*/
/*Do NOT confuse with Re & Rm which are radii*/
vx = u*cos(angle);
vy = u*sin(angle);
int t=0;
/*Using a while loop*/
while(pow((pow(xm-xr,2)) + (pow(ym-yr,2)),1/2)>=Rm)
/*When the distance to the centre of the moon < radius of the moon,*/
/*then the rocket has landed and the calculation can be stopped*/
t=t+dt; /*Time increases by 10 each time*/
rmx = xm - xe;
rmy = ym - ye;
rrx = xr - xe;
rry = yr - ye;
ax = (((-G*Me)*xr)/(pow(((rrx*rrx)+(rry*rry)),(3/2)))) - ((G*Mm*(xr-xm))/(pow((pow(((rrx-rmx)),2)+(pow(((rry-rmy)),2))),(3/2)))); /*Acceleration in x-direction*/
ay = (((-G*Me)*yr)/(pow(((rrx*rrx)+(rry*rry)),(3/2)))) - ((G*Mm*(yr-ym))/(pow((pow(((rrx-rmx)),2)+(pow(((rry-rmy)),2))),(3/2)))); /*Acceleration in y-direction*/
vx=vx+(dt*ax); /*Step 4 of Euler's method*/
vy=vy+(dt*ay); /*Step 4 of Euler's method*/
xr=xr+(dt*vx); /*Step 5 of Euler's method*/
yr=yr+(dt*vy); /*Step 5 of Euler's method*/
printf("Acceleration x: %f\n", ax);
printf("Acceleration y: %f\n", ay);
printf("Time: %d\n", t);
printf("X velocity: %f\n", vx);
printf("Y velocity: %f\n", vy);
printf("X coord: %f\n", xr);
printf("Y coord: %f\n", yr);
system("PAUSE"); /*This code is specific to a Windows system*/
return 0;
Thanks once again
www.hoofbeat.tv/tempcomp.htm[/URL] (the files are too large to upload onto here)
Below is a copy of my original code (we've tried soooo many versions for the acceleration formula :rolleyes: ). NB. Incase you're not familiar with programming in Windows, the code "system (PAUSE)" is required when using a windows programmer to stop the new window closing once the program has been run.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/*A program designed to plot the trajectory of a rocket on a mission to land on the moon*/
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const float pi=3.1415; /*This defines the value of pi*/
const float u=0.0066; /*This defines the intial velocity of rocket and is equivalent to v0*/
const float angle=((89.9*pi)/180.0); /*This defines the angle of projection*/
const float xe=0, ye=0; /*These are the Earth's coords: (0, 0) - ie. where it's centre lies*/
const float xm=0, ym=225.7; /*These are the Moon's coords: (0, 225.7)*/
const float Mm=1.0, Me=83.3; /*These are the masses of the Moon & Earth Respectively*/
const float Rm=1.0, Re=3.7; /*These are the radii of the Moon & Earth Respectively*/
const float G=(9.63*pow(10, -7)); /*This is the Gravitational constant)*/
int dt=10; /*This is the step size delta.t*/
float xr=0, yr=3.7; /*These are the coords of the Rocket)*/
float vx, vy; /*These are the current velocities in both x & y directions*/
float ax=0, ay=0; /*These are the accelerations in both x & y directions*/
float rrx, rry; /*These are the components of the vector from Earth to Rocket*/
float rmx, rmy; /*These are the components of the vector from Earth to Moon*/
/*Do NOT confuse with Re & Rm which are radii*/
vx = u*cos(angle);
vy = u*sin(angle);
int t=0;
/*Using a while loop*/
while(pow((pow(xm-xr,2)) + (pow(ym-yr,2)),1/2)>=Rm)
/*When the distance to the centre of the moon < radius of the moon,*/
/*then the rocket has landed and the calculation can be stopped*/
t=t+dt; /*Time increases by 10 each time*/
rmx = xm - xe;
rmy = ym - ye;
rrx = xr - xe;
rry = yr - ye;
ax = (((-G*Me)*xr)/(pow(((rrx*rrx)+(rry*rry)),(3/2)))) - ((G*Mm*(xr-xm))/(pow((pow(((rrx-rmx)),2)+(pow(((rry-rmy)),2))),(3/2)))); /*Acceleration in x-direction*/
ay = (((-G*Me)*yr)/(pow(((rrx*rrx)+(rry*rry)),(3/2)))) - ((G*Mm*(yr-ym))/(pow((pow(((rrx-rmx)),2)+(pow(((rry-rmy)),2))),(3/2)))); /*Acceleration in y-direction*/
vx=vx+(dt*ax); /*Step 4 of Euler's method*/
vy=vy+(dt*ay); /*Step 4 of Euler's method*/
xr=xr+(dt*vx); /*Step 5 of Euler's method*/
yr=yr+(dt*vy); /*Step 5 of Euler's method*/
printf("Acceleration x: %f\n", ax);
printf("Acceleration y: %f\n", ay);
printf("Time: %d\n", t);
printf("X velocity: %f\n", vx);
printf("Y velocity: %f\n", vy);
printf("X coord: %f\n", xr);
printf("Y coord: %f\n", yr);
system("PAUSE"); /*This code is specific to a Windows system*/
return 0;
Thanks once again
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