Volumes in the 4th spatial dimension

In summary, the conversation discussed calculating the volume and surface area of 4-dimensional objects such as a hypercube and hypersphere. It was explained that the volume of a 4-dimensional object can be found by integrating over a 3-dimensional surface. The process of finding the volume and surface area of higher dimensional objects was also discussed using examples of a 2-dimensional circle and a 5-dimensional sphere. The formula for finding the volume of an N-dimensional sphere of radius R was provided. The conversation also touched on the concept of hyperspherical packing. Overall, the conversation delved into the mathematical concepts and formulas for calculating the volume and surface area of 4-dimensional objects.
  • #1
How would you calculate the volume of a 4-dimensional object? Like a hypercube, hypersphere, etc...
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hypercube with a side n: n^4 I guess.
  • #4
You can find the volume of an N-dimensional sphere of radius R by the following integral:
where [itex]x^2=\sum x_n^2[/itex] and [itex]\theta[/itex] is the unit step function.
  • #5
Volume of a 4 sphere

To find the "volume" of a 4d object you got to integrate over a 3 dimensional surface.

Take for example, if you wanted to calculate the area of a 2d object such as a circle with radius R. Then you would sum an infinite number (ie.integrate) of 1d objects, in this case the circumference of the circle between 0 and R. Can you see that the area of a circle is the infinite sum of smaller and smaller circles, until you reach the center of the circle? This is why when you differentiate the area of a circle Pi*R^2, wrt. R you get 2*Pi*R, which is the circumference, and when you integrate the circumference you get the area.

Now how could you calculate the surface area of a sphere? If you get a basket ball or something you can see that the surface area of a sphere is the infinite sum of circles which starting from one pole of the surface of the sphere, get bigger, until one reaches the equator then shrink back to zero radius at the other pole. Assuming your sphere has radius 1, you'll find the circumference of your circle r units away from a pole is 2*Pi*sin(r). Integrate that between 0 and Pi and you'll get 4*Pi, which is the surface area of your sphere. Since the surface area of a sphere of radius R has units R^2, then the Surface area of a general sphere of radius R is 4*Pi*R^2.

Integrating the surface area of the sphere wrt. R, you'll get the volume of the sphere, which is 4/3 Pi*R^3. The reason for this is the same as pointed out in the first example. Because taking the volume of a sphere, then subtracting the volume of a infinitely slightly smaller sphere your left with the surface area of the sphere.

Anyway since you have the surface area of the sphere, if you want to calculate the volume of a hyper sphere, for all the reasons in the other examples, just integrate 4*Pi*sin(r)^2, between 0 and Pi, and you'll have the surface volume of your hypersphere. Add a R^3 term to that, and integrate wrt. R and you'll get the 4d volume of your hypersphere.

If you want to find the volume of a 5d sphere, take the surface volume of your 4d sphere with radius r. You'll have a term like A*r^3. Integrate A*sin(r)^3, between 0 and Pi, your answer may be B, so the surface volumeof your 5d sphere is B*r^4. Integrate that between 0 and R and you got the volume of your 5d sphere. etc etc.

You can find your self quite a nice recursive formula in such a way, which enables you to calculate the volume and surface volume of any dimensional sphere.
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  • #6
how about hyperspherical packing like sphere packing? How would you do that?
  • #7
Galileo said:
You can find the volume of an N-dimensional sphere of radius R by the following integral:
where [itex]x^2=\sum x_n^2[/itex] and [itex]\theta[/itex] is the unit step function.

The volume of any sphere (any # of dimensions) is ZERO...You were probably referring to a ball... :rolleyes: An N-1 dimensional ball... (Assuming it is open,the equation would be [itex] \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}^{2} < R^{2} [/itex] ):wink:


P.S.Of course,it's natural to choose the system of coordinates withe the origin of axis in the center of the ball.
  • #8
dextercioby said:
The volume of any sphere (any # of dimensions) is ZERO...
Here we go again... :zzz:
  • #9
It's not mathematics the "thing" you're trying to do by ignoring the WIDELY ACCEPTED definitions of current mathematics...I don't know what it is,i'm assuming it is bulls***.

  • #10
Galileo said:
Here we go again... :zzz:
My sentiments exactly. :-p
  • #11
damoclark said:
Now how could you calculate the surface area of a sphere? If you get a basket ball or something you can see that the surface area of a sphere is the infinite sum of circles which starting from one pole of the surface of the sphere, get bigger, until one reaches the equator then shrink back to zero radius at the other pole. Assuming your sphere has radius 1, you'll find the circumference of your circle r units away from a pole is 2*Pi*sin(r). Integrate that between 0 and Pi and you'll get 4*Pi, which is the surface area of your sphere. Since the surface area of a sphere of radius R has units R^2, then the Surface area of a general sphere of radius R is 4*Pi*R^2.

I'm already lost here, lol. How did you get 4*pi when you integrate 2*pi*sin(r)? Shouldn't it be 2*pi*(-cos r) if you take the antiderivative?
And what do you mean by "integrate between 0 and pi)?


FAQ: Volumes in the 4th spatial dimension

1. What is the 4th spatial dimension?

The 4th spatial dimension is a theoretical concept that suggests that there may be more than the three dimensions (length, width, and height) that we are familiar with in our everyday lives. It is often referred to as the fourth dimension, or the 4th dimension, because it would be an additional dimension beyond the three we can perceive.

2. How is the 4th spatial dimension different from the other dimensions?

The 4th spatial dimension is different from the other dimensions because it is not physically observable or measurable in our three-dimensional world. It is a theoretical concept that is used in mathematics and physics to explain certain phenomena, such as the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics.

3. Can we visualize the 4th spatial dimension?

No, we cannot visualize the 4th spatial dimension in the same way that we can visualize the other dimensions. Our brains are not equipped to process or perceive a higher dimension, so it is difficult for us to comprehend what it would look like. However, there are mathematical and conceptual models that can help us understand its properties and implications.

4. How does the 4th spatial dimension affect volumes?

The 4th spatial dimension can have a significant impact on volumes, as it introduces the concept of hyperspace. In this higher-dimensional space, the volume of an object can change depending on its position and orientation. For example, a cube in three dimensions has a fixed volume, but in the 4th spatial dimension, its volume could change as it moves and rotates in hyperspace.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the 4th spatial dimension?

While the 4th spatial dimension is primarily a theoretical concept, it has been used in some areas of science, such as string theory and cosmology. It also has potential applications in computer science and data storage, where higher dimensions can be used to store and manipulate large amounts of data in a more efficient way. However, these applications are still in the early stages of development and require further research.

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