Wave Function Question: Understanding |0,f\rangle & \hat{c}_{\vec{k},\sigma}^+

In summary, the conversation discusses the unperturbed electron ground state and the antisymmetrized product of single electron states, represented as ##|\vec{k}_i^{(i)},m_{s_i}^{(i)}\rangle##. The spin magnetic quantum number ##m_{s_i}^{(i)}## takes the values ##\pm \frac{1}{2}## and the wave vector is denoted as ##|\vec{k}_i^{(i)}\rangle##. The state |0;f\rangle is defined as the product of |0\rangle and |f\rangle. The operators ##\hat{s}_i^z##, ##\hat{s}_i^+##,
  • #1
http://books.google.rs/books?id=vrc...=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=nolting RKKY&f=false

Here in the page 203 is defined ##|\vec{k}_i^{(i)},m_{s_i}^{(i)}\rangle## and also ##|0,f\rangle=|0\rangle|f\rangle##
what that notation means?
What is ##|0,f\rangle=|0\rangle|f\rangle##?
If operator ##\hat{c}_{\vec{k},\sigma}^+## creates electron with wave vector ##\vec{k}## and spin ##\sigma##.
What is
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is not clear. Are you asking what a bra-ket notation mean, or are you specifically asking what a state |a>|b> mean?

  • #3
Only in this case. How operator ##\hat{c}## attacks ##|0,f\rangle##?
  • #4
For example
[tex]\langle 0;f|\hat{C}_{i\sigma}^+|0;f\rangle=?[/tex]
  • #5
You have to define the state the the operator...these are defined things...
  • #6
I think it is just for two separate things so it can be written as product.Any operator associated with electron will act on second one not on first one
  • #7
Well I can give more information. But I gave in first post book and the page. But ok...
[tex]\hat{s}_i^z=\frac{\hbar}{2}(\hat{c}_{i\uparrow}^+ \hat{c}_{i\uparrow}-\hat{c}_{i\downarrow}^+\hat{c}_{i\downarrow})[/tex]
[tex]\hat{s}_i^+=\hbar \hat{c}_{i\uparrow}^+ \hat{c}_{i\downarrow}[/tex]
[tex]\hat{s}_i^-=\hbar \hat{c}_{i\downarrow}^+ \hat{c}_{i\uparrow}[/tex]

In text.
''Without perturbation electron exist in their unpolarised ground state. In addition since they don't interact with each other, the unperturbed electron ground state can be written as the antisymetrised product of single electron states
[tex]|\vec{k}_i^{(i)},m_{s_i}^{(i)}\rangle=|\vec{k}_i^{(i)}\rangle |m_{s_i}^{(i)}\rangle[/tex]
where the spin magnetic quantum number ##m_{s_i}^{(i)}## takes the values ##\pm \frac{1}{2}##. ##|\vec{k}_i^{(i)}\rangle## is wave vector where superscript refers to the particle number. Furter since we want to treat conduction electrons as s electrons, which excludes spin orbit interraction, we can separate the spin and the space parts. Let
Can you now give me explanation. What is ##|0\rangle##? What is ##|f\rangle##? And how defined operators act on this state? Tnx.

FAQ: Wave Function Question: Understanding |0,f\rangle & \hat{c}_{\vec{k},\sigma}^+

1. What is a wave function?

A wave function is a mathematical function that describes the quantum state of a particle or system. It contains information about the position, momentum, and other physical properties of the particle or system.

2. What does |0,f> and ^c_{k,σ}+ represent in the wave function?

|0,f> represents the vacuum state, which is the lowest possible energy state of a quantum system. ^c_{k,σ}+ is the creation operator, which creates a particle with a specific momentum k and spin σ.

3. How does the wave function change over time?

The wave function evolves over time according to the Schrodinger equation, which describes the behavior of quantum systems. The evolution of the wave function is determined by the Hamiltonian operator, which represents the total energy of the system.

4. What is the significance of the wave function in quantum mechanics?

The wave function is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, as it provides a mathematical representation of the quantum state of a particle or system. It allows for the calculation of probabilities for different outcomes of measurements, and it is used to describe the behavior of particles at the microscopic level.

5. How is the wave function used in practical applications?

The wave function is used in a variety of practical applications, including quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum simulation. It is also a crucial concept for understanding and developing technologies such as transistors, lasers, and medical imaging devices.
