SU(N) Vector vs. Spinor Representations

In summary, a spinor is a special kind of vector that transforms under a Lie group, such as SU(N), in a way that is different from a regular vector. It has the property that after a 360 degree rotation, it becomes the exact opposite of the original vector, and after another 360 degree rotation, it returns to its original state. The covariant derivative for a spinor of SU(2) is different from that of the vector representation, as it includes the generators of the group, while the vector representation uses the structure constants of the group. Not all Lie groups have a spinor representation, but for those that do, it is an important concept in understanding the behavior of objects under rotations.
  • #1
I'm a little bit confused about the difference between the spinor and vector representations of SU(N)--I guess I could start with asking how a spinor and a vector differ: is this only a matter of how they transform under Lorentz transformations?

Following up, the covariant derivative for a spinor of SU(2) is (i.e. for a scalar field [tex]\phi[/tex] that transforms as a spinor of SU(2)):

[tex] D_\mu \phi = (\partial_\mu - i g A^a_\mu \tau ^a )\phi [/tex]

While the covariant derivative for the vector representation of a scalar [tex]\phi[/tex] is:

[tex] D_\mu \phi = \partial_\mu_a + g \epsilon_{abc} A^a_\mu \phi_c [/tex]

(these are from Peskin and Schroeder p. 694-5, eq. (20.22) and (20.27) resp.)

My understanding is that this means we have a scalar field [tex]\phi[/tex] that has a nonabelian gauge symmetry in some abstract (internal) SU(2) space.

The spinor covariant derivative seems to make sense from the general definition of the covariant derivative:

[tex]D_\mu = \partial_\mu - igA^a_\mu t^a[/tex]

where [tex]t^a[/tex] is a generator of the gauge group. does this mean that the generator of the vector representation is something like [tex]\epsilon_{abc}[/tex]? Where does this [tex]\epsilon_{abc}[/tex] come from?

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  • #2
There is something really puzzling here.On normal basis,the matter field (in this case a scalar) would transform under the fundamental representation of the gauge symmetry group,which in this case is SU(2).The generators of the fundamental reperesentation of the group SU(2) are indeed [itex] T_{a}=\frac{1}{2}\sigma_{a} [/itex]...So they should be there...I don't know which kind (what spin bears) this fundamental representation is.


P.S.I'll promiss to think about it.Any more comments are welcome.
  • #3
I actually just had this problem myself (on an exam) and was stuck! Luckily I figured it out!

First, the covariant derivative is representation dependent:

[tex]D_\mu = \partial_\mu - igA^a_\mu t_R^a[/tex]

Where [tex]t_R^a[/tex] are the generaters for a particular representation R. Now when you have a field that transforms like a vector, you can use the fact that SU(2) is really the same as SO(3) (the infinitesimal transformations are measured by a vector).

The Fundamental representation of SO(3) are the angular momentum generators J, that satisfy the commutation relations:

[tex][J_i ,J_j ] = i\epsilon_i_j^k J_k[/tex]

So the [tex]\epsilon^i^j^k[/tex] are the structure constants of SO(3). The Adjoint representation for any group has generators given by:

[tex](t_A^a)^b^c=-i f^a^b^c[/tex]

Where [tex]f^a^b^c[/tex] are the structure coeffiecients. So in particular for SO(3):

[tex](t_A^a)^b^c=-i \epsilon^a^b^c[/tex]

So then for the adjoint reprensentation of the "spin-one" (SO(3)) version of SU(2) we have:

[tex]D_\mu = \partial_\mu + g\epsilon^a^b^c A^a_\mu [/tex]

I hope this helps!

-Laura :smile:
  • #4
Laura already explained to you the second part of your question.

Let me add that a spinor is a special kind of vector. I mean, it has the property that if you rotate it 360° you get the exact opposite (A ---> -A) of what you originally rotated. Rotate another 360° and you get where you started off in the first of the two rotations (A---> -A--->A).

Now let us look at the rotationgroup SO(3) or even any other group, it don't matter :

An object v transforms as a vector if you can write v' = Uv where U is a representation for the group in question, U represents a rotation. Another way to say this is if you transform an object under a certain group, the 'image' of this transformation will be a linear combination of the object that you transformed. So transforming like a vector really means that the object you transform will be written out as a linear combination of it's components after the transformation.

An object transforms as a tensor if you can write v'=UU'U''v
So this means that v transforms 'as a product of vectors' because of the multiple U-matrices.

Now, transforming like a spinor really means that the object tranforms like a vector (you know what that means) but not just any vector. This is a special case, where the U-matrix does not represent just any transformation but a transformation that gives you the opposite of the initial object after a rotation of 360°.

One can recognize a spinor by the way it transforms under a group. If the generator is a Pauli-matrix you are done...Just like in the case of SU(3), if you now the generator is a GellMann matrix, you know you are working with anobject in the adjoint representation and these objects are GLUONS


  • #5
Since a long time ago, I've been looking for a simple explanation of what a spinor is, without much luck.
So far, I had simple patched up together many definitions and different points of view until I finally had an acceptable idea on what a spinor was.
Your explanation, Marlon, is, so far, the simplest and clearest I've seen, thanks a lot for that.

Now, my question is, does ANY Lie group have a spinor representation?
If not, which ones do?
  • #6
BlackBaron said:
Now, my question is, does ANY Lie group have a spinor representation?
If not, which ones do?

No, for example : under addition, the real line is a Lie group.

It is important to realize the the spinor representation is indeed the representation of a Lie Group because it is a rotation and any rotation can be put into a Lie Group like SO(3) and so on...

Perhaps we should exclude the rotations (in the complex plane) that do not put an object onto itself after 360° of turning...but i am not sure of that anymore, it has been too long for me... :wink:


FAQ: SU(N) Vector vs. Spinor Representations

1. What is the difference between SU(N) vector and spinor representations?

The SU(N) vector and spinor representations are two different mathematical ways of representing the symmetry group SU(N). The main difference between them is that vector representations transform under the fundamental representation of SU(N), while spinor representations transform under the spinor representation. This means that vector representations are defined by a set of numbers (components) that transform under rotations, while spinor representations are defined by a set of numbers that transform under both rotations and reflections.

2. How are SU(N) vector and spinor representations used in physics?

SU(N) vector and spinor representations are used in many areas of physics, including quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and particle physics. They are particularly important in the study of symmetries and in the construction of gauge theories, such as the Standard Model of particle physics.

3. Can SU(N) vector and spinor representations be converted into each other?

No, SU(N) vector and spinor representations cannot be converted into each other. They are fundamentally different mathematical objects that transform differently under rotations and reflections. However, it is possible to relate the two representations through a mathematical operation called the spinor representation duality.

4. How do SU(N) vector and spinor representations relate to the concept of spin?

SU(N) vector and spinor representations are closely related to the concept of spin, which describes the intrinsic angular momentum of particles. In fact, the spin of a particle is determined by the representation it transforms under in the symmetry group SU(2), which is a subgroup of SU(N).

5. Are there any experimental implications of SU(N) vector and spinor representations?

Yes, there are experimental implications of SU(N) vector and spinor representations. For example, the different representations may lead to different physical properties of particles, such as their interactions with other particles. Additionally, studying the symmetries of SU(N) vector and spinor representations can provide insights into the fundamental laws of nature.
