What does touch look like in the subatomic world?

  • Thread starter markb287
  • Start date
In summary, touch in the subatomic world refers to a variety of phenomena beyond what we are able to understand. There is a phenomena of actual "touching" for subatomic particles, but it is currently unknown and not yet proven.
  • #1
What does "touch" look like in the subatomic world?

From my understanding, what looks like touch for us (e.g. my hand pressed against a wall) is not actually "touch," but a sensation. The charged particles in my hand are not actually "touching" the inversely charged particles in the wall, but are instead repelled by them, and it is this repulsion that gives me the sensation (and appearance) of touching. However, is there a phenomenon of actual "touching" for subatomic phenomena? If so, what would this look like? Do we have a picture for it?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Hi Markb..welcome to physics forums...lotsa fun here!

Subatomic 'touch' includes a variety of phenomena.,,.some beyond our imagination. In the low gravity environment we usually find ourselves in, electron orbitals in your hand come close to those in,say, a fork. Repulsion keeps them from actually 'touching' yet describing this via quantum fields introduces a sort of touch...an interaction. But radioactive decay can split particles apart as radiation is emitted from a former higher energy state. In a very high gravity, like a neutron star for example, electrons are forced by immense gravity into the protons of the nucleus...and the combined particle behaves as a neutral neutron...The Pauli exclusion principle no longer applies.

This extreme condition can go even further if the star was above about 1.5 solar masses...Such a mass can collapse into a black hole where the former subatomic particles seem to 'disappear' in a singularity...a spacetime so distorted by gravity that our theoretical mathematics diverges...that is, we approach 'infinities'...like a mathematical series that fails to converge. It could be in the environment at the singularity, space,time,particle, everything merges into a quantum foam where none is distinguishable. Not unlike right near the Big Bang that initiated our universe.

As if THAT weirdness isn't enough: Sometimes I can observe particles you cannot! If you and I are adjacent, and I am accelerating and you are not, I will observe a theoretical set of particles you do not...This is called the Unruh effect and is widely accepted as accurate, but is not yet proven...As a result I will measure a different temperature accelerating than you do without acceleration. So not only can you not 'touch' my particles, you can't even detect them!
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  • #3

The charged particles in my hand are not actually "touching" the inversely charged particles in the wall, but are instead repelled by them

If the charges were inverse, or opposite I assume you mean, they would not repel, they would attract. In fact, if it were inverse-opposite ANTI-matter you were touching, then you would blow up and take the Vatican along with you, like in Angels and Demons. How's that for a picture? See the "do not touch" sign? I would mind that, cause that would be a touch...a touch too much.
  • #4

Naty1 said:
and the combined particle behaves as a neutral neutron...The Pauli exclusion principle no longer applies.
Neutrons are fermions, the principle applies to them as well - which generates enough pressure to keep the neutron star stable.

However, is there a phenomenon of actual "touching" for subatomic phenomena?
Overlapping wave functions of the particles (here: electrons) have some similarity to "touching".
  • #5

Naty1 said:
...and the combined particle behaves as a neutral neutron...

The combined particles do not only behave like a neutron, they are actually neutrons. The electrons and protons are turned into neutrons and neutrinos by weak interaction. The neutrions escape immediately, so only neutrons stay in the star.

These neutrons are not some quasi-neutrons that would still somehow contain protons and electrons. They are full-fledged neutrons without any protons or electrons involved.
  • #6

just reading through this forums is the most beautiful thing I ever did!
I recently did a basics course on physics over at fxphd and now this whole thing caught me so badly. Can anyone recommend me any basic books of Physics and Mathematics which go into rather theoretical from explaining with examples on what and how like Naty1 did?
I am heavily interested in all kind of weird things and read a lot about cellular automata/ chaos mathematics, but quantum physics/ physics seems to be the new interest.

FAQ: What does touch look like in the subatomic world?

1. What is the smallest unit that can be touched in the subatomic world?

The smallest unit that can be touched in the subatomic world is an atom. Atoms are made up of a nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. These particles are held together by electromagnetic forces and can interact with each other through contact.

2. How does touch work at the subatomic level?

At the subatomic level, touch is primarily determined by the repulsive and attractive forces between particles. For example, when two atoms come into contact, their electrons may repel each other due to their negative charges, but their nuclei can be attracted to each other due to their positive charges. This interaction results in the sensation of touch.

3. Can subatomic particles touch each other?

Subatomic particles can come into contact with each other, but they do not touch in the same sense as macroscopic objects do. Due to the quantum nature of particles, they exist as waves and have a probability of being in a certain location. So, while particles can interact and come close to each other, they do not have a definite location that can be touched.

4. Is there a limit to how small something can be touched at the subatomic level?

There is no known limit to how small something can be touched at the subatomic level. As technology advances, scientists are able to study and manipulate smaller and smaller particles, revealing more about the interactions and forces at play at this level.

5. Can subatomic touch be seen?

No, subatomic touch cannot be seen as it occurs at a scale that is too small to be observed by the naked eye. However, scientists can use specialized equipment, such as scanning electron microscopes, to indirectly observe the effects of touch at the subatomic level.

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