- #1
- 22,183
- 3,325
- Author: G.E. Shilov
- Title: Linear Algebra
- Amazon link https://www.amazon.com/dp/048663518X/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: Being acquainted with proofs and rigorous mathematics. Knowing what matrices and determinants are, is also helpful.
- Level: Undergrad
Table of Contents:
[*] Determinants
[*] Number Fields
[*] Problems of the Theory or Systems or Linear Equations
[*] Determinants of Order [itex]n[/itex]
[*] Properties of Determinants
[*] Cofactors and Minors
[*] Practical Evaluation of Determinants
[*] Cramer's Rule
[*] Minors of Arbitrary Order. Laplace's Theorem
[*] Linear Dependence between Columns
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Linear Spaces
[*] Definitions
[*] Linear Dependence
[*] Bases, Components, Dimension
[*] Subspaces
[*] Linear Manifolds
[*] Hyperplanes
[*] Morphisms of Linear Spaces
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Systems of Linear Equations
[*] More on the Rank of a Matrix
[*] Nontrivial Compatibility of a Homogeneous Linear System
[*] The Compatibility Condition for a GeneraI Linear System
[*] The Generai Solution of a Linear System
[*] Geornetric Properties of the Solution Space
[*] Methods for CaJculating the Rank or a Matrix
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Linear Functions of a Vector Argument
[*] Linear Forrns
[*] Linear Operators
[*] Sums and Products of Linear Operators
[*] Corresponding Operations on Matrices
[*] Further Properties of Matrix Multiplication
[*] The Range and Null Space or a Linear Operator
[*] Linear Operators Mapping a Space [itex]\mathbb{K}_n[/itex] into Itself
[*] Invariant Subspaces
[*] Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Coordinate Transformations
[*] Transformation to a New Basis
[*] Consecutive Transformations
[*] Transformation of the Components of a Vector
[*] Transformation of the Coefficients of a Linear Form
[*] Transformation of the Matrix of a Linear Operator
[*] Tensors
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] The Canonical Form of the Matrix of a Linear Operator
[*] Canonical Form of the Matrix of a Nilpotent Operator
[*] Algebras. The Algebra of Polynomials
[*] Canonical Form of the Matrix of an Arbitrary Operator
[*] Elementary Divisors
[*] Further Implications
[*] The Real Jordan Canonical F orrn
[*] Spectra, Jets and Polynomials
[*] Operator Functions and Their Matrices
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Bilinear and Quadratic Forms
[*] Bilinear Forms
[*] Quadratic Forms
[*] Reduction of a Quadratic Form to Canonical Form
[*] The Canonical Basis of a Bilinear Form
[*] Construction of a Canonical Basis by Jacobi's Method
[*] Adjoint Linear Operators
[*] Isomorphism of Spaces Equipped with a Bilinear Form
[*] Multilinear Forms
[*] Bilinear and Quadratic Forms in a Real Space
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Euclidean Spaces
[*] Introduction
[*] Definition of a Euclidean Space
[*] Basic Metric Concepts
[*] Orthogonal Bases
[*] Perpendiculars
[*] The Orthogonalization Theorem
[*] The Gram Determinant
[*] Incompatible Systems and the Method of Least Squares
[*] Adjoint Operators and Isometry
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Unitary Spaces
[*] Hermitian Forms
[*] The Scalar Product in a Complex Space
[*] Normal Operators
[*] Applications to Operator Theory in Euclidean Space
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Quadratic Forms in Euclidean and Unitary Spaces
[*]Basic Theorem on Quadratic Forms in a Euclidean Space
[*] Extremal Properties of a Quadratic Form
[*] Simultaneous Reduction of Two Quadratic Forms
[*] Reduction of the Generai Equation of a Quadric Surface
[*] Geometric Properties of a Quadric Surface
[*] Analysis of a Quadric Surface from Its GeneraI Equation
[*] Hermitian Quadratic Forms
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Finite-dimensional Algebras and Their Representations
[*] More on Algebras
[*] Representations of Abstract Algebras
[*] Irreducible Representations and Schurs Lemma
[*] Basic Types or Finite-Dimensional Algebras
[*] The Left Regular Representation of a Simple Algebra
[*] Structure of Simple Algebras
[*] Structure of Semisimple Algebras
[*] Representations or Simple and Semisimple Algebras
[*] Some Further Results
[*] Problems
[/LIST][*] Appendix: Categories of Finite-Dimensional Spaces
[*] Introduction
[*] The Case or Complete Algebras
[*] The Case of One-Dimensional Algebras
[*] The Case of Simple Algebras
[*] The Case of Complete Algebras of Diagonal Matrices
[*] Categories and Direct Sums
[/LIST][*] Hints and Answers[*] Bibliography[*] Index
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