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- Author: Serge Lang
- Title: Fundamentals of Differential Geometry
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/038798593X/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: Grad Analysis, Differential Geometry
- Level: Grad
Table of Contents:
[*] Foreword
[*] Acknowledgments
[*] General Differential Theory
[*] Differential Calculus
[*] Categories
[*] Topological Vector Spaces
[*] Derivatives and Composition of Maps
[*] Integration and Taylor's Formula
[*] The Inverse Mapping Theorem
[*] Manifolds
[*] Atlases, Charts, Morphisms
[*] Submanifolds, Immersions, Submersions
[*] Partitions of Unity
[*] Manifolds with Boundary
[*] Vector Bundles
[*] Definition, Pull Backs
[*] The Tangent Bundle
[*] Exact Sequences of Bundles
[*] Operations on Vector Bundles
[*] Splitting of Vector Bundles
[*] Vector Fields and Differential Equations
[*] Existence Theorem for Differential Equations
[*] Vector Fields, Curves, and Flows
[*] Sprays
[*] The Flow of a Spray and the Exponential Map
[*] Existence of Tubular Neighborhoods
[*] Uniqueness of Tubular Neighborhoods
[*] Operations on Vector Fields and Differential Forms
[*] Vector Fields, Differential Operators, Brackets
[*] Lie Derivative
[*] Exterior Derivative
[*] The Poincare Lemma
[*] Contractions and Lie Derivative
[*] Vector Fields and 1-Forms Under Self Duality
[*] The Canonical 2-Form
[*] Darboux's Theorem
[*] The Theorem of Frobenius
[*] Statement of the Theorem
[*] Differential Equations Depending on a Parameter
[*] Proof of the Theorem
[*] The Global Formulation
[*] Lie Groups and Subgroups
[*] Metrics, Covariant Derivatives, and Riemannian Geometry
[*] Metrics
[*] Definition and Functoriality
[*] The Hilbert Group
[*] Reduction to the Hilbert Group
[*] Hilbertian Tubular Neighborhoods
[*] The Morse-Palais Lemma
[*] The Riemannian Distance
[*] The Canonical Spray
[*] Covariant Derivatives and Geodesies
[*] Basic Properties
[*] Sprays and Covariant Derivatives
[*] Derivative Along a Curve and Parallelism
[*] The Metric Derivative
[*] More Local Results on the Exponential Map
[*] Riemannian Geodesic Length and Completeness
[*] Curvature
[*] The Riemann Tensor
[*] Jacobi Lifts
[*] Application of Jacobi Lifts to Texp_x
[*] Convexity Theorems
[*] Taylor Expansions
[*] Jacobi Lifts and Tensorial Splitting of the Double Tangent Bundle
[*] Convexity of Jacobi Lifts
[*] Global Tubular Neighborhood of a Totally Geodesic Submanifold
[*] More Convexity and Comparison Results
[*] Splitting of the Double Tangent Bundle
[*] Tensorial Derivative of a Curve in TX and of the Exponential Map
[*] The Flow and the Tensorial Derivative
[*] Curvature and the Variation Formula
[*] The Index Form, Variations, and the Second Variation Formula
[*] Growth of a Jacobi Lift
[*] The Semi Parallelogram Law and Negative Curvature
[*] Totally Geodesic Submanifolds
[*] Rauch Comparison Theorem
[*] An Example of Seminegative Curvature
[*] Pos_n(R) as a Riemannian Manifold
[*] The Metric Increasing Property of the Exponential Map
[*] Totally Geodesic and Symmetric Submanifolds
[*] Automorphisms and Symmetries
[*] The Tensorial Second Derivative
[*] Alternative Definitions of Killing Fields
[*] Metric Killing Fields
[*] Lie Algebra Properties of Killing Fields
[*] Symmetric Spaces
[*] Parallelism and the Riemann Tensor
[*] Immersions and Submersions
[*] The Covariant Derivative on a Submanifold
[*] The Hessian and Laplacian on a Submanifold
[*] The Covariant Derivative on a Riemannian Submersion
[*] The Hessian and Laplacian on a Riemannian Submersion
[*] The Riemann Tensor on Submanifolds
[*] The Riemann Tensor on a Riemannian Submersion
[*] Volume Forms and Integration
[*] Volume Forms
[*] Volume Forms and the Divergence
[*] Covariant Derivatives
[*] The Jacobian Determinant of the Exponential Map
[*] The Hodge Star on Forms
[*] Hodge Decomposition of Differential Forms
[*] Volume Forms in a Submersion
[*] Volume Forms on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces
[*] Homogeneously Fibered Submersions
[*] Integration of Differential Forms
[*] Sets of Measure 0
[*] Change of Variables Formula
[*] Orientation
[*] The Measure Associated with a Differential Form
[*] Homogeneous Spaces
[*] Stokes' Theorem
[*] Stokes' Theorem for a Rectangular Simplex
[*] Stokes' Theorem on a Manifold
[*] Stokes' Theorem with Singularities
[*] Applications of Stokes' Theorem
[*] The Maximal de Rham Cohomology
[*] Moser's Theorem
[*] The Divergence Theorem
[*] The Adjoint of d for Higher Degree Forms
[*] Cauchy's Theorem
[*] The Residue Theorem
[*] Appendix: The Spectral Theorem
[*] Hilbert Space
[*] Functionals and Operators
[*] Hermitian Operators
[*] Bibliography
[*] Index
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