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- Author: Richard Courant, David Hilbert
- Title: Methods of Mathematical Physics
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Table of Contents for Volume I:
[*] The Algebra of Linear Transformations and Quadratic Forms
[*] Linear equations and linear transformations
[*] Vectors
[*] Orthogonal systems of vectors. Completeness
[*] Linear transformations. Matrices
[*] Bilinear, quadratic, and Hermitian forms
[*] Orthogonal and unitary transformations
[*] Linear transformations with a linear parameter
[*] Transformation to principal axes of quadratic and Hermitian forms
[*] Transformation to principal axes on the basis of a maximum principle
[*] Eigenvalues
[*] Generalization to Hermitian forms
[*] Inertial theorem for quadratic forms
[*] Representation of the resolvent of a form
[*] Solution of systems of linear equations associated with forms
[*] Minimum-maximum property of eigenvalues
[*] Characterization of eigenvalues by a minimum-maximum problem
[*] Applications. Constraints
[*] Supplement and problems
[*] Linear independence and the Gram determinant
[*] Hadamard's inequality for determinants
[*] Generalized treatment of canonical transformations
[*] Bilinear and quadratic forms of infinitely many variables
[*] Infinitesimal linear transformations
[*] Perturbations
[*] Constraints
[*] Elementary divisors of a matrix or a bilinear form
[*] Spectrum of a unitary matrix
[*] References
[*] Series Expansions of Arbitrary Functions
[*] Orthogonal systems of functions
[*] Definitions
[*] Orthogonalization of functions
[*] Bessel's inequality. Completeness relation. Approximation in the mean
[*] Spectral decomposition by Fourier series and integrals
[*] Dense systems of functions
[*] A Theorem of H. Muntz on the completeness of powers
[*] Fejer's summation theorem
[*] The Mellin inversion formulas
[*] The Gibbs phenomenon
[*] A theorem on Gram's determinant
[*] Application of the Lebesgue integral
[*] References
[*] Linear Integral Equations
[*] Introduction
[*] Notation and basic concepts
[*] Functions in integral representation
[*] Degenerate kernels
[*] Fredholm's theorems for degenerate kernels
[*] Fredholm's theorems for arbitrary kernels
[*] Symmetric kernels and their eigenvalues
[*] Existence of an eigenvalue of a symmetric kernel
[*] The totality of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
[*] Maximum-minimum property of eigenvalues
[*] The expansion theorem and its applications
[*] Expansion theorem
[*] Solution of the inhomogeneous linear integral equation
[*] Bilinear formula for iterated kernels
[*] Mercer's theorem
[*] Neumann series and the reciprocal kernel
[*] The Fredholm formulas
[*] Another derivation of the theory
[*] A lemma
[*] Eigenfunctions of a symmetric kernel
[*] Unsymmetric kernels
[*] Continuous dependence of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions on the kernel
[*] Extensions of the theory
[*] Supplement and problems for Chapter III
[*] Problems
[*] Singular integral equations
[*] E. Schmidt's derivation of the Fredholm theorems
[*] Enskog's method for solving symmetric integral equations
[*] Kellogg's method for the determination of eigenfunctions
[*] Symbolic functions of a kernel and their eigenvalues
[*] Example of an unsymmetric kernel without null solutions
[*] Volterra integral equation
[*] Abel's integral equation
[*] Adjoint orthogonal systems belonging to an unsymmetric kernel
[*] Integral equations of the first kind
[*] Method of infinitely many variables
[*] Minimum properties of eigenfunctions
[*] Polar integral equations
[*] Symmetrizable kernels
[*] Determination of the resolvent kernel by functional equations
[*] Continuity of definite kernels
[*] Hammerstein's theorem
[*] References
[*] The Calculus of Variations
[*] Problems of the calculus of variations
[*] Maxima and minima of functions
[*] Functionals
[*] Typical problems of the calculus of variations
[*] Characteristic difficulties of the calculus of variations
[*] Direct solutions
[*] The isoperimetric problem
[*] The Rayleigh-Ritz method. Minimizing sequences
[*] Other direct methods. Method of finite differences. Infinitely many variables
[*] General remarks on direct methods of the calculus of variations
[*] The Euler equations
[*] "Simplest problem" of the variational calculus
[*] Several unknown functions
[*] Higher derivatives
[*] Several independent variables
[*] Identical vanishing of the Euler differential expression
[*] Euler equations in homogeneous form
[*] Relaxing of conditions. Theorems of du Bois-Reymond and Haar
[*] Variational problems and functional equations
[*] Integration of the Euler differential equation
[*] Boundary conditions
[*] Natural boundary conditions for free boundaries
[*] Geometrical problems. Transversality
[*] The second variation and the Legendre condition
[*] Variational problems with subsidiary conditions
[*] Isoperimetric problems
[*] Finite subsidiary conditions
[*] Differential equations as subsidiary conditions
[*] Invariant character of the Euler equations
[*] The Euler expression as a gradient in function space. Invariance of the Euler expression
[*] Transformation of \Delta u. Spherical coordinates
[*] Ellipsoidal coordinates
[*] Transformation of variational problems to canonical and involutory form
[*] Transformation of an ordinary minimum problem with subsidiary conditions
[*] Involutory transformation of the simplest variational problems
[*] Transformation of variational problems to canonical form
[*] Generalizations
[*] Variational calculus and the differential equations of mathematical physics
[*] General remarks
[*] The vibrating string and the vibrating rod
[*] Membrane and plate
[*] Reciprocal quadratic variational problems
[*] Supplementary remarks and exercises
[*] Variational problem for a given differential equation
[*] Reciprocity for isoperimetric problems
[*] Circular light rays
[*] The problem of Dido
[*] Examples of problems in space
[*] The indicatrix and applications
[*] Variable domains
[*] E. Noether's theorem on invariant variational problems. Integrals in particle mechanics
[*] Transversality for multiple integrals
[*] Euler's differential expressions on surfaces
[*] Thomson's principle in electrostatics
[*] Equilibrium problems for elastic bodies. Castigliano's principle
[*] The variational problem of buckling
[*] References
[*] Vibration and Eigenvalue Problems
[*] Preliminary remarks about linear differential equations
[*] Principle of superposition
[*] Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous problems. Boundary conditions
[*] Formal relations. Adjoint differential expressions. Green's formulas
[*] Linear functional equations as limiting cases and analogues of systems of linear equations
[*] Systems of a finite number of degrees of freedom
[*] Normal modes of vibration. Normal coordinates. General theory of motion
[*] General properties of vibrating systems
[*] The vibrating string
[*] Free motion of the homogeneous string
[*] Forced motion
[*] The general nonhomogeneous string and the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem
[*] The vibrating rod
[*] The vibrating membrane
[*] General eigenvalue problem for the homogeneous membrane
[*] Forced motion
[*] Nodal lines
[*] Rectangular membrane
[*] Circular membrane. Bessel functions
[*] Nonhomogeneous membrane
[*] The vibrating plate
[*] General remarks
[*] Circular boundary
[*] General remarks on the eigenfunction method
[*] Vibration and equilibrium problems
[*] Heat conduction and eigenvalue problems
[*] Vibration of three-dimensional continua. Separation of variables
[*] Eigenfunctions and the boundary value problem of potential theory
[*] Circle, sphere, and spherical shell
[*] Cylindrical domain
[*] The Lame problem
[*] Problems of the Sturm-Liouville type. Singular boundary points
[*] Bessel functions
[*] Legendre functions of arbitrary order
[*] Jacobi and Tchebycheff polynomials
[*] Hermite and Laguerre polynomials
[*] The asymptotic behavior of the solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations
[*] Boundedness of the solution as the independent variable tends to infinity
[*] A sharper result. (Bessel functions)
[*] Boundedness as the parameter increases
[*] Asymptotic representation of the solutions
[*] Asymptotic representation of Sturm-Liouville eigenfunctions
[*] Eigenvalue problems with a continuous spectrum
[*] Trigonometric functions
[*] Bessel functions
[*] Eigenvalue problem of the membrane equation for the infinite plane
[*] The Schrodinger eigenvalue problem
[*] Perturbation theory
[*] Simple eigenvalues
[*] Multiple eigenvalues
[*] An example
[*] Green's function (influence function) and reduction of differential equations to integral equations
[*] Green's function and boundary value problem for ordinary differential equations
[*] Construction of Green's function; Green's function in the generalized sense
[*] Equivalence of integral and differential equations
[*] Ordinary differential equations of higher order
[*] Partial differential equations
[*] Examples of Green's function
[*] Ordinary differential equations
[*] Green's function for \Delta u: circle and sphere
[*] Green's function and conformal mapping
[*] Green's function for the potential equation on the surface of a sphere
[*] Green's function for \Delta u = 0 in a rectangular parallelepiped
[*] Green's function for \Delta u in the interior o
[*] Supplement to Chapter V
[*] Examples for the vibrating string
[*] Vibrations of a freely suspended rope; Bessel functions
[*] Examples for the explicit solution of the vibration equation. Mathieu functions
[*] Boundary conditions with parameters
[*] Green's tensors for systems of differential equations
[*] Analytic continuation of the solutions of the equation \Delta u + \lambda u =0
[*] A theorem on the nodal curves of the solutions of \Delta u +\lambda u = 0
[*] An example of eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity
[*] Limits for the validity of the expansion theorems
[*] References
[*] Application of the Calculus of Variations to Eigenvalue Problems
[*] Extremum properties of eigenvalues
[*] Classical extremum properties
[*] Generalizations
[*] Eigenvalue problems for regions with separate components
[*] The maximum-minimum property of eigenvalues
[*] General consequences of the extremum properties of the eigenvalues
[*] General theorems
[*] Infinite growth of the eigenvalues
[*] Asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues in the Sturm-Liouville problem
[*] Singular differential equations
[*] Further remarks concerning the growth of eigenvalues. Occurrence of negative eigenvalues
[*] Continuity of eigenvalues
[*] Completeness and expansion theorems
[*] Completeness of the eigenfunctions
[*] The expansion theorem
[*] Generalization of the expansion theorem
[*] Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues
[*] The equation \Delta u + \lambda u = 0 for a rectangl
[*] The equation \Delta u + \lambda u = 0 for domains consisting of a finite number of squares or cubes
[*] Extension to the general differential equation L[u] + \lambda \rho u = 0
[*] Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues for an arbitrary domain
[*] Sharper form of the laws of asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues for the differential equation \Delta u + \lambda u = 0
[*] Eigenvalue problems of the Schrodinger type
[*] Nodes of eigenfunctions
[*] Supplementary remarks and problems
[*] Minimizing properties of eigenvalues. Derivation from completeness
[*] Characterization of the first eigenfunction by absence of nodes
[*] Further minimizing properties of eigenvalues
[*] Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues
[*] Parameter eigenvalue problems
[*] Boundary conditions containing parameters
[*] Eigenvalue problems for closed surfaces
[*] Estimates of eigenvalues when singular points occur
[*] Minimum theorems for the membrane and plate
[*] Minimum problems for variable mass distribution
[*] Nodal points for the Sturm-Liouville problem. Maximum-minimum principle
[*] References
[*] Special Functions Defined by Eigenvalue Problems
[*] Preliminary discussion of linear second order differential equations
[*] Bessel functions
[*] Application of the integral transformation
[*] Hankel functions
[*] Bessel and Neumann functions
[*] Integral representations of Bessel functions
[*] Another integral representation of the Hankel and Bessel functions
[*] Power series expansion of Bessel functions
[*] Relations between Bessel functions
[*] Zeros of Bessel functions
[*] Neumann functions
[*] Legendre functions
[*] Schlafli's integral
[*] Integral representations of Laplace
[*] Legendre functions of the second kind
[*] Associated Legendre functions. (Legendre functions of higher order.)
[*] Application of the method of integral transformation to Legendre, Tchebycheff, Hermite, and Laguerre equations
[*] Legendre functions
[*] Tchebycheff functions
[*] Hermite functions
[*] Laguerre functions
[*] Laplace spherical harmonics
[*] Determination of 2n + 1 spherical harmonics of n-th order
[*] Completeness of the system of functions
[*] Expansion theorem
[*] The Poisson integral
[*] The Maxwell-Sylvester representation of spherical harmonics
[*] Asymptotic expansions
[*] Stirling's formula
[*] Asymptotic calculation of Hankel and Bessel functions for large values of the arguments
[*] The saddle point method
[*] Application of the saddle point method to the calculation of Hankel and Bessel functions for large parameter and large argument
[*] General remarks on the saddle point method
[*] The Darboux method
[*] Application of the Darboux method to the asymptotic expansion of Legendre polynomials
[*] Appendix to Chapter VII. Transformation of Spherical Harmonics
[*] Introduction and notation
[*] Orthogonal transformations
[*] A generating function for spherical harmonics
[*] Transformation formula
[*] Expressions in terms of angular coordinates
[*] Additional Bibliography
[*] Index
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