Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology by Bott and Tu

In summary, "Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology" by Raoul Bott and Loring Tu is a graduate level text on differential forms, de Rham theory, Mayer-Vietoris sequences, orientation and integration, Poincare lemma, Mayer-Vietoris argument, Thom isomorphism, Cech-de Rham complex, presheaves and Cech cohomology, sphere bundles, spectral sequences, cohomology with integer coefficients, path fibration, homotopy theory, rational homotopy theory, characteristic classes, and the search for universal bundle. The book is highly recommended for its clarity and depth.

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Table of Contents:
[*] Introduction
[*] De Rham Theory
[*] The de Rham Complex on R^n
[*] The de Rham complex
[*] Compact supports
[*] The Mayer-Vietoris Sequence
[*] The functor \Omega^*
[*] The Mayer-Vietoris sequence
[*] The functor \Omega_c^* and the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for compact supports
[*] Orientation and Integration
[*] Orientation and the integral of a differential form
[*] Stokes' theorem
[*] Poincare Lemma
[*] The Poincare lemma for the de Rham cohomology
[*] The Poincare lemma for compactly supported cohomology
[*] The degree of a proper map
[*] The Mayer-Vietoris Argument
[*] Existence of a good cover
[*] Finite dimensionality of de Rham cohomology
[*] Poncare duality on an orientable manifold
[*] The Kunneth formula and the Leray-Hirsch theorem
[*] The Poincare dual of a closed oriented submanifold
[*] The Thom Isomorphism
[*] Vector bundles and the reduction of structure groups
[*] Operations on vector bundles
[*] Compact cohomology of a vector bundle
[*] Compact vertical cohomology and integration along the fiber
[*] Poincare duality and the Thom class
[*] The global singular form, the Euler class, and the Thom class
[*] Relative de Rham theory
[*] The Nonorientable Case
[*] The twisted de Rham complex
[*] Integration of densities, Poincare duality, and the Thom isomorphism
[*] The Cech-de Rham Complex
[*] The Generalized Mayer-Vietoris Principle
[*] Reformulation of the Mayer-Vietoris Sequence
[*] Generalization to countably many open sets and applications
[*] More Examples and Applications of the Mayer-Vietoris Principle
[*] Examples: computing the de Rham cohomology from the combinatorics of a good cover
[*] Explicit isomorphisms between the double complex and de Rham and Cech
[*] The tic-tac-toe proof of the Kunneth formula
[*] Presheaves and Cech Cohomology
[*] Presheaves
[*] Cech cohomology
[*] Sphere Bundles
[*] Orientability
[*] The Euler class of an oriented sphere bundle
[*] The global angular form
[*] Euler number and the isolated singularities of a section
[*] Euler characteristic and the Hopf index theorem
[*] The Thom Isomorphism and Poincare Duality Revisited
[*] The Thom isomorphism
[*] Euler class and the zero locus of a section
[*] A tic-tac-toe lemma
[*] Poincare duality
[*] Spectral Sequence and Applications
[*] The Spectral Sequence of a Filtered Complex
[*] Exact couples
[*] The spectral sequence of a filtered complex
[*] The spectral sequence of a double complex
[*] The spectral sequence of a fiber bundle
[*] Some applications
[*] Product structures
[*] The Gysin sequence
[*] Leray's construction
[*] Cohomology with Integer Coefficients
[*] Singular homology
[*] The cone construction
[*] The Mayer-Vietoris sequence for singular chains
[*] Singular cohomology
[*] The homology spectral sequence
[*] The Path Fibration
[*] The path fibration
[*] The cohomology of the loop space of a sphere
[*] Review of Homotopy Theory
[*] Homotopy groups
[*] The relative homotopy sequence
[*] Some homotopy groups of the spheres
[*] Attaching cells
[*] Digression on Morse theory
[*] The relation between homotopy and homology
[*] \pi_3(S^2) and the Hopf invariant
[*] Applications to Homotopy Theory
[*] Eilenberg-MacLane spaces
[*] The telescoping construction
[*] The cohomology of K(Z,3)
[*] The transgression
[*] Basic tricks of the trade
[*] Postnikov approximation
[*] Computation of \pi_4(S^3)
[*] The Whitehead tower
[*] Computation of \pi_5(S^3)
[*] Rational Homotopy Theory
[*] Minimal models
[*] Examples of Minimal Models
[*] The main theorem and applications
[*] Characteristic Classes
[*] Chern Classes of a Complex Vector Bundle
[*] The first Chern class of a complex line bundle
[*] The projectivization of a vector bundle
[*] Main properties of the Chern classes
[*] The SPlitting Principle and Flag Manifolds
[*] The splitting principle
[*] Proof of the Whitney product formula and the equality of the top Chern class and the Euler class
[*] Computation of some Chern classes
[*] Flag manifolds
[*] Pontrjagin Classes
[*] Conjugate bundles
[*] Realization and complexification
[*] The Pontrjagin classes of a real vector bundle
[*] Application to the embedding of a manifold in a Euclidean space
[*] The Search for the Universal Bundle
[*] The Grassmannian
[*] Digression on the Poincare series of a graded algebra
[*] The classification of vector bundles
[*] The infinite Grassmannian
[*] Concluding remarks
[*] References
[*] List of Notations
[*] Index
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  • #2
a superb book, authoritative, deep and crystal clear.

FAQ: Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology by Bott and Tu

What is the main focus of "Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology" by Bott and Tu?

The main focus of this book is to introduce and explore the concept of differential forms in the context of algebraic topology, with applications to geometry and physics.

What background knowledge is required to understand this book?

Readers should have a strong understanding of basic linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and point-set topology. Familiarity with differential geometry and homological algebra may also be helpful.

What are the key topics covered in this book?

This book covers topics such as differential forms, de Rham cohomology, Poincaré duality, integration on manifolds, and the Chern-Weil theory. It also explores applications to topics such as vector bundles, characteristic classes, and Morse theory.

Is this book suitable for self-study?

While this book can be used for self-study, it is recommended to have a strong background in mathematics and to also seek additional resources for deeper understanding and practice.

What sets this book apart from others on the same topic?

This book is known for its clear and concise explanations, as well as its emphasis on the geometric and intuitive understanding of differential forms. It also includes many examples and exercises to reinforce the concepts presented. Additionally, it is a classic and influential text in the field of algebraic topology.

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