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- Author: Robin Hartshorne
- Title: Algebraic Geometry
- Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1441928073/?tag=pfamazon01-20
- Prerequisities: Commutive algebra, Algebraic Geometry
- Level: Grad
Table of Contents:
[*] Introduction
[*] Varieties
[*] Affine Varieties
[*] Projective Varieties
[*] Morphisms
[*] Rational Maps
[*] Nonsingular Varieties
[*] Nonsingular Curves
[*] Intersections in Projective Space
[*] What Is Algebraic Geometry?
[*] Schemes
[*] Sheaves
[*] Schemes
[*] First Properties of Schemes
[*] Separated and Proper Morphisms
[*] Sheaves of Modules
[*] Divisors
[*] Projective Morphism
[*] Differentials
[*] Formal Schemes
[*] Cohomology
[*] Derived Functors
[*] Cohomology of Sheaves
[*] Cohomology ofa Noetherian Affine Scheme
[*] Cech Cohomology
[*] The Cohomoiogy of Projective Space
[*] Ext Groups and Sheaves
[*] The Serre Duality Theorem
[*] Higher Direct Images of Sheaves
[*] Flat Morphisms
[*] Smooth Morphisms
[*] The Theorem on Formal Functions
[*] The Semicontinuity Theorem
[*] Curves
[*] Riemann-Roch Theorem
[*] Hurwitz's Theorem
[*] Embeddings in Projective Space
[*] Elliptic Curves
[*] The Canonicai Embedding
[*] Classification of Curves in P^3
[*] Surfaces
[*] Geometry on a Surface
[*] Ruled Surfaces
[*] Monoidal Transformations
[*] The Cubic Surface in P^3
[*] Birational Transformations
[*] Classification of Surfaces
[*] Appendix: Intersection Theory
[*] Intersection Theory
[*] Properties of the Chow Ring
[*] Chern Classes
[*] The Riemann-Roch Theorem
[*] Complements and Generalizations
[*] Appendix: Transcendental Methods
[*] The Associated Complex Analytic Space
[*] Comparison of the Algebraic and Analytic Categories
[*] When is a Compact Complex Manifold Algebraic?
[*] Kähler Manifolds
[*] The Exponential Sequence
[*] Appendix: The Weil Conjectures
[*] The Zeta Function and the Weil Conjectures
[*] History of Work on the Weil Conjectures
[*] The l-adic Cohomology
[*] Cohomological Interpretation of the Weil Conjectures
[*] Bibliography
[*] Results from Algebra
[*] Glossary of Notations
[*] Index
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