Unconventional Food Combinations: Exploring Unique Tastes and Preferences

  • Thread starter ShawnD
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In summary: I put a small amount of barbecue sauce in my mac and cheese.I don't really think that's weird, it's just a different way to put sauce on mac and cheese. I put salt on bacon (I think this is normal but everybody around me disagrees).I also don't think that's weird, everyone does it differently. I put chocolate milk powder in my cereal.Again, that's not weird, people put different things in their cereal.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Right now I'm dipping bread in soy sauce.
I put cheese wiz on apples.
I put a small amount of barbecue sauce in my mac and cheese.
I put salt on bacon (I think this is normal but everybody around me disagrees).
I put chocolate milk powder in my cereal.
A guy I knew dipped bread in olive oil.
My best friend puts ketchup on his steak.

What weird things do you eat?
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  • #2
A guy I knew dipped bread in olive oil.
Actually this one sounds normal - why'd you think it wasn't?

Some people around me say that equal parts OJ and espresso is unusual - so I nominate that.
  • #3
I suppose that Sylvia doesn't count. Despite the fishy connotation, she probably doesn't qualify as a food group. (At least dental floss was included in the package.) I never figured this one out... looks like a taco, smells like fish, tastes like chicken... and you're not supposed to eat it?! What are those right-wing twits smoking?
  • #4
Salt sandwiches.
  • #5
pork rinds are pretty tasty to me, of course having grown up in the south accounts for that.

bread in olive oil and basalmic vinegar is simply divine!
can't think of any weird food combonations to eat, but i love anything pickled such as asparagus, olives and kosher dills most of all.
  • #6
yeah bread in olive oil is supposed to be the healthy substitute of bread and butter. i can't remember all the details, but too much oil and it can actually be worse (i think). as for weird foods..im indian. so to you guys, ne thing my mom cooks :D haha
  • #7
My fave: cottage cheese and A1 steak sauce on a baked potato.
Kerrie said:
pork rinds are pretty tasty to me, of course having grown up in the south accounts for that.
I used to wash those down with RC Cola or Sundrop. :smile: Ever eat boiled peanuts? We used to buy a huge sack of them from a roadside stand on long trips. I try to make them sometimes but I never get the salt just right.
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  • #8
My dad got me addicted to buttermilk with tabasco sauce and salt and pepper. I'd give anything to have a glass of that right now!

Funny about the bread and olive oil. My best friend is Italian and the first time he came to the US we went to an "Italian" restaurant and when they placed the bread and saucer of oil on the table he asked what the oil was for, I explained it was to dip the bread in. He'd never heard of doing that and was certain it would be too greasy for him, I had to ask the waiter for some butter. He recently told me that now in restaurants in Italy that cater to American's they've had to start offering plates of oil because so many Americans were asking where it was. :rolleyes: We are destroying other cultures. :frown:
  • #9
I like to eat choclate chip cookies with beer! Preferably famous amos with Guinness or Harp! I also recently discovered that chocolate doughnuts go well with beer too! :biggrin:

As for bread and olive oil, when I was cooking we made a blend of olive oil with garlic, spices, salt, and pepper that we called 'mill butter' for the bread that was served. It was really good!

Danger, you dirty old dog! :smile: It's been a while since I've eaten at the taco stand! :smile:
  • #10
I used to eat raw meat, right out of the package. I stopped because apparently it is really bad for you.

I still eat raw vegetables, from potatoes to brocolli.
I used to put butter on pizza. Really good, but not healthy. :(
  • #11
I eat dead people
  • #12
I knew someone who claimed to know somebody else that ate a whole raw onion every day. I had a friend who brought a sack lunch to grade school, and it nearly always included a sandwich made with grape jelly smeared on a slice of processed cheese.
  • #13
I grew up in the town Heinz originated from so as a result I've put ketchup on everything over the years. Most of the more disgusting combos have stopped because people objected excessively, but I still think ketchup with macaroni and cheese tastes pretty good.
  • #14
I do NOT eat weird foods,... Others do. :approve:

However, my all time favorite sandwich is Peanut butter, Pickles, Cheddar cheese with Miracle Whip.

Also good is Peanut Butter, Tomatoes, onions / Miracle Whip.
  • #15
ShawnD said:
Right now I'm dipping bread in soy sauce.
Never knew anyone to do that, but doesn't sound too weird; it's a sauce and bread is good for dipping in sauce.

I put cheese wiz on apples.
Hmm...that one sounds a bit weird to me, but it's not new to me either. I've known others to do that. I prefer caramel for apple dipping though.

I put a small amount of barbecue sauce in my mac and cheese.
That's one I've never heard of before, but it actually sounds kind of good (BBQ sauce goes really well on a cheeseburger, so why not mac and cheese?) I might have to give it a try.

I put salt on bacon (I think this is normal but everybody around me disagrees).
Isn't bacon salty enough already? I can't imagine wanting or needing to add more salt.

I put chocolate milk powder in my cereal.
That's not sounding so good either. Then again, I don't even like much milk in cereal, let alone chocolate milk.

A guy I knew dipped bread in olive oil.
Very yummy indeed! And not at all strange. It's a very Italian thing to do. MIH already mentioned also mixing the olive oil with a little balsamic vinegar, but any flavored oil can be good too (like adding garlic or basil to the oil). This is best done with a really good quality extra virgin olive oil. :approve:

Edit: I just saw Evo's post above that this did not originate from Italy. Where did we get it from then? Did Italian restaurants in the US start it, or is it an Italian-American cultural thing? I'm going to have to ask my Italian friends how long ago they were introduced to the idea.

My best friend puts ketchup on his steak.
I've known a lot of people who do that. I think they are all the ones who grow up in homes where steak is always cooked well-done. I never fully understood why someone would ruin a good steak with ketchup. If you don't like steak that much, get the hamburger or don't eat beef if you need to drown it to hide the taste.

What weird things do you eat?

Well, if that above list counts as weird, then I eat a lot of weird things.

My weirdest I think are the mayonaisse sandwiches (just mayo, nothing else on the bread) and onion sandwiches.
I also love raw hamburger on a slice of onion (yeah, I know all the food safety issues there, but I grew up eating it and so far have been okay).
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  • #16
I like a seandwich with chees and tabasco sauce
  • #17
curry fish head: my uncle would put the whole thing in the mouth and out comes white pieces of fish skull
  • #18
I don't eat weird things anymore (like cow stomach, fish intestine, pork back, etc). Occasionally I'll eat a lemon with salt and I make my own ginger condiment to go onto bread or toast (spicy!) :smile:
  • #19
Moonbear said:
Isn't bacon salty enough already? I can't imagine wanting or needing to add more salt.
I love salt. I put salt on bacon, macaroni, most stews, all seafood, and chicken. I also put Worcestershire sauce on steak (that sauce contains a lot of salt).
  • #20
polyb said:
Danger, you dirty old dog! :smile: It's been a while since I've eaten at the taco stand! :smile:
Thanx. I was starting to think I'd wasted that one.:biggrin:
Actually, I'm a strict carnivore. The only pleasure that I derive from eating is in knowing that something died violently so that I could eat it. The perfect fast food is a chainsaw and a cow; fire is optional. (Because of my 1/4 Irish blood, potatoes are honourary meat.)
  • #21
Danger said:
Thanx. I was starting to think I'd wasted that one.:biggrin:
Actually, I'm a strict carnivore. The only pleasure that I derive from eating is in knowing that something died violently so that I could eat it.

:rolleyes: I'm hoping the last sentence isn't related to the first. :eek:
  • #22
Moonbear said:
:rolleyes: I'm hoping the last sentence isn't related to the first. :eek:
What's a little necrophilia among friends? :wink:
  • #23
I've never noticed this before, but I just made myself a Bloody Mary. Well, I had to substitute a few of the ingredients; (tomato puree and water instead of TJ, "Devil's Arse" chilli sauce instead of Tabasco, Jif instead of a lemon...) and I've realized that the drink does actually taste like blood.
  • #24
The juxtaposition of Danger's post and brewnog's post just put the most awful image into my mind. (Along with a rather disgusting variation of the Bloody Mary.)
  • #25
You'd better not be thinking what I'm thinking...
  • #26
ShawnD said:
I love salt. I put salt on bacon, macaroni, most stews, all seafood, and chicken. I also put Worcestershire sauce on steak (that sauce contains a lot of salt).
You should visit the Cayuga Salt Mine. :biggrin:
  • #27
I used to eat raw hot dogs, and i put mayonnaisse on my scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, (french fries, homefries, hashbrowns, ect.) and just about anything most normal people put ketchup on. i also eat meatloaf with ranch dressing.
  • #28
I'm trying to give up salt.

I have an addiction, but I know it's going to kill me. It's like EZ Start, once you've started using it as a commonplace additive, you need more, and more, to have the same effect. It's a downwards spiral. It was going to kill me, but I was man enough to admit it. I said "NO!" to salt. I had a lot of support, my friends were behind me. It's not easy, and I've not given up fully yet, but I'm getting there. I'm winning the battle.

If anyone would like to start up a self help group, I'd be glad to listen to you and to support you through this difficult time. The hardest part is to admit that you've got a problem, an addiction.

3 months on and I no longer use salt as part of my daily routine. I don't cook with it any more, but I still get a rush when I get Fish & Chips from the chippy, when it's doused in vinegar, accompanied by some mushy peas, and finally caked in salt until all the moisture is drawn out from it, like gritting a slug. I know I've come a long way in my battle, but I'm not out of the woods yet. But one day, I'll have jacked it in completely, and I'll be free from that burden, and never again will I depend on salt to get me through a week.
  • #29
The best tacos [my favorite dish] I've ever had were tripe tacos; found at some little greasy taco stand in the ghettos of East LA.
  • #30
Ivan Seeking said:
The best tacos [my favorite dish] I've ever had were tripe tacos; found at some little greasy taco stand in the ghettos of East LA.

Good to see Ivan elevate this discussion back out of the gutter. :biggrin:
  • #31
ShawnD said:
What weird things do you eat?

Mc Donalds
  • #32
Moonbear said:
Good to see Ivan elevate this discussion back out of the gutter. :biggrin:

ghetto, not gutter. I have my limits you know. :mad:
  • #33
Pengwuino said:
Mc Donalds

Unlike Pengwuino who knows no limits...
  • #34
Pengwuino said:
Mc Donalds

didn't you see that documentary "Super Size Me" where the guy only ate mcdonalds! i wouldn't ever touch the stuff after watching that. well, maybe a milkshake every once in a while. but ya, fast food is pretty gross. and BAAD for you!
  • #35
Gale17 said:
didn't you see that documentary "Super Size Me" where the guy only ate mcdonalds! i wouldn't ever touch the stuff after watching that. well, maybe a milkshake every once in a while. but ya, fast food is pretty gross. and BAAD for you!

... he ate the same thing 3 times a day for 30 days. Common sense dictates your going to get sick. McDonalds doesn't go aroudn telling people to it it for every meal every single day. If you can't get it into your head that food that you go out and buy isn't meant to be eaten 3 times a day, then you deserve to get sick :) No one goes to a restaurant 3 times a day 30 days a month...

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