What is the purpose of the 4.7kΩ resistances in this PIC circuit?

  • Thread starter Zalajbeg
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In summary: If the pulldown resistances don't exist there would be no current flow through the input port. You need to have a logical one or zero on the input at all times and "floating" is not either one, reliably.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I wanted to make some tries on PIC programming and needed some circuits. When I was searching I found some circuits but they seem confusing to me.


In the circuit picture attached I wonder why are there the 4.7kΩ ressistances on the left hand side? I think they only form parallel loops and don't provide anything apart from more energy consumptation. What do I miss?

I also cannot understand the lines in the microcontroller. Can someone show the simplified streams?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
The pulldown resistors on the left are meant to present a logic low (0V) to those RC[3:0] inputs to the PIC. When one of the pushbuttons on the left are closed, that pulls that input up to a logic high (5V). The pushbutton is a low impedance (less than 1 Ohm), so there is very little voltage drop across them when closed, and there is a 5V drop across the associated 4.7k resistor when the switch is closed.

I'm afraid that I don't understand your last question about the lines and streams for the PIC...
  • #3
Thanks for your reply.

I wanted to mean that which ways the current follows in the PIC. If there is current on the wires which go to the inputs then the ressistances just form parallel circuits. If they were not there wouldn't the circuit still work?
  • #4
Zalajbeg said:
Thanks for your reply.

I wanted to mean that which ways the current follows in the PIC. If there is current on the wires which go to the inputs then the ressistances just form parallel circuits. If they were not there wouldn't the circuit still work?

No, without the pulldown resistors the inputs would be "floating" when the push-buttons are open and "floating" can lead to undefined/unreliable/unrepeatable consequences that you do not want. You need to have a logical one or zero on the input at all times and "floating" is not either one, reliably.
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  • #5
Thank you very much for your nice explanation.

I think now I need to know this logic. If the pull down resistances doesn't exist there would be no current flow through the input port. I think you call this condition "floating". Then when there are pull down resistances will there be current through the input port (may be in the opposite direction)?

Also is there any source you can advise, which shows the logic of micro controllers, and calculation methods for elements of circuits?

FAQ: What is the purpose of the 4.7kΩ resistances in this PIC circuit?

1. What is a PIC circuit?

A PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) circuit is a type of integrated circuit that contains a microcontroller, memory, and other components, used for controlling electronic devices.

2. What is resistance in a PIC circuit?

Resistance in a PIC circuit refers to the opposition of current flow through a component, such as a resistor, in the circuit. It is measured in ohms and can affect the flow of electricity and the performance of the circuit.

3. How do resistors affect a PIC circuit?

Resistors in a PIC circuit are used to control the flow of current and voltage in the circuit. They can limit the amount of current that passes through a specific part of the circuit, ensuring that the components are not damaged by excess electricity.

4. Why is it important to consider resistances in a PIC circuit?

Considering resistances in a PIC circuit is crucial because it helps to ensure that the circuit operates efficiently and within safe limits. Without proper consideration of resistances, the circuit may not function as intended and can potentially damage the components.

5. How do you calculate resistances in a PIC circuit?

To calculate resistances in a PIC circuit, you need to use Ohm's Law, which states that resistance (R) is equal to voltage (V) divided by current (I). This can be represented as R = V/I. You can also use the color code on the resistors to determine their resistance value.
