Average distance between random points in 2D

In summary, the conversation is about finding an analytical solution for calculating the expectation value for the mean distance between n points randomly placed inside a circle of radius a. The speaker mentions that the problem can be solved computationally, but they are looking for an analytical solution. They also suggest using cartesian coordinates for simplicity. The solution involves using an integral to sum the distance between all possible pairs and dividing by the area squared.
  • #1
I'm looking for an analytical solution to a very simple problem I've come across.

Start with a circle of radius a. Now place n points at random positions inside this circle. Can you calculate the expectation value for the mean distance between the points?

For the sake of argument can you solve this for say n=5?

This problem is very simple to solve computationally by just distributing points, measuring the distances and looping many times but I am looking for an analytical solution.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Distance d between the two points [itex](r_1,\phi_1) and (r_2,\phi_2)[/itex] is
$$ d(r_1, r_2, \phi_1, \phi_2 )= \sqrt{{r_1}^2 + {r_2}^2 - 2r_1 r_2 cos(\phi_1- \phi_2) } $$

The average distance is expressed as
$$ \frac{1}{(\pi a^2)^2} \int_0^a r_1 dr_1 \int_0^a r_2 dr_2 \int_0^{2\pi} d\phi_1 \int_0^{2\pi} d\phi_2 d(r_1, r_2, \phi_1, \phi_2 )$$.
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  • #3
It might be simpler to consider cartesian coordinates for this case. The idea would be the same as above.

Basically, you are doing the same thing as you would with any average, but this time it's infinite so you use an integral. Just sum the distance between every possible pair, then divide by the "number of possibilities" (the area squared).

FAQ: Average distance between random points in 2D

1. What is the definition of "average distance between random points in 2D"?

The average distance between random points in 2D refers to the average distance between two randomly selected points on a two-dimensional plane.

2. How is the average distance between random points in 2D calculated?

The average distance between random points in 2D can be calculated by dividing the sum of all the distances between pairs of random points by the total number of pairs of points.

3. What is the significance of studying the average distance between random points in 2D?

Studying the average distance between random points in 2D can provide insights into the distribution of points within a two-dimensional space and can be useful in various fields such as statistics, geometry, and computer science.

4. How does the distribution of points affect the average distance between random points in 2D?

The distribution of points within a two-dimensional space can greatly affect the average distance between random points. For example, a clustered distribution of points will result in a smaller average distance compared to a more evenly spread out distribution.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the concept of average distance between random points in 2D?

Yes, the concept of average distance between random points in 2D has various real-world applications such as analyzing the distribution of stars in a galaxy, determining the optimal placement of cell phone towers, and studying the spread of diseases within a population.
