How is the Definition of Angle in Linear Algebra Derived?

In summary, angle is the angle between the vectors u and v. When you know their modulus and the angle between their directions, you can calculate their scalar product.
  • #1
Hi! I cannot get this definition of angle a:
cos a = u * v / (||u|| * ||v||)
and how it match up with
u * v = ||u|| * ||v|| * cos a
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  • #2
What do you mean you don't get it...?

is the expression of the scalar product of 2 vectors,when you know their modulus & the angle between their directions...

  • #3

To [tex] {cos(\alpha)|u||v| = u\bullet v[/tex]

Just multiply both sides by
  • #4
whozum said:

To [tex] {cos(\alpha)|u||v| = u\bullet v[/tex]

Just multiply both sides by

I'm sure there's something devious in your post... :rolleyes:


EDIT:Not anymore,you edited it... :wink:
  • #5

I switched the wrong quantity, I always do that with latex.
  • #6
Hmm. I formulated me quite wrong. How come, if u = (x1, y1), v = (x2, y2), u * v = x1x2 + y1y2 = ||v|| ||u|| cos a
  • #8
there are two formulas for scalar product:

1- *[v] = xx' + yy' where (x,y) and [v](x',y')

2- *[v] = u*v*cos(,[v])

they usually give you in exercises the coordinates of the two vectors and ask you to find their angle
  • #9
But, indeed, I've concluded from MathWorld, which I should have checked out right the way of cource, there's not two definition of the dot product. One can from the definition involving cosinus derive the other one, which strangely Schamu's Outline of Linear Algebra state is The definition. Only for complicate the matter in my limit brain, they also define angle as cos a = u * v / (||u|| ||v||). So I'm not as mad you may think I am.
  • #10
Well, if you approach it from the perspective of vector spaces (as you probably are in your linalg course), then you usually define a vector space with an inner product to be a vector space with an operation such that and ,

4. is definite positive, ie. with equality iff .

We then define

which we call the magnitude or length or modulus of .

Now say we choose such that . Then

with the last inequality by 4., so

and thus for any

and so by the previous argument,

which is the well-known Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.

From here, we very simply define that

it's just like any other definition you ever will encounter. You can then derive all the properties of the function.
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FAQ: How is the Definition of Angle in Linear Algebra Derived?

What is the definition of an angle in linear algebra?

In linear algebra, an angle is defined as the amount of rotation between two vectors in a vector space. It is measured in radians and can be positive or negative depending on the direction of rotation.

How do you calculate the angle between two vectors?

The angle between two vectors can be calculated using the dot product formula: θ = cos-1(u · v / ||u|| ||v||), where u and v are the two vectors and ||u|| and ||v|| are their magnitudes.

Can angles in linear algebra be negative?

Yes, angles in linear algebra can be negative. This indicates a clockwise rotation between two vectors, whereas a positive angle represents a counterclockwise rotation.

What is the range of values for angles in linear algebra?

The range of values for angles in linear algebra is from -π to π radians. In degrees, this would be from -180° to 180°.

How are angles used in linear algebra?

Angles are used in linear algebra to measure the orientation and relationship between vectors. They are also important in calculations involving rotations and transformations in vector spaces.
