Generalizing symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses

In summary, Office_Shredder is looking for a function that traces out an ellipse, but wants the symmetry axis to lie along an arbitrary vector. She finds that the task is easy if a=b=1, but becomes more difficult when a is not equal to b. She is looking for hints/help to generalize the function.
  • #1

I am looking at the contours of the following function f, which trace out an ellipse:

f(x, y, z) = \exp(-x^2a)\exp(-y^2b)
Here [itex]a\neq b[/itex] are both positive, real constants. The axis of these ellipses is along [itex]z[/itex]. Now, I am wondering how to generalize the function f such that the symmetry axis of these elliptical contours lies along an arbitrary vector defined by some line that goes through the point p=(x0, y0, z0) and has directional vector r (in usual spherical coordinates)
r = (\sin \theta, \cos \phi, \sin \theta\sin\phi, \cos \theta)
If [itex]a=b=1[/itex] the task would be easy: In this case we can write [itex]d^2 = x^2 + y^2[/itex], and generalize this such that it gives the distance between the point/coordinate (x,y,z) and the above line (p, r). But when [itex]a\neq b[/itex] I can't write [itex]d^2[/itex] like that. What can I do in this general case?

Note that this question is a generalization of this thread, where the case [itex]a=b=1[/itex] was treated. Thanks in advance for hints/help.
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  • #2
Rather than try to do a change of coordinates directly, I think it helps to build intuition to do it backwards. In the exponential, we want a function whose value is 0 if you are lying on a line given by a specific vector v (presumably a unit vector but it doesn't really affect the problem), and furthermore we pick two vectors w1 and w2 orthogonal to v and having unit length such that if our position (x,y,z) is: [itex](x,y,z)= \alpha w_1 + \beta w_2+\gamma v[/itex] then in the exponential we have
[tex] e^{-\alpha^2 a -\beta^2 b } [/tex].

Now we're done basically! The function f(x,y,z) is defined in two steps:
1) Write [itex] (x,y,z) = \alpha w_1 + \beta w_2 + \gamma v [/itex]
2) Define
[tex] f(x,y,z) = e^{-\alpha^2 a - \beta^2 b } [/tex]
To write this in a single formula all you need to do is solve for [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex] \beta[/itex] in terms of (x,y,z) which can be done by inverting a 3x3 matrix (assuming you know w1, w2 and v)
  • #3
Hi Office_Shredder

Thanks for that. You are right, doing it backwards like this is more intuitive. So it reduces to finding the unit vectors w1, w2 and v for a given symmetry axis. I write the axis generally, so it passes through some point P=(x', y', z') with unit direction vector
r = (\sin \theta \cos \phi, \sin \theta\sin\phi, \cos\theta)
So the axis is given by L(t) = P + rt. I am working in units of meters so P is in meters, just like the product rt (r is unitless). This line is v. I am a little uncertain of this, because I need a unit vector, whereas this is basically a parametrized line.

Now I need to find w1 and w2, parallel to the two axes of the ellipse. Can I get a hint to how I can determine these?

Thanks for getting me started.EDIT: I realized that I don't need to take into account P at the current moment. I can always do that afterwards, when I have found [itex]\alpha,\beta[/itex], sinply by shifting [itex]x, y[/itex] and [itex]z[/itex]. So v is simply given by the unit vector in spherical coordinates for now, r.
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  • #4
I figured it out, w1 and w2 are of course just the other spherical components, besides r. So now I know what [itex]\alpha[/itex] and [itex]\beta[/itex] are in terms of [itex](x, y, z)[/itex]. If I want to shift them by a constant amount, I just shift [itex](x, y, z)\rightarrow (x+x', y+y', z+z')[/itex]

Related to Generalizing symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses

1. What is meant by "generalizing symmetry axis" in the context of constant-contour ellipses?

"Generalizing symmetry axis" refers to finding the average or most common axis of symmetry among a group of constant-contour ellipses. This allows for a more generalized understanding of the overall shape and symmetry of the group.

2. How is the symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses determined?

The symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses is determined by analyzing the orientation and position of each ellipse within the group. The axis is then calculated based on the average or most common orientation and position.

3. What are the applications of generalizing symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses?

The generalization of symmetry axis can be useful in various fields such as computer graphics, image analysis, and pattern recognition. It allows for a simplified representation of complex shapes and can aid in the identification and classification of objects.

4. Are there any limitations to generalizing symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses?

Yes, there are limitations to this approach. It may not accurately represent the shape and symmetry of all ellipses within a group, especially if there are outliers or significant variations in shape. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for highly irregular or non-elliptical shapes.

5. Can generalizing symmetry axis of constant-contour ellipses be applied to other shapes besides ellipses?

Yes, the concept of generalizing symmetry axis can be applied to other shapes that exhibit symmetry, such as circles, rectangles, and even irregular shapes. However, the method of calculation may differ depending on the specific shape and its characteristics.

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