Orthogonality condition for disimilar Bessel functions

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of orthogonality conditions to evaluate integrals involving Bessel functions, specifically the integral for m not equal to n. The conversation also mentions the use of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik to obtain the necessary formula and discusses the evaluation of a constant in an equation involving Bessel functions. However, the constant cannot be evaluated due to the non-zero value of the integral.
  • #1
As per orthogonality condition this equation is valid:

[itex]\int_0^b xJ_0(\lambda_nx)J_0(\lambda_mx)dx = 0[/itex] for [itex] m\not=n[/itex]

I want to know the outcome of the following:

[itex]\int_0^b xJ_0(\lambda_nx)Y_0(\lambda_mx)dx = 0[/itex]

for two cases:
[itex] m\not=n[/itex]
[itex] m=n[/itex]
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  • #2
I didn't have access to Gradshteyn and Ryzhik earlier. Integral 5.54 claims that, for ##X,Z## any of the Bessel functions (##J,Y,\ldots##),

$$\begin{split} \int x X_p(\alpha x) Z_p(\beta x) & = \frac{x}{\alpha^2-\beta^2} \left( \alpha X_{p+1}(\alpha x) Z_p(\beta x) -\beta X_{p}(\alpha x) Z_{p+1}(\beta x) \right) \\
& = \frac{x}{\alpha^2-\beta^2} \left( \beta X_{p}(\alpha x) Z_{p-1}(\beta x) -\alpha X_{p-1}(\alpha x) Z_{p}(\beta x) \right) .\end{split} $$

You should be able to work out your integral by setting the appropriate integration limits and using other identities as necessary.
  • #3
Thanks alot!

I can now solve the problem. But there is still one more thing left. Is it safe to assume that above integral will be equal to zero in case

[itex] \int x X_p(\alpha x) Z_q(\beta x) = ?


when p\not = q [/itex]
  • #4
itisali said:
Thanks alot!

I can now solve the problem. But there is still one more thing left. Is it safe to assume that above integral will be equal to zero in case

[itex] \int x X_p(\alpha x) Z_q(\beta x) = ?


when p\not = q [/itex]

I am unable to find precisely that integral. The integral I gave above can be derived from the expressions for the derivative of the Bessel functions (which involves specific factors of ##x##), using integration by parts. The intermediate result that applies to ##p\neq q## is


So the part involving the integral you want involves ##x^{-1}## instead of ##x##.

However, the universality of the formula seems to agree with my suggestion that the orthogonality relations of ##J## with ##Y## are precisely analogous to ##J## with ##J##. I urge you to try to get your hands on a copy of Gradshteyn and Rhyzik, at least from a library, since you might note a useful result that I have overlooked.


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  • #5
I managed to get Gradshteyn and Ryzhik today. The book is really useful.

Now that we have got the formula...

[itex]\begin{split} \int x X_p(\alpha x) Z_p(\beta x) & = \frac{x}{\alpha^2-\beta^2} \left( \alpha X_{p+1}(\alpha x) Z_p(\beta x) -\beta X_{p}(\alpha x) Z_{p+1}(\beta x) \right) \\
& = \frac{x}{\alpha^2-\beta^2} \left( \beta X_{p}(\alpha x) Z_{p-1}(\beta x) -\alpha X_{p-1}(\alpha x) Z_{p}(\beta x) \right) .\end{split}[/itex]

... I would like to evaluate the constant [itex]c_n[/itex] for the following equation:

[itex] T = \sum^{∞}_{n=1} c_n e^{-\alpha \lambda^{2}_{n}t}(\frac{-Y_0(\lambda_nb)J_0(\lambda_nr)}{J_0(\lambda_nb)} +Y_0(\lambda_nr))[/itex]

Applying initial condition leads to:
[itex]T(r,0) = X [/itex]

[itex] X = \sum^{∞}_{n=1} c_n (\frac{-Y_0(\lambda_nb)J_0(\lambda_nr)}{J_0(\lambda_nb)} +Y_0(\lambda_nr))[/itex]

Multiply both sides by [itex]rJ_0(\lambda_mr)[/itex] and integrate from r=a to r=b.

[itex] ∫^{b}_{a}rJ_0(\lambda_mr)Xdr = \sum^{∞}_{n=1} c_n (∫^{b}_{a}\frac{-Y_0(\lambda_nb)rJ_0(\lambda_mr)J_0(\lambda_nr)}{J_0(\lambda_nb)}dr +∫^{b}_{a}rJ_0(\lambda_mr)Y_0(\lambda_nr)dr)[/itex]

The first term on the right side of equation will be taken care of by using the orthogonality condition:

[itex]\int_a^b xJ_0(\lambda_nx)J_0(\lambda_mx)dx = 0[/itex]
for [itex]n\not=m[/itex]
So for first term on right side all integrals of the series would vanish except for the case n =m.

The second term on right side will be evaluated using the formula that you mentioned in your post.

Since for our case, the below equation is not equal to zero:

[itex]\begin{split} \int x X_p(\alpha x) Z_p(\beta x) & = \frac{x}{\alpha^2-\beta^2} \left( \alpha X_{p+1}(\alpha x) Z_p(\beta x) -\beta X_{p}(\alpha x) Z_{p+1}(\beta x) \right) \\
& = \frac{x}{\alpha^2-\beta^2} \left( \beta X_{p}(\alpha x) Z_{p-1}(\beta x) -\alpha X_{p-1}(\alpha x) Z_{p}(\beta x) \right) .\end{split}\not=0[/itex]

... the summation sign would stay intact and [itex]c_n[/itex] cannot be evaluated.

Would you please help me get rid of the summation sign. I want to evaluate [itex]c_n[/itex].

FAQ: Orthogonality condition for disimilar Bessel functions

1. What is the orthogonality condition for dissimilar Bessel functions?

The orthogonality condition for dissimilar Bessel functions states that if two Bessel functions, Jn(x) and Jm(x), have different indices (n ≠ m), then their product integrated over a certain range is equal to zero. This means that the two functions are perpendicular to each other.

2. Why is the orthogonality condition important?

The orthogonality condition is important because it allows us to solve differential equations involving Bessel functions. By using the orthogonality condition, we can find the coefficients of the Bessel function series solutions, which in turn helps us to find the solution to the original differential equation.

3. How is the orthogonality condition derived?

The orthogonality condition can be derived by using the Sturm-Liouville theory, which states that if two functions are orthogonal with respect to a weight function, then their product integrated over a certain range is equal to zero. By applying this theory to the Bessel functions, we can derive the orthogonality condition for dissimilar Bessel functions.

4. Can the orthogonality condition be extended to other types of Bessel functions?

Yes, the orthogonality condition can be extended to other types of Bessel functions, such as modified Bessel functions and Hankel functions. However, the range of integration and the weight function may differ for different types of Bessel functions.

5. How is the orthogonality condition used in practical applications?

The orthogonality condition is used in many practical applications, such as in signal processing, image reconstruction, and solving boundary value problems in physics and engineering. It allows us to find the coefficients of Bessel function series solutions, which can then be used to model and analyze various physical phenomena.
