Bullet+block+spring physics homework

In summary, the bullet becomes embedded in the block of wood, which then compresses the spring a distance of 28 cm. The kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of energy during the inelastic collision.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 15.0 g bullet with a speed of v = 235 m/s is fired into a block of wood that is initially at
rest on a frictionless surface. The block of wood is attached to a horizontal massless
spring with a spring constant k = 195 N/m that is initially uncompressed. The other end
of the spring is attached to a wall as shown in the figure below. The bullet becomes
imbedded in the block of wood which then compresses the spring a distance of 28.0 cm
before momentarily coming to a stop.

a) Determine the mass of the wooden block.
b) What fraction of the kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of energy
during the inelastic collision of the bullet with the wooden block?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

for a) is it like this:
kx = 1/2mv^2
x = 28cm
m = m of bullet + M of block
v = initial speed
and then solve for M
kx = 1/2(m + M)^2.

And 2nd question i don't know how to start.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Where is the image,Jabababa?
  • #4
Jabababa said:
for a) is it like this:
kx = 1/2mv^2
x = 28cm
m = m of bullet + M of block
v = initial speed
and then solve for M
kx = 1/2(m + M)^2.

You are equating kx(force,a vector quantity) with (1\2)mv^2(kinetic energy,a scalar quantity) which is incorrect.

First understand that bullet and block are undergoing inelastic collision.

What happens in an inelastic collision ?
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  • #5
Jabababa said:
for a) is it like this:
kx = 1/2mv^2
x = 28cm
m = m of bullet + M of block
v = initial speed
and then solve for M
kx = 1/2(m + M)^2.

And 2nd question i don't know how to start.

the equations you wrote isn't correct. Check again.

for 1st question you have to first conserve momentum for bullet-block collision then determine the final velocity of the block+bullet. Now you can apply energy conservation kinetic energy of block+bullet changes to potential energy of spring (1/2 kx^2).

After you solve first question then you would know the kinetic energy after collision, then you can solve for loss of energy by subtracting it from initial energy of bullet. and then calculate the fraction.

Edit: Tanya Sharma got here first, she is also saying the same thing.
  • #6
NihalSh said:
the equations you wrote isn't correct. Check again.

for 1st question you have to first conserve momentum for bullet-block collision then determine the final velocity of the block+bullet. Now you can apply energy conservation kinetic energy of block+bullet changes to potential energy of spring (1/2 kx^2).

After you solve first question then you would know the kinetic energy after collision, then you can solve for loss of energy by subtracting it from initial energy of bullet. and then calculate the fraction.

Edit: Tanya Sharma got here first, she is also saying the same thing.

oo so i should use this instead:

m(bullet)v + m(Block)v = m(total)v? To find the final velocity? But then on the right hand side i will have 2 unknown variables...

edit: should i be doing this:
m(bullet)v + m(Block)v = m(total)v
1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2
then from 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 i isolate and get m = kx^2/v^2 and sub it into the first momentum equation to find final velocity. Then with final velocity i can find total mass?
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  • #7
Jabababa said:
oo so i should use this instead:

m(bullet)v + m(Block)v = m(total)v? To find the final velocity? But then on the right hand side i will have 2 unknown variables...

edit: should i be doing this:
m(bullet)v + m(Block)v = m(total)v
1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2
then from 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 i isolate and get m = kx^2/v^2 and sub it into the first momentum equation to find final velocity. Then with final velocity i can find total mass?

There are two masses,bullet and block,so us two different variables,say m for bullet and M for block.Denote velocity of bullet before collision by 'u' and velocity of (bullet+block) after collision by 'v'.

So your conservation of momentum would look like

mu = (M+m)v .

Here M and v are unknown .

Now what happens after collision ? How would you use the distance traveled by (block+bullet) before stopping ?
  • #8
Jabababa said:
oo so i should use this instead:

m(bullet)v + m(Block)v = m(total)v? To find the final velocity? But then on the right hand side i will have 2 unknown variables...

edit: should i be doing this:
m(bullet)v + m(Block)v = m(total)v
1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2
then from 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 i isolate and get m = kx^2/v^2 and sub it into the first momentum equation to find final velocity. Then with final velocity i can find total mass?

firstly use different variables as Tanya Sharma already pointed out. You are headed in the right direction. What is the velocity of the block before collision?...its zero

Yes, then do the substitution.

P.S. : Equations

##m_{bullet}.v_{bullet} + m_{block}.v_{block}= m_{total}.v_{combined}##

##m_{total} = m_{bullet} + m_{block}##

##\frac{1}{2}m_{total}.v_{combined}^2 = \frac{1}{2}k.x^2##

FAQ: Bullet+block+spring physics homework

1. What is the purpose of the bullet, block, and spring in this physics homework?

The bullet, block, and spring are used to demonstrate the principles of conservation of momentum and energy. The bullet represents an object with mass and velocity, the block represents a stationary object, and the spring represents a force acting on the block.

2. How does the bullet's mass affect the motion of the block?

The bullet's mass affects the motion of the block by transferring its momentum to the block upon impact. A heavier bullet will have more momentum and therefore cause the block to move with a greater velocity.

3. What is the equation for calculating the momentum of the bullet?

The equation for calculating momentum is p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. This equation can be used to calculate the momentum of the bullet before and after it impacts the block.

4. How does the spring's stiffness affect the distance the block moves?

The spring's stiffness, or spring constant, affects the distance the block moves by determining the magnitude of the force exerted on the block. A stiffer spring will exert a greater force and therefore cause the block to move a greater distance.

5. Can the bullet, block, and spring system be used to calculate the speed of the bullet?

Yes, the bullet, block, and spring system can be used to calculate the speed of the bullet. By measuring the distance the block moves and using equations for conservation of momentum and energy, the initial speed of the bullet can be calculated.
